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I love you.Te amo Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"I love you…Te amo"
Love in every language….we certainly could use a bit more around this globe couldn’t we.  God Loves us all, regardless of our color, nationality, religion, size, age, sex, history, health etc.  He really really does love us.  The Bible says that the reason we love Him is because He first loved us.  Now that is an incentive plan.  If we have a hard time loving God it is probably because we don’t yet see just how much He has loved us and once we see that we will become consumed with the practice of loving Him.  Take a moment and reflect upon the fact that He loves you, despite every reason why he ought not too.  He knows your deepest secrets, your dirtiest thoughts, you most carnal aspirations…he knows who you are when no one is looking and He still loves you.  Now that is a God worth loving.  Once we get a taste of His love, it begins to change the way we live.
1 John 4:19 (We love Him because He first loved us)

"You Won't Understand"
Often people say to me "You just won't understand."
"You're way too old," or "Way too young," or "YOU are NOT a man."
I don't know why some people feel they suffer unique pain.
As if they are the only ones who've lost or ceased to gain.
I don't know why they hide their pain and clutch it ever tighter.
It seems to me that all should know - a burden shared gets lighter.
Why some folks even deign to think the pain that's in their heart,
Is all their own, to keep and hoard, they set themselves apart.
They keep their eyes from meeting mine
lest I should see their hurt.
And even if we stop and speak their words are often curt.
The Bible says: 'Two' can withstand what overcomes just 'one'.
And also that - a 'Cord of Three' can scarcely be undone.
Besides, I know the ways of hurt - My heart's been crushed before.
Friends have betrayed - I've lost at love,
Despair's knocked at my door.
And I Remember - Thoughts gone wild - And crying late at night.
Not having strength to care at all - Much less the strength to fight.
But, someone special came to me - And when my trials were told.
I realized that with their tears - They'd eased my heavy load.
And so, I learned - that Pain - like Love - Is bearable if shared.
I don't know what I would have done without that friend who cared.
My trials did not vanish fast - In fact the time was long.
But sharing gave me breathing space until I could grow strong
Enough to laugh again and even start to smile -
And though it seemed it could not help - It eased my pain awhile.
So, if you think that you can't share cause I won't understand.
At least just give me half a chance to lend a helping hand.
For I know that you're hurting and I know a place to start.
Perhaps if you could realize - Your pain burns in my heart.
I know I cannot make your trials and troubles go away.
But maybe I can help a bit to get you through today.
And maybe by tomorrow you wont need help anymore.
But if you should - Don't be ashamed -
For that's what friends are for.
And after all is said and done - The trials ceased - You're whole.
Perhaps you'll know just what to do to help another soul -
Who's being crushed by hurt and pain - be it woman or a man.
And you won't have to hear them say "You just won't understand."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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