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Posted by: anzac_list <anzac_list@...>

From: Andrew Strom (Moderator).

Dear friends,
hope you are all well. I am writing to you from Cape
Girardeau in Southern Missouri - and my trip has been wonderful
so far. Thankyou so much to all those who have been praying.
Your prayers are truly appreciated - believe me.

I never fully realized until I got here that I was going to see all the
different "faces" of America on one trip. I have literally criss-crossed
the continent and seen such a variety of "Americas". I started in
Los Angeles, preaching in a church right next to Azusa Street.
(-I also visited Bonnie Brae house - where the Azusa Revival really
began - and where William Seymour preached for five days to
throngs of people on the street before moving the meetings

Two days after Los Angeles I found myself preaching literally in a
Log-cabin church in Montana. Then a few days later I found myself
preaching in a huge Pentecostal cathedral in Florida! And several
days after that I was speaking at churches in the Bronx and Queens
in New York City!!

It has been a pretty amazing trip. But everywhere I have been
bringing the same message - that a great move of REPENTANCE
must begin in the American church. And this includes repentance
from the religious 'games and masks' that we so often indulge in,
and also repentance from trying to serve BOTH GOD AND
MAMMON at the same time. (-Which is one of the very greatest
issues in the American church, I believe). Jesus said, "You
cannot serve two masters." Large portions of today's church
are trying to serve both. -It is there for all to see.

Despite the fact that I have been preaching very strongly and
directly on these kinds of things, I have found that the message
has surprisingly been welcomed by many - including the leaders. It
is almost as if there is a recognition in many churches right now
that "we need to hear this kind of thing. It is important for us to
hear and respond to this kind of word." So, as I said, it really has
been a wonderful trip in that regard.

Another thing I have been preaching everywhere is that if
America is to enter into her "Window of Revival", then
there MUST be two things that occur: Firstly, there must
be a great outpouring of "AGONIZING" prayer (-for God to
outpour His Holy Spirit); Secondly, there must be "John the
Baptist" preachers raised up to preach a piercing Repentance
message in this land. The Finneys and Whitefields must arise
in America once again. These two aspects are absolutely critical
to Revival here, I believe. And now is the time.

I am due to preach here in Cape on Sunday, and then three
times in Kansas City the following weekend. I have certainly
been missing my family in New Zealand, but this has been a
truly-blessed trip and I am so glad I came. It is confirming to me
more and more that this is the right time for us to be looking
to move to the United States with our family. (-Early next year,

I have met so many wonderful people on this trip - most of
whom were simply names on my email List before this. It has
been a real pleasure meeting you all.

(By the way, if you get a link to some "MSN dating" thing at the
end of this email, I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. It is a
'Hotmail' thing).

God bless you all!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.

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