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If You Think

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<><> If You Think <><>

If you think you are beaten , you are; 
If you think you dare not, you don't; 
If you like to win, but think you can't, 
it is almost certain you won't. 
If you think you'll lose, you've lost, 
for out in the world we find 
success begins with a persons will; 
It's all a state of mind. 
If you think you are outclassed, you are; 
you got to think high to rise, 
you've got to be sure of yourself before 
you can even win the prize. 
Life's battles don't always go 
To the stronger or faster man, 
But sooner or later, the person who wins 
Is the person who thinks, "I can!" 
<><> Marriage Garden <><>
Directions for Planting
Plant the seeds of a happy marriage garden in careful tender rows,
between hugs and commitment, with unconditional love.
Feed with gentle word, and a playful touch.
Cultivate kindness, acceptance, respect.
Sprinkle with secret whispers and private smiles.
Sow between forgive, forget-me-nots, and forget.
Leave plenty of space for individual growth,
communicate every day.
Transplant tired flowers with passion and surprise.
Scatter "I Love You" a hundred different ways.
Nurture deep-rooted intimacy, affection and joy.
Weed out secrets, prune away anger and fear.
Celebrate annually all the special days you share.
Your marriage garden will blossom everlasting,
year after year.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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