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Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

Here are several of Vincent van Gogh's lesser-known relatives:

The grandfather who moved to Yugoslavia - U.Gogh
The brother who accidentally bleached all his clothes white - Hue Gogh
The real obnoxious brother - Please Gogh
The brother who ate prunes - Gotta Gogh
The uncle who worked at a convenience store - Stop N. Gogh
His dizzy aunt - Verti Gogh
The cousin who moved to Illinois - Chica Gogh
The magician uncle - Wherediddy Gogh
The cousin who lived in Mexico - Amee Gogh
Who also had a relative North of the border - Grin Gogh
The nephew who drove a stage coach - Wells Far Gogh
The uncle who was constipated - Cant Gogh
His ornithologist uncle - Flamin Gogh
His newphew the Freudian psychoanalyst - E. Gogh
His cousin who loved tropical fruits - Mang Gogh
His bouncy young nephew - Poe Gogh
His disco-loving sister - Go Gogh
And his niece who has been travelling the U.S. in a van - Winnie Bay Gogh
The greasy nephew - Chris Gogh
The uncle who stayed too long - Wont Gogh
The distant cousin who lived in North Dakota - Far Gogh......
and me...prunes or not - Gotta Gogh!