I Kings 18:19-40-Revival at Mt. Carmel-Elijah Series – 7 of 18
Quote from Forum Archives on November 29, 2016, 3:40 pmPosted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Revival at Mt. Carmel
Elijah Series – 7 of 18
Text: I Kings 18:19-40
It now has been 3 ½ years since Elijah banned rain from the skies of Israel, BUT presently, the drought is about to end. Nonetheless, the life quenching rain will not come until Jehovah God proves Himself as the one true God and totally discredits Baal before the nation of Israel.
God instructs His prophet Elijah to come out of hiding and in so doing he meets Obadiah—a reluctant and secret servant of God—who as the King Ahab’s governor.
It is Ahab who has sent Obadiah on a mission to look for pasture for the king’s mules and horses. When Elijah by chance meet, Elijah instructs Obadiah to tell Ahab that he has found him and that Elijah wants to meet him here.
After some unwilling discussion on that subject Obadiah agrees to go and inform Ahab of Elijah’s whereabouts. Ahab races to Elijah and when they confront each other Ahab immediately blames Elijah for the drought in 18:17. Elijah boldly informs the King that it is not he who is the blame for Israel’s trouble, but Ahab – 18:18
In this meeting, Ahab tried to shift blame for his troubles and problems on Elijah. Likewise, the world today is still trying to shift blame for its problems on everything and everyone.
Ever since the Garden of Eden, when Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the serpent for their sin of disobedience, people are so quick to shift the blame to somebody else. Folks try to justify their sin and shortcomings and every time something goes wrong they blame someone or something else!
A. One party blames the other:
Workers vs. Management; National Parties; Various industrial disputes; Race relations; Religion: Catholic vs. Protestant, Christians vs. Muslims – People are always shifting the blame.
Ahab is largely responsible for the immorality and idolatry of the nation, for he – as King of Israel – was responsible directly to Jehovah God for the welfare of His people. No man on earth had more human power at his disposal to bring and keep Israel faithful to God—but he didn’t!
As sovereigns, Kings ordinarily take pride in giving orders, but it is Elijah who is taking charge and giving orders to Ahab and guess what? He is complying! Elijah isn’t making suggestions or giving advice when he commands Ahab to gather an assembly.
—GET all of Israel, GET all the prophets of Baal and GET all the prophets of the grove (Ashtoreth goddess); He chose the place of the contest between God and Baal to verify the True God – it was Mt. Carmel. Ahab willingly complies – why? He wanted rain and was willing to do whatever he could to get it.
B. How easily God controls history!
Man thinks himself independent and self-sufficient.
As such, man becomes arrogant, independent and proud making decisions and thinking he has no one to answer to—not even God. Forty-one (41) months earlier, Ahab would never have believed that he would now be obeying the commands of the prophet in whose God he didn’t believe.
He was humbled before God as all rulers should be in recognition of God’s authority as Creator. Elijah then instructed Ahab to convene an assembly at Mount Carmel – 1 Kgs. 18:19
Elijah goes to Mt. Carmel and waits for the nation to gather – multitudes upon multitudes stream their way up the hill.
The prophets of Baal come prancing merrily on their way, expecting to make short work of the prophet Elijah. After all it was 850 to 1!
Then Ahab comes racing up in his chariot. After they have all gathered, Elijah one again takes charge and lifts up his voice in vs. 21 rebukes the people for being indecisive and divided in their loyalty, worship, and service to God – “How long halt ye between two opinions?”
This brings us to contest of our context. It is Elijah’s crowning moment.
This is what God had been preparing him for at the Brook Cherith, at the widow’s house at Zarephath, and in the raising of her son from the dead. All of this was designed to build and prepare the prophet Elijah to this exact moment when he is to expect a miracle from God on Mt. Carmel, which hopefully will bring revival to the nation and bringing it back to God.
This message will focus on the Revival at Mount Carmel.
This contest was Elijah’s crowning moment. Note FOUR thoughts:
1. Imposing a Challenge – Vs. 22-24
2. Impotence of Baal – Vs. 24-29
3. Identifying the True God – Vs. 30-39
4. Inescapable End of the Prophets of Baal – Vs. 40
II. Imposing a challenge – vs. 22-24
A. Claim of Elijah – vs. 22
1. Elijah discounted the 100 prophets that Obadiah had hidden.
a. He did not appear to feel kindly toward them. Surely, with all the publicity about this meeting, someone must have told those hiding prophets.
b. What a message it would have sent to Ahab and Israel if they had come out of hiding to stand with Elijah!
2. Elijah believed that he was the only one who stood for God.
a. This was not a proud statement, but was a statement of fact as he saw it.
b. He did not need a crowd in order for him to stand for God.
c. Would we stand up for God if it appeared that there was no one else?
B. Choosing of the Sacrifice – vs. 23
C. Conditions – vs. 23-24
1. Both set of prophets would prepare a sacrifice and place it on the wood.
2. Elijah stipulated in vs. 23: “Put no fire under” [the bullock]
a. There were to be no tricks! Elijah knew that the heathen don’t play fair!
b. Even today some pagan religions have ingenious way to fool people and keep them enslaved in their satanic mysticism (powder on fire; pumps and hoses in statues to supply salty tears on coloured water for blood).
3. The deal was that each group of would call on his God.
The true God would be the one who sent consuming fire on the offering.4. The in vs. 24 Elijah encouraged them to “Call you on the name of your gods” –
a. Baal is the sun god worshipped through out Asia under various names.
b. The prophets of Baal were confident they would win this contest. Baal as the Sun god and should have had no trouble sending fire.
c. Ashtoreth is the moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing Mother Nature
D. Confidence of Elijah
1. He knew the word of God and had confidence in it – vs. 36
2. He knew that God could send fire from Heaven and block the fire from Baal, for he knew he was on a Divine mission.
3. He knew when he called on the name of Jehovah that he could expect fire.
a. At the completion of the Tabernacle during its dedication we see in Lev. 9:24 – “And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat…”
1) The consuming of a sacrifice by fire was a sign of acceptance from God at the 1st inauguration service of the Tabernacle.
2) The igniting of this fire in consuming the sacrifice was the start of a fire that was to burn continually on the altar from that day forward.
b. Gideon seeking a sign of acceptance of God’s call on him as a military leader and judge, he saw the angel of the Lord consume his sacrifice on a rock >>READ Judges 6:11-12, 14-21
c. 1 Chr. 21:26 we read that on Onan’s threshing floor “David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the LORD; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering.”
4. >> TURN 1 Kgs. 18:36 – Where we will see Elijah’s confidence in God’s Word. As we read on in that verse we find this was no contest devised by the mind of Elijah – He was following orders – he had the promise of God. What was done was done of God!
E. Consent of the people – Vs. 24
1. We reason that in vs. 21 the people of Israel didn’t answer because they were guilty of divided loyalty and they were cowards.
a. They evidently were concerned it would cost them something to be in agreement with God and his man.
b. When we stand for right on Scriptural grounds we need not fear any challenge – these people lack the courage to stand by God’s man and the faith to stand for God.
2. Now they answer in vs. 24 seemingly because Israel recognized a fair test.
3. Ahab and Jezebel had forced Baalism on them. Many were not deceived but many were in a state of confusion. They were anxious for the matter to be settled and believed the test would provide the answer.
III. Impotence of Baal 25-29
A. Commencement of the Test – vs. 25-26,28
1. Dr. Edersheim in his book OT Bible History describes Baal festivals as they are recorded in ancient writings. Here is a quote from pg. 17 – “The scene of the sacrifice” – Chap. 1 History of Judah and Israel.
First, rose a comparatively moderate, though already wild, cry to Baal; followed by a dance around the altar, beginning with a swinging motion to and fro. The howl then became louder and louder, and the dance more frantic. They swirled round and round, ran wildly through each other’s ranks, always keeping up a circular motion, the head bent low, so that their long disheveled hair swept the ground. Stung to madness, they became more frantic than before, and what we know as the second and third acts in these feasts ensued, the wild howl passed into demoniac yells. In their madness the priests bit their arms and cut themselves with the two-edged swords, which they carried, and with lances. The blood began to flow, the frenzy reached its highest pitch, when first one, then others, commenced to prophesy, moaned and groaned, then burst into rhapsodic cries, accusing themselves, or speaking to Baal, or uttering incoherent broken sentences. All the while they beat themselves with heavy scourges, loaded and armed with sharp points, and cut themselves with swords and lances – sometimes even mutilating themselves – since the blood of the priests was supposed to be specially propitiatory with Baal.
a. There is a comparison here with some charismatic groups working themselves up to speak in ecstatic speech—supposed tongues.
b. Madness became infectious, and ordinarily the onlookers joined in the frenzied dance—same as today in many pagan religions.
2. The people at Mount Carmel were watching a typical performance.
B. Failure of Baal to Consume the Sacrifice
1. After all this activity of bloodletting was an attempt to prove that Baal is the true god.
2. After all this action and articulation – there was acute silence “no voice or any reply.”
3. Baal was seen as being impotent of – Baal’s altar remained flameless and smokeless.
4. The Baal prophets were frantic and confused at their failure to entice Baal to produce fire. The intensity of their efforts increased—but with no results.
C. Caustic Sarcasm of Elijah vs. 27
1. Probably 6 at least hours has passed. Vs. 26 – “morning even until noon”, then in vs. 29 – “midday…until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice” (this is at 3pm).
2. We can assume the people watching were restless and bored – wouldn’t you be?
3. We can be glad our God is not like Baal: He never is too busy talking that He doesn’t have time to hear me; He is never out of His office or out of town and not available when His servants need Him; nor does He ever sleep or tires, therefore, He is ever ready and capable to supply the guidance and power needed to do His work and be a help in a time of trouble.
D. Complete Frustration of the Prophets – vs.29
1. Couldn’t Satan have performed the same miracles, the same apparitions, and sent same fire? You better believe he could!
a. In Job 1:16 fire came down from heaven and consumed the servants of Job and his livestock
b. In Rev. 13:13 Satan’s false prophet “doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”
c. Remember Satan showed his power to enslave people via miracles when Moses confronted Pharaoh with God’s demands to let her people go.
2. Yes, Satan could have easily have made fire fall from heaven. The only thing that prevented it was the Angelic hedge that God put around the place.
a. This should awaken us to power of God’s sovereignty – His almighty control of His creation.
1) Satan cannot do one thing unless God permits it.
2) Though he had the power and made an attempt with all his might, God quenched all of his efforts to vindicate his evil and wicked prophets.
b. God still has as much power today as He did back then
1) Satan still cannot do anything except that God permits it.
2) Satan and all his false religious systems are no match for our God.
A. Congregating The People
1. Elijah gathered the people around him. In vs. 30 we read, “And Elijah said unto all the people, ‘Come near unto me.’ And all the people came near unto him…”
a. This action separated them from Ahab’s crowd and brought Israel close to God’s Altar.
b. Perhaps this would remind them of the old days and their worship at that Altar.
c. By drawing them in closer they would be close to the powerful display and would feel the fire of God.
d. After witnessing the powerlessness of Baal they also would be more open to Elijah and his witness. Perhaps some would be so bold as to help with the Altar’s construction.
2. Some Christians have been enamoured with the Baal’s of materialism and pleasure but have become disillusioned over its failure to give peace to the heart.
a. But by calling the people up close to God the desired effect was that they might see God’s mighty work and realise how they have been fooled.59.97
b. The hope was not only would they feel the heat of fire on their skin, but also they would feel the fire of God in their hearts!
B. Constructing The Altar – Vs. 30-32
1. The ancient Altar was in ruins.
a. No doubt some of these same Jews had worshipped there in better days.
b. Why was the site in ruins?
1) Due to the neglect of God’s people being faithful to God.
2) It was the nation’s failure to live for God that allowed His enemies, like Ahab and Jezebel to cast these altars down.
c. Surely there was a stirring in their hearts as they stood by that sacred place and remembered.
2. Some of our sacred Altars are in ruins.
a. The Altar of private communion with God—We need to build it again!
b. The Altar of family devotion — We need to build it again!
c. The Altar for the sacrifice of self and substance — We need to build it again!
Romans 12:1 – “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
d. Consider the Altar in regard to the church. Is it healthy and well maintained?
3. As Elijah put things in order, even so, there are some things we need to put in order—our life, our home, and our Church life without which we cannot expect God’s approving fire of blessings to descend upon us!
4. NOTE Elijah took 12 stones to build the altar in vs. 31.
a. The 12 stones symbolised the 12 tribes. Like the altar the nation was in ruins.
b. Israel was divided physically – 10 tribes in the north and 2 tribes in the south.
c. Israel was divided polictically and religiously.
d. Rebuilding of the altar emphasised the needed unity of faith, unity of being aligned with their God, the need to unify the nation as a whole, uniting the people under God—building ONE ALTAR of worship!
C. Cleaving The Offering – Vs. 33-35
1. The water probably came from the Mediterranean Sea. The three-year drought made it highly unlikely that the water came from a fresh water source. It is also interesting to note the Lev. 2:13 says “And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.”
2. The water poured on the offering removed any question, any scepticism that when the fire falls it was from God. Deceit by Elijah would not be possible.
D. Calling On God – Vs. 36-37
1. The prophets of Baal prayed for 6 hours.
a. Sometimes it seems we are like the prophets of Baal in our praying getting no results. I can eaisly think of three reasons why our prayers have no effect:
1) We are praying to the wrong God.
My dear Aunt Viola told me she was praying to St. Jude asking him for stuff all the time but never received any answers. I asked her if she ever considered that she was praying to the wrong person?
After she was saved her testimony of answered prayers changed.2) We are not living righteously.
a) We are told in Ps. 34:15-16 and repeated by Peter in 1 Pet. 3:12 that “…the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”
b) James tells us in 5:16 that “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
3) We have sin in our lives. Psa. 66:18 – “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
2. BUT Elijah prayed 63 English words AND it took about 20 seconds to speak them and in a flash he got an answer!
3. Elijah prayed for 4 things.
a. “Let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel”
b. “Let them know…that I am thy servant”
c. “Let them know…that I have done all these things at thy Word”
d. He prayed that the hearts of the people would be turned back to God.
E. Consuming Fire – Vs. 38
Heb. 12:29 – “For our God is a consuming fire.”
1. Could this have been a freak occurance of nature like lighting? Huh? It had not rained for over 3-yrs. and there was not a cloud in the sky.
2. Imagine the manifestation of fire coming from heaven – so intense it melted stone. Only a lingering smoke and fire-scorched earth remained.
3. Imagine the confusion, the concern and then the shouts of the people as they rushed back from the heat and such awesome display.
4. In dramatic fashion God proved Himself and authenticated His prophet.
F. Conversion Of The People – Vs. 39
1. Israel, as a nation, fell as one man and confessed that Jehovah was God.
2. We can only imagine the impact of this display of devotion on Ahab and the Baal prophets.
3. Israel was turned back to God and to the worship of ONLY Him.
If you are away from God what would it take to cause us to turn back to God?4. God wants us to be consumed with Him. He wants to come from heaven in mighty power and fire in each of our lives—as a witness, as a testimony to the lost and dying so people can recognise God in our lives because of the manifestation of His power in our lives!
V. Inescapable End of the Prophets of Baal – vs. 40
A. Commanding The People
1. “Take the prophets of Baal? let not one of them escape.”
2. Israel followed the instructions of the prophet and brought them to Elijah.
3. Israel witnessed the powerlessness of Baal and as a nation was emboldened by what has just transpired. No longer were they filled with fear of Ahab and the Baal prophets.
B. Condemning The Prophets Of Baal
1. Israel brought the Baal prophets down to the brook Kishon where they were executed. Kishon was at the north east of, and at the foot of, a 1,400-foot cliff of Carmel.
2. 1 Kgs. 19:1 we read Ahab told Jezebel that Elijah slew all the prophets with the sword probably cutting off their heads.
3. We are not shed any tears over these men or feel sorry for them.
They were extremely wicked men.a. They were wilful instruments of Satan who had led Israel into degradation, and idolatry and were responsible for murdering the prophets of God.
b. All had to die! If one was to escape he could then reproduce his damnable doctrine else where.
C. Challenging Application
1. There is some Baal dwells in each of us in the form of the carnal lust of our old man.
Gal 5:24 – “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”
2. As such, he MUST die! We are not to allow any of our Baalisms to escape!
a. Just as the Baal prophets had to die we are commanded in Scripture to put to death the flesh – i.e. to “mortify” our flesh (Rom 8:13; Col. 3:5)
b. We are to crucify the old nature (Rom. 6). Not letting any of the prophets of Baal in your lives escape.
c. We are not to coddle, hide, shield or protect any of them in our lives—we are kill them all!
1) In Col. 3 the prophets of Baal that maybe in your life are named
2) In Gal. 5 is a long ugly list of the sins of the flesh that plagues all of us.
3. There will be no joy, peace, or usefulness until we get victory over the Baal of self.
Ø Israel had no excuse for their failure to recognize the true God.
AND may I add, neither do we.Ø The gods of this world are powerless to meet our inner and eternal needs. You can play patty-cake with what the world has to offer, but it will leave you empty, with no peace or joy.
Ø There probably are some broken down altars in our lives which need rebuilding.
Ø God will only bestow the fire of His blessing on an acceptable sacrifice
Ø He wants the fire of His power to descend on our lives to live victoriously and to have power with men.
Ø MAKE is your life’s mission to put Baal to death!
All God's best,
Bob Zemeski40 Captain's Hill
Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23 C8K1IrelandG. Campbell Morgan: " I never begin my work in the morning without thinking that perhaps He will interrupt my work and begin His own. – I am not looking for death, I am looking for Him. "1 Samuel 12:23,24
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Posted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Revival at Mt. Carmel
Elijah Series – 7 of 18
Text: I Kings 18:19-40
It now has been 3 ½ years since Elijah banned rain from the skies of Israel, BUT presently, the drought is about to end. Nonetheless, the life quenching rain will not come until Jehovah God proves Himself as the one true God and totally discredits Baal before the nation of Israel.
God instructs His prophet Elijah to come out of hiding and in so doing he meets Obadiah—a reluctant and secret servant of God—who as the King Ahab’s governor.
It is Ahab who has sent Obadiah on a mission to look for pasture for the king’s mules and horses. When Elijah by chance meet, Elijah instructs Obadiah to tell Ahab that he has found him and that Elijah wants to meet him here.
After some unwilling discussion on that subject Obadiah agrees to go and inform Ahab of Elijah’s whereabouts. Ahab races to Elijah and when they confront each other Ahab immediately blames Elijah for the drought in 18:17. Elijah boldly informs the King that it is not he who is the blame for Israel’s trouble, but Ahab – 18:18
In this meeting, Ahab tried to shift blame for his troubles and problems on Elijah. Likewise, the world today is still trying to shift blame for its problems on everything and everyone.
Ever since the Garden of Eden, when Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the serpent for their sin of disobedience, people are so quick to shift the blame to somebody else. Folks try to justify their sin and shortcomings and every time something goes wrong they blame someone or something else!
A. One party blames the other:
Workers vs. Management; National Parties; Various industrial disputes; Race relations; Religion: Catholic vs. Protestant, Christians vs. Muslims – People are always shifting the blame.
Ahab is largely responsible for the immorality and idolatry of the nation, for he – as King of Israel – was responsible directly to Jehovah God for the welfare of His people. No man on earth had more human power at his disposal to bring and keep Israel faithful to God—but he didn’t!
As sovereigns, Kings ordinarily take pride in giving orders, but it is Elijah who is taking charge and giving orders to Ahab and guess what? He is complying! Elijah isn’t making suggestions or giving advice when he commands Ahab to gather an assembly.
—GET all of Israel, GET all the prophets of Baal and GET all the prophets of the grove (Ashtoreth goddess); He chose the place of the contest between God and Baal to verify the True God – it was Mt. Carmel. Ahab willingly complies – why? He wanted rain and was willing to do whatever he could to get it.
B. How easily God controls history!
Man thinks himself independent and self-sufficient.
As such, man becomes arrogant, independent and proud making decisions and thinking he has no one to answer to—not even God. Forty-one (41) months earlier, Ahab would never have believed that he would now be obeying the commands of the prophet in whose God he didn’t believe.
He was humbled before God as all rulers should be in recognition of God’s authority as Creator. Elijah then instructed Ahab to convene an assembly at Mount Carmel – 1 Kgs. 18:19
Elijah goes to Mt. Carmel and waits for the nation to gather – multitudes upon multitudes stream their way up the hill.
The prophets of Baal come prancing merrily on their way, expecting to make short work of the prophet Elijah. After all it was 850 to 1!
Then Ahab comes racing up in his chariot. After they have all gathered, Elijah one again takes charge and lifts up his voice in vs. 21 rebukes the people for being indecisive and divided in their loyalty, worship, and service to God – “How long halt ye between two opinions?”
This brings us to contest of our context. It is Elijah’s crowning moment.
This is what God had been preparing him for at the Brook Cherith, at the widow’s house at Zarephath, and in the raising of her son from the dead. All of this was designed to build and prepare the prophet Elijah to this exact moment when he is to expect a miracle from God on Mt. Carmel, which hopefully will bring revival to the nation and bringing it back to God.
This message will focus on the Revival at Mount Carmel.
This contest was Elijah’s crowning moment. Note FOUR thoughts:
1. Imposing a Challenge – Vs. 22-24
2. Impotence of Baal – Vs. 24-29
3. Identifying the True God – Vs. 30-39
4. Inescapable End of the Prophets of Baal – Vs. 40
II. Imposing a challenge – vs. 22-24
A. Claim of Elijah – vs. 22
1. Elijah discounted the 100 prophets that Obadiah had hidden.
a. He did not appear to feel kindly toward them. Surely, with all the publicity about this meeting, someone must have told those hiding prophets.
b. What a message it would have sent to Ahab and Israel if they had come out of hiding to stand with Elijah!
2. Elijah believed that he was the only one who stood for God.
a. This was not a proud statement, but was a statement of fact as he saw it.
b. He did not need a crowd in order for him to stand for God.
c. Would we stand up for God if it appeared that there was no one else?
B. Choosing of the Sacrifice – vs. 23
C. Conditions – vs. 23-24
1. Both set of prophets would prepare a sacrifice and place it on the wood.
2. Elijah stipulated in vs. 23: “Put no fire under” [the bullock]
a. There were to be no tricks! Elijah knew that the heathen don’t play fair!
b. Even today some pagan religions have ingenious way to fool people and keep them enslaved in their satanic mysticism (powder on fire; pumps and hoses in statues to supply salty tears on coloured water for blood).
3. The deal was that each group of would call on his God.
The true God would be the one who sent consuming fire on the offering.
4. The in vs. 24 Elijah encouraged them to “Call you on the name of your gods” –
a. Baal is the sun god worshipped through out Asia under various names.
b. The prophets of Baal were confident they would win this contest. Baal as the Sun god and should have had no trouble sending fire.
c. Ashtoreth is the moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing Mother Nature
D. Confidence of Elijah
1. He knew the word of God and had confidence in it – vs. 36
2. He knew that God could send fire from Heaven and block the fire from Baal, for he knew he was on a Divine mission.
3. He knew when he called on the name of Jehovah that he could expect fire.
a. At the completion of the Tabernacle during its dedication we see in Lev. 9:24 – “And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat…”
1) The consuming of a sacrifice by fire was a sign of acceptance from God at the 1st inauguration service of the Tabernacle.
2) The igniting of this fire in consuming the sacrifice was the start of a fire that was to burn continually on the altar from that day forward.
b. Gideon seeking a sign of acceptance of God’s call on him as a military leader and judge, he saw the angel of the Lord consume his sacrifice on a rock >>READ Judges 6:11-12, 14-21
c. 1 Chr. 21:26 we read that on Onan’s threshing floor “David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the LORD; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering.”
4. >> TURN 1 Kgs. 18:36 – Where we will see Elijah’s confidence in God’s Word. As we read on in that verse we find this was no contest devised by the mind of Elijah – He was following orders – he had the promise of God. What was done was done of God!
E. Consent of the people – Vs. 24
1. We reason that in vs. 21 the people of Israel didn’t answer because they were guilty of divided loyalty and they were cowards.
a. They evidently were concerned it would cost them something to be in agreement with God and his man.
b. When we stand for right on Scriptural grounds we need not fear any challenge – these people lack the courage to stand by God’s man and the faith to stand for God.
2. Now they answer in vs. 24 seemingly because Israel recognized a fair test.
3. Ahab and Jezebel had forced Baalism on them. Many were not deceived but many were in a state of confusion. They were anxious for the matter to be settled and believed the test would provide the answer.
III. Impotence of Baal 25-29
A. Commencement of the Test – vs. 25-26,28
1. Dr. Edersheim in his book OT Bible History describes Baal festivals as they are recorded in ancient writings. Here is a quote from pg. 17 – “The scene of the sacrifice” – Chap. 1 History of Judah and Israel.
First, rose a comparatively moderate, though already wild, cry to Baal; followed by a dance around the altar, beginning with a swinging motion to and fro. The howl then became louder and louder, and the dance more frantic. They swirled round and round, ran wildly through each other’s ranks, always keeping up a circular motion, the head bent low, so that their long disheveled hair swept the ground. Stung to madness, they became more frantic than before, and what we know as the second and third acts in these feasts ensued, the wild howl passed into demoniac yells. In their madness the priests bit their arms and cut themselves with the two-edged swords, which they carried, and with lances. The blood began to flow, the frenzy reached its highest pitch, when first one, then others, commenced to prophesy, moaned and groaned, then burst into rhapsodic cries, accusing themselves, or speaking to Baal, or uttering incoherent broken sentences. All the while they beat themselves with heavy scourges, loaded and armed with sharp points, and cut themselves with swords and lances – sometimes even mutilating themselves – since the blood of the priests was supposed to be specially propitiatory with Baal.
a. There is a comparison here with some charismatic groups working themselves up to speak in ecstatic speech—supposed tongues.
b. Madness became infectious, and ordinarily the onlookers joined in the frenzied dance—same as today in many pagan religions.
2. The people at Mount Carmel were watching a typical performance.
B. Failure of Baal to Consume the Sacrifice
1. After all this activity of bloodletting was an attempt to prove that Baal is the true god.
2. After all this action and articulation – there was acute silence “no voice or any reply.”
3. Baal was seen as being impotent of – Baal’s altar remained flameless and smokeless.
4. The Baal prophets were frantic and confused at their failure to entice Baal to produce fire. The intensity of their efforts increased—but with no results.
C. Caustic Sarcasm of Elijah vs. 27
1. Probably 6 at least hours has passed. Vs. 26 – “morning even until noon”, then in vs. 29 – “midday…until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice” (this is at 3pm).
2. We can assume the people watching were restless and bored – wouldn’t you be?
3. We can be glad our God is not like Baal: He never is too busy talking that He doesn’t have time to hear me; He is never out of His office or out of town and not available when His servants need Him; nor does He ever sleep or tires, therefore, He is ever ready and capable to supply the guidance and power needed to do His work and be a help in a time of trouble.
D. Complete Frustration of the Prophets – vs.29
1. Couldn’t Satan have performed the same miracles, the same apparitions, and sent same fire? You better believe he could!
a. In Job 1:16 fire came down from heaven and consumed the servants of Job and his livestock
b. In Rev. 13:13 Satan’s false prophet “doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”
c. Remember Satan showed his power to enslave people via miracles when Moses confronted Pharaoh with God’s demands to let her people go.
2. Yes, Satan could have easily have made fire fall from heaven. The only thing that prevented it was the Angelic hedge that God put around the place.
a. This should awaken us to power of God’s sovereignty – His almighty control of His creation.
1) Satan cannot do one thing unless God permits it.
2) Though he had the power and made an attempt with all his might, God quenched all of his efforts to vindicate his evil and wicked prophets.
b. God still has as much power today as He did back then
1) Satan still cannot do anything except that God permits it.
2) Satan and all his false religious systems are no match for our God.
A. Congregating The People
1. Elijah gathered the people around him. In vs. 30 we read, “And Elijah said unto all the people, ‘Come near unto me.’ And all the people came near unto him…”
a. This action separated them from Ahab’s crowd and brought Israel close to God’s Altar.
b. Perhaps this would remind them of the old days and their worship at that Altar.
c. By drawing them in closer they would be close to the powerful display and would feel the fire of God.
d. After witnessing the powerlessness of Baal they also would be more open to Elijah and his witness. Perhaps some would be so bold as to help with the Altar’s construction.
2. Some Christians have been enamoured with the Baal’s of materialism and pleasure but have become disillusioned over its failure to give peace to the heart.
a. But by calling the people up close to God the desired effect was that they might see God’s mighty work and realise how they have been fooled.59.97
b. The hope was not only would they feel the heat of fire on their skin, but also they would feel the fire of God in their hearts!
B. Constructing The Altar – Vs. 30-32
1. The ancient Altar was in ruins.
a. No doubt some of these same Jews had worshipped there in better days.
b. Why was the site in ruins?
1) Due to the neglect of God’s people being faithful to God.
2) It was the nation’s failure to live for God that allowed His enemies, like Ahab and Jezebel to cast these altars down.
c. Surely there was a stirring in their hearts as they stood by that sacred place and remembered.
2. Some of our sacred Altars are in ruins.
a. The Altar of private communion with God—We need to build it again!
b. The Altar of family devotion — We need to build it again!
c. The Altar for the sacrifice of self and substance — We need to build it again!
Romans 12:1 – “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
d. Consider the Altar in regard to the church. Is it healthy and well maintained?
3. As Elijah put things in order, even so, there are some things we need to put in order—our life, our home, and our Church life without which we cannot expect God’s approving fire of blessings to descend upon us!
4. NOTE Elijah took 12 stones to build the altar in vs. 31.
a. The 12 stones symbolised the 12 tribes. Like the altar the nation was in ruins.
b. Israel was divided physically – 10 tribes in the north and 2 tribes in the south.
c. Israel was divided polictically and religiously.
d. Rebuilding of the altar emphasised the needed unity of faith, unity of being aligned with their God, the need to unify the nation as a whole, uniting the people under God—building ONE ALTAR of worship!
C. Cleaving The Offering – Vs. 33-35
1. The water probably came from the Mediterranean Sea. The three-year drought made it highly unlikely that the water came from a fresh water source. It is also interesting to note the Lev. 2:13 says “And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.”
2. The water poured on the offering removed any question, any scepticism that when the fire falls it was from God. Deceit by Elijah would not be possible.
D. Calling On God – Vs. 36-37
1. The prophets of Baal prayed for 6 hours.
a. Sometimes it seems we are like the prophets of Baal in our praying getting no results. I can eaisly think of three reasons why our prayers have no effect:
1) We are praying to the wrong God.
My dear Aunt Viola told me she was praying to St. Jude asking him for stuff all the time but never received any answers. I asked her if she ever considered that she was praying to the wrong person?
After she was saved her testimony of answered prayers changed.
2) We are not living righteously.
a) We are told in Ps. 34:15-16 and repeated by Peter in 1 Pet. 3:12 that “…the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”
b) James tells us in 5:16 that “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
3) We have sin in our lives. Psa. 66:18 – “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
2. BUT Elijah prayed 63 English words AND it took about 20 seconds to speak them and in a flash he got an answer!
3. Elijah prayed for 4 things.
a. “Let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel”
b. “Let them know…that I am thy servant”
c. “Let them know…that I have done all these things at thy Word”
d. He prayed that the hearts of the people would be turned back to God.
E. Consuming Fire – Vs. 38
Heb. 12:29 – “For our God is a consuming fire.”
1. Could this have been a freak occurance of nature like lighting? Huh? It had not rained for over 3-yrs. and there was not a cloud in the sky.
2. Imagine the manifestation of fire coming from heaven – so intense it melted stone. Only a lingering smoke and fire-scorched earth remained.
3. Imagine the confusion, the concern and then the shouts of the people as they rushed back from the heat and such awesome display.
4. In dramatic fashion God proved Himself and authenticated His prophet.
F. Conversion Of The People – Vs. 39
1. Israel, as a nation, fell as one man and confessed that Jehovah was God.
2. We can only imagine the impact of this display of devotion on Ahab and the Baal prophets.
3. Israel was turned back to God and to the worship of ONLY Him.
If you are away from God what would it take to cause us to turn back to God?
4. God wants us to be consumed with Him. He wants to come from heaven in mighty power and fire in each of our lives—as a witness, as a testimony to the lost and dying so people can recognise God in our lives because of the manifestation of His power in our lives!
V. Inescapable End of the Prophets of Baal – vs. 40
A. Commanding The People
1. “Take the prophets of Baal? let not one of them escape.”
2. Israel followed the instructions of the prophet and brought them to Elijah.
3. Israel witnessed the powerlessness of Baal and as a nation was emboldened by what has just transpired. No longer were they filled with fear of Ahab and the Baal prophets.
B. Condemning The Prophets Of Baal
1. Israel brought the Baal prophets down to the brook Kishon where they were executed. Kishon was at the north east of, and at the foot of, a 1,400-foot cliff of Carmel.
2. 1 Kgs. 19:1 we read Ahab told Jezebel that Elijah slew all the prophets with the sword probably cutting off their heads.
3. We are not shed any tears over these men or feel sorry for them.
They were extremely wicked men.
a. They were wilful instruments of Satan who had led Israel into degradation, and idolatry and were responsible for murdering the prophets of God.
b. All had to die! If one was to escape he could then reproduce his damnable doctrine else where.
C. Challenging Application
1. There is some Baal dwells in each of us in the form of the carnal lust of our old man.
Gal 5:24 – “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”
2. As such, he MUST die! We are not to allow any of our Baalisms to escape!
a. Just as the Baal prophets had to die we are commanded in Scripture to put to death the flesh – i.e. to “mortify” our flesh (Rom 8:13; Col. 3:5)
b. We are to crucify the old nature (Rom. 6). Not letting any of the prophets of Baal in your lives escape.
c. We are not to coddle, hide, shield or protect any of them in our lives—we are kill them all!
1) In Col. 3 the prophets of Baal that maybe in your life are named
2) In Gal. 5 is a long ugly list of the sins of the flesh that plagues all of us.
3. There will be no joy, peace, or usefulness until we get victory over the Baal of self.
Ø Israel had no excuse for their failure to recognize the true God.
AND may I add, neither do we.
Ø The gods of this world are powerless to meet our inner and eternal needs. You can play patty-cake with what the world has to offer, but it will leave you empty, with no peace or joy.
Ø There probably are some broken down altars in our lives which need rebuilding.
Ø God will only bestow the fire of His blessing on an acceptable sacrifice
Ø He wants the fire of His power to descend on our lives to live victoriously and to have power with men.
Ø MAKE is your life’s mission to put Baal to death!
Bob Zemeski
Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23 C8K1
1 Samuel 12:23,24
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