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I Saw You Well

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2010, J. Randal Matheny

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by J .Randal Matheny

Above the busy street, a bird
Unnoticed, ignored, warbled unheard,
Its flight but a flash in the corner of the eye.
It sang, not for us, but for itself it trilled,
Perched on the roof, it sang on high.
"You run and buy, you rush and sell;
My love, I saw you, I see you, well."*

* The bird is named "Bem-te-vi", which can be
translated, "I saw you well," or "I saw you, love." It
is a type of flycatcher, also present in the southern
U.S. For a picture of the bird, see this link:

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