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Posted by: revival4 <revival4@...>

Date sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 15:33:56 EDT

'Youth' Revival in Guatemala - 2004.
-Doug Harmon.

Madre' Mia, Guatemala (January 2004) - A Global Missions Team
from Boise, Idaho traveled to Guatemala in January of 2004 to be a
part of a missions outreach into the remote outback of Guatemala.
We walked into what I can only describe as the eye of the hurricane
with respect to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Madre'Mia, a
small little hill village of probably 300 people was in the throes of a
true revival which had been going everyday for four weeks when we

What we witnessed was a "youth lead" radical revival... God truly
emptied all of the sin and hurt out of these kids and they still
couldn't get enough of Him.

The hunger there was something like I have never seen. These
dear people work from 5:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night every
day but Sunday and they go to church every night. How dare we
make our feeble excuses for missing a Wednesday night prayer
meeting! We witnessed souls radically saved, deliverances from
all manner of bondage; healings and supernatural manifestations of
the Holy Spirit in our own lives in the process. We saw youngsters -
some of whom weren't 10 years old - slain in the spirit, while their
teen-age siblings lay slain just feet away. What followed was mom,
dad, grandpa, uncles, aunts, the entire church coming forward and
being filled with the Spirit.

Through it all there were many things confirmed in my spirit: God
is very serious when He declares that He is "Pouring" out of His
Spirit upon ALL flesh. Secondly, I believe we can expect a world-
wide "youth lead" last-days revival prior to the return of Jesus and
it is happening now. Lastly, God reinforced in my spirit that He
will pour this kind of a blessing out where there is hunger and thirst
so: America, you had better wake up and develop an appetite.
This revival as far as I know was just in it's infancy in January and
is still going today with Madre' Mia being the "Eye of the Hurricane".