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IF GOD IS FOR US [DEVOTION] - 9 December 2013

Posted by: feedtheflockad <feedtheflockad@...>


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This Week's Devotion


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Message & Prayer






But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong 


 1 Corinthians 1 : 27


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Romans 8:31

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 


I cling to these words in a world that can often be cruel and hard.  When I asked my friend’s son how daycare was going, he answered, I have very hard days there.  He was three at the time.  We are going to have hard days here on earth.  We are going to experience our own death, the death of a loved one and for some the death of a child.  We are going to experience sickness and disabilities.  We are going to experience hate from this world.  I have yet to find the verse that says follow Me and your life will be easy.  


Before I knew Christ, I remember thinking and asking why on earth did I have to be born into this world.  I remember thinking I would have been better off if I would have never happened.  This death thing…why be born only to die?  It didn’t make sense to me at all.  Life made no sense. What was the purpose of it anyway? Honestly, those were my thoughts.  Since my relationship with Christ, each day, I see a little more through His eyes, through His heart and through His love.  When we stop seeing things through our own eyes and heart, we can begin to truly see things as God sees them. We can finally see the beauty in all things, including sickness and death.   Until we begin to open up our heart, mind and soul to Him, we will not have the peace He is talking about.  We will continue to see things by our life experiences.  We need to stop living a life of do’s and don’ts and live the life we were called to live.  We get caught up in the “if we live right, our life will be great”.  We need to get caught up in Him and His purpose.  You know how a kid clings to his dad or mom when he is facing something he is afraid of?  That is how we need to cling to Christ when He sends us some place we are afraid of.   And if we are a part of Him, we will be clinging to Him more times than not.


My prayer is that we seek God and His Word and live according to His purpose and not what we “think” His purpose for our lives should look like.  My prayer is that we will truly find His peace in our lives when faced with things we never thought we’d be faced with.  I can truly find peace and joy in my life every day because of Him…only because of Him.  We have an awesome Father.  


Who can be against you when the Father of heaven and earth is for you? 


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When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9 : 36)


… Jesus said “Feed my sheep”. (John 21:17)




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