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I Refuse To Be Discouraged Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"IRefuse To Be Discouraged" 
I refuse to be discouraged,
To  be sad, or to cry;
I refuse to be downhearted,
and here's the reason why.

have a God who's mighty,
Who's sovereign and supreme;
I have  a God who loves me,
and I am on His team.

He is all wise and  powerful,
Jesus is His name;
Though everything is changeable,
My God  remains the same.

My God knows all that's happening;
Beginning to the  end,
His presence is my comfort,
He is my dearest friend.

When  sickness comes to weaken me,
To bring my head down low,
I call upon my  mighty God;
Into His arms I go.

When circumstances threaten
to rob  me from my peace;
He draws me close unto His breast,
Where all my  strivings cease.

And when my heart melts within me,
and weakness takes  control;
He gathers me into His arms,
He soothes my heart and  soul.

The great "I AM" is with me,
My life is in His hand,
The "Son  of the Lord" is my hope,
It's in His strength I stand.

I refuse to be  defeated,
My eyes are on my God;
He has promised to be with me,
as  through this life I trod.

I'm looking past all my circumstances,
To  Heaven's throne above;
My prayers have reached the heart of God,
I'm  resting in His love.

I give God thanks in everything,
My eyes are on  His face;
The battle's His, the victory is mine;
He'll help me win the  race.
Author Unknown

"Eight Things About Failure"  

To fail is not the same as being a failure. One may have
many failings and yet still be far from being a failure .

To fail is not the disgrace everyone thinks it is.  To err is
to do nothing more than to join the human race.

Failure is only a temporary setback.  Failure is never the
final chapter of the book of your life unless you give up
and quit.

Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without running the
risk of failure.  The person who risks everything to try to
achieve something truly worthwhile and fails is anything
but a disgraceful failure.

Failure is a natural preparation for, success.  Strange as it
may seem to some of you, success is much more difficult
to live with successfully than is failure.

Every failing brings with it the possibilities of something
greater.  Analyze failure under whatever circumstances you
choose, and you will discover some seeds for turning failure
into success.

What you do with failures in your life is up to you.  Failure
is either a blessing or a curse, depending upon the individual
reaction or response to it.

Failings are opportunities to learn how to do things better the
next time and to learn where the pitfalls are and how to avoid
them.  The best possible thing to do with failure is to learn
all you can from it.
Author Unknown

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara


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