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I Kings 18:11, 14-22-Rebuking Of A Nation-Elijah Series 6 of 18

Posted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>

Rebuking Of A Nation

Elijah Series 6 of 18


  TEXT:  I Kings 18:11, 14-22

     AIM:  To cause the believers to take a stand for God even when no one else will.


1.    17:1          – REVEALING of the Prophet – Elijah’s ministry was inaugurated when he introduced himself to King Ahab and announced that here was to be no rain according to his word.

2.    17:2-7      – REFUGE at Cherith – God prepared place – plenty and provision via a Raven twice a day – Brook dried up.

3.    17:8-16    – RESOURCE of Faith – God prepared a widow woman at Zarephath in Zidon

4.    17:17-24 – RAISING of the Dead – Tragedy struck, widow’s son died. Elijah’s faith took a giant leap and he performed a miracle in rising the son – Greatly increased the widow’s faith.

Period of training and testing the prophet in private is over. It is now time for God to trust and prove the prophet in public.

3 ½ years of drought was soon to pass. God is almost ready to extend His grace once again by allowing the rain to return.

We are about to see whether or not the nation has learned the lesson God is trying to teach them about Himself.

After the promised 3 ½ years of judgment had expired, God instructed Elijah go out and publically to meet Ahab. As he was going to meet Ahab, he by chance meets up with Obadiah, the king’s governor, who is also a servant of the Lord.

Obadiah is out looking for grass for Ahab’s horses and mules—while all the while people are starving to death.

Upon their meeting, Elijah tells Obadiah to Go, tell thy lord, Behold, Elijah is here” 
(1 Kgs. 18:8). This brings us to our 5th message.

5.    18:1-15    – RELUCTANT Servant – Obadiah hesitated and argued about the wisdom of Elijah using him as his errand boy.

       He informed him how Ahab sent emissaries through out the land looking for him taking oaths from the national leaders that they hadn’t seen him.

       Obadiah was afraid that if he went and told Ahab that he knew where Elijah was, Ahab would be very excited, but because the Lord protects Elijah, he believed God would lead Elijah away. This would infuriate Ahab leaving Obadiah holding the bag and Ahab then would kill him.

       Obadiah initially refused to do it, but Elijah pressed the point that he was going to see Ahab face to face that very day! 18:16 says, So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him: and Ahab went to meet Elijah.”

That brings us to our present text – REBUKING of the Nation.

When Elijah meets Ahab he immediately rebukes him for his sin of turning from the Lord and worshipping idols. Later, Elijah rebukes the people for their halting between two opinions.

Here are three thoughts on this segment:

I.       The INDICTMENT of Ahab   – 16-18

II.   The INJUNCTION to Ahab    – 19-20

III. The INDECISION of the People      – 21-22

I.       The Indictment of ahab – 16-18

A.     Confrontation – 16-17

1.      Critical moment for Ahab – he had gone to great length to find Elijah – 
Cp. 1 Kings 18:10

2.       No doubt his anger and hatred grew daily.

3.      He had probably planned to pour out his wrath on Elijah after forcing him to lift the drought for it was by Elijah’s word the rain stopped and it was only by his word that it would rain again

4.      Courage of Elijah

a.      Elijah was absolutely fearless as he met Ahab.

1)      He was confident of being in God’s will
2)      He was confident of God’s power in his life.
3)      He was confident of God’s presence and protection
4)      He was confident of God was completely in charge of the situation.

b.      He knew he was sent by God and by experience knew he could depend upon God and didn’t have to fear man.

Note the words of David … 

Psalms 27:1-3 – “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2] When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3] Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.”

5.      Commitment of the Believer – the believer today is responsible in confronting sinners.

a.      Believing sinners Gal. 6:1 – “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness…”

b.      Unsaved sinners – bring conviction to their conscience.

B.      Conveying the Blame – 18:17-18

Who is the blame for Death, and Drought from the Famine for 3 ½ years?

1.      Ahab immediately blamed Elijah for all of Israel’s suffering – vs. 17

a.      He rejects the reason for why God has sent the chastisement – It was Ahab’s sin of leading the nation into idolatry.

b.      Cutting off of the rain was God’s grace – it was from God and for the good of the nation.

c.       Ahab totally rejected the idea that chastisement was from God. Judgement was sent to being Ahab and nation to repentance, but the chastisement was rejected. He tried absolving himself of any responsibility.

Pro. 3:11-12 – “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction12] For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

1)      The mark of the sinner, the one who under judgement or chastisement to blame everyone and everything else for their troubles. “It is not my fault!”
2)      It always is the wicked that blame the child of God or God for the world’s trouble, rather than their own sin.
3)      Whose fault was it that it hadn’t rained for 3 ½ years? Bodies of people lay stretched out over the land? Mother’s were grieving over children who died of starvation and thirst? Who’s fault was it?
4)      BTW, whom are you blaming for your troubles? For your plight? For your judgement and chastisement that falls upon you? Your wife, husband, children, boss, relatives, neighbours – who?

2.      Elijah fearlessly pointed his finger at Ahab and placed the blame where it belonged. He did not beat around the bush even though he stood in the midst of well-armed soldiers ready to cut off his head. It was Ahab’s father’s house that for 58-yrs. have been leading nation astray into idolatry and dividing the kingdom – 1Kings 18:18

a.      It is YOU – “Ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord.”

1)      Before Ahab followed Balaam he forsook the Lord.
2)      Before a person turns to evil they turn away from the Lord.
3)      Before a person starts to serve sin they forsake the Lord in their heart.
4)      Before a person gets involved in a sinful activity – he or she must decide to forsake the Lord.

Jer. 2:13 – “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.”

5)      Backsliders still follow this pattern. They stop reading their Bible, stop praying, stop being faithful in church, stop their giving, and stop witnessing for the Lord – generally their devotion to Christ declines.
6)      After a person cools spiritually, it is only natural to start to serve sin!

b.      “And thou hast followed Balaam” (18:18)

1)      Who’s Balaam? He is the satanic counterpart for Jehovah – Sun god known as the sole lord of heaven and earth. He was the supreme god of the Caananites.
2)      He was worshipped for his benevolence – i.e. he gave warmth, caused the crops to grow – Canaanites gave him credit for all good things that happened.
3)      In times of trouble or plague and in vengeance for their sin they offered human sacrifices to appease his anger – usually first born –
a)      O.T. terminology referred to having off-spring “pass through the fire”
b)      As such an idol’s image was hollow in the rear where a fierce fire was built which heated the idols out stretched arms on which the child was offered.
4)      Gross sensual practices were associated with Baal worship.

c.       Ahab was more evil than his father Omri. His evil heart made him vulnerable to Jezebel as it was his wife who influenced his trek away from God – 1 Kings 16:31

1)      Jezebel was a Phoenician Princess who’s father was Ethbaal – King of the Zidonians
2)      Their marriage was politically expedient, providing a pact between Israel and Phoenicia, but it was spiritually disastrous.
3)      When people turn from following God their potential for evil knows almost no bounds.

II.     The Injunction – vs. 19-20

Note how Elijah was controlling the situation. Ahab and the armed guard did not intimidate him. Ahab knew that Elijah was the key to rain and had no choice but to do what Elijah said.

A.     Elijah Commands An Assembly – 1 Kings 18:19

1.      Elijah commanded an assembly of the nation of Israel and the 850 prophets of Baal.

a.      What Elijah was going to do must be done publicly before the entire nation – He wanted a crowd – as large as possible.

b.      The prophets of Baal must be publicly revealed as being powerless.
All must see it; so all doubt would be removed as to who God is!

2.      The verse says there were 400 “prophets of the groves.” Baal had a female companion called Ashtoreth

a.      She was the moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing nature’s principal female deity; frequently associated with the name of Baal, the sun god their chief male deity (Judg. 10:6; 1 Sam. 7:4; 12:10).

b.      This deity is spoken of as Ashtoreth of the Zidonians. She was the Ishtar of the Accadians and the Astarte of the Greeks (Jer. 44:17; 1 Kings 11:5, 33; 2 Kings 23:13).

c.       A wooden image, or a pillar representing Ashtoreth, this sensual Canaanitish goddess, was usually set up in a grove (2 Kings 21:7; 23:4).

3.      God’s grace is shown in the contest on Mt. Carmel

a.      Aren’t you glad that we have a God that loves us in spite of our sin and that He hasn’t killed you already?

b.      If God were like many of us there would be no Baal worshippers in the land – this country would be de-populated.

c.       God in His grace is giving the nation of Israel another opportunity to respond to His mercy and love.

B.      Choice of the Place

1.      Mt. Carmel is on a mountain range, which rises to more than 1,700 ft. and is parallel to the Sea of Galilee on the east.

2.      It is in the N.W. corner of Israel jutting into the Mediterranean Sea near modern Haifa – The Sea is where they got water for the contest in a time of drought.

3.      Carmel had been an ancient site for worship long before the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. There was a broken down altar still existing on the Mt. 

C.     Compliance of Ahab to Elijah’s Command – 1 Kings 18:20

1.      Ahab knew that Elijah was the key to the removal of the judgment.

2.      Ahab sent for “ALL the children of Israel” and ALL the prophets.

3.      The crowds come from every direction.

a.      Everyone had suffered during the judgment and was anxious to see it over.

b.      For over 3-yrs. Elijah had been blamed for their suffering.

c.       Perhaps Ahab planned to use this incident as a tool in turning the hearts of Israel to Baal.

III.   The Indecision OF THE PEOPLE

When Elijah arrived at Carmel he immediately took charge.

It was his meeting and he was going to chair it!

A.     CHALLENGING Question – 1 Kings 16:21

1.      They were ‘halting’ between two opinions. “Halt” means to “hop,” They hopped from one opinion to another or flip-flop on the issue.

a.      They had been taught the truth but for years had been bombarded by the lie of Baalism.

b.      They continually compared the two but remained undecided.

c.       God cut off the rain to awaken them. Baal’s failure to restore rain should have convinced them that he was no God.

d.      Elijah challenged them to make up their minds!

2.      King David during his reign rid the land to Baal worship 100 years before.

a.      The heightening of Baal worship was introduced by Ahab and Jezebel

b.      Baalism appealed to the flesh – it conflicted with the spiritual worship that Jehovah God demands

c.       Some tried to serve both God and Baal

3.      How long are we going to be halt between two opinions? Two Gods to serve:

a.      The god of this world: The god of self-seeking pleasure; of materialism, money, lust and of hell

2 Cor. 4:4-5 – “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 5] In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

b.      Then there is the God of Bible. The God of Creation, salvation, blessings, peace, purity, answered prayer, the supplier of needs, and of heaven.

c.        Jesus said you couldn’t serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24).

1)      If the flimsy, humanistic god of this world is god is where you faith lies, then serve it! 
2)      BUT if Christ is the durable God of the Bible then serve Him— 
Quit serving the god you make up in your mind!

We cannot serve both. We must choose!

B.      Notice the CONSTRAINT of the People – vs. 21

1 Kings 18:21 – “…And the people answered him not a word.’

1.      Perhaps they were silenced by shame and guilt?

2.      Perhaps indecision kept them from responding?

3.      Perhaps they recognised the power of God upon Elijah and feared the consequences for not being faithful?

4.      Perhaps they were sceptical – with unbelief written on their faces and nothing to say?

5.      Perhaps they were silenced by fear – maybe some did believe him, but who was going to speak up?

6.      Perhaps they were angry over the suffering they had been forced to endure and blamed Elijah for it.

7.      How would we answer? I think the average churchgoer today if transported in time back to Samaria and put with the Jews of Elijah’s day would also not answer a word.

C.     Courage Of The Prophet – 18:22

1.      As far as Elijah was concerned, he was the last prophet of Jehovah. He did not even give Obadiah that credit. His opponents were the 450 prophets of Baal.

2.      There was one man who said – “There may not be anyone else who will stand up and be counted for God – but I will!”

a.      It is not easy to be the only one in your home, or at work, or at school, or in your neighbourhood to live for God, BUT is possible!

b.      God will give the grace and strength to live for Him.

May God give us some Elijah’s—people who would be willing to stand.

People who will stand even if they have to stand-alone because nobody else will do it!


A.     Lessons –

1.      Ahab blamed Elijah for his and the nation’s suffering. Many Christians blame others for their trouble when it may be the chastening of the Lord.

2.      There are many Christians struggling with the decision as to whether they will serve God or the world. It is impossible to do both. A decision must be made. God will force you to choose. Chastening may be the means that God will use.

3.      We must be willing to stand for God even if it appears that there is no one else that will do it.



All God's best,
Bob Zemeski

40 Captain's Hill
Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23 C8K1
G. Campbell Morgan: " I never begin my work in the morning without thinking that perhaps He will interrupt my work and begin His own. – I am not looking for death, I am looking for Him. "      

1 Samuel 12:23,24


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