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Posted by: rsssjm <rsssjm@...>

I'm including an email from McMurray's
hatchery about a problem that could effect all of us homesteaders and
want-to-be's who raise chickens. Please read this and do something about
it or we may not be able to order chicks thru the mail anymore!


Subject: Poultry Shipping Progress


You got us A Band-aid,

Now we need a Permanent Solution

Thank-you for your help, those letters, e-mails, and phone

calls have paid off. The pressure was put on Northwest

Airlines and the Airline Industry as a whole. Northwest has

postponed its deadline for halting mail shipments of baby

chickens until September First.

Mary Beth Schubert spokeswoman for Northwest Airlines said

Northwest Airlines is working with the Air Transport

Association to develop an industry-wide agreement with the

U.S. Postal Service for the transportation of live poultry

as U.S. mail.

We are guardedly optimistic that this will result in

guidelines that will be to the benefit of everyone


Now we need to keep pressure on Washington to pass

legislation which will give the U.S. Postal Service the

power to force all contracted mail carriers to carry all of

the mail and not allow them to pick and choose.

We have changed our website e-mail campaign to a U.S. mail

campaign. You can go to our website and print out letters

for your senators and representative, over 600 have done so

in the last few days.

You should all pat yourself on the back for the great work

you have done to this point. The American way is alive and

working for all of us.

We will keep you posted as things develop.

Murray McMurray Hatchery, Inc.

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Now we need a Permanent Solution

Thank-you for your help, those letters, e-mails, and phone

calls have paid off. The pressure was put on Northwest

Airlines and the Airline Industry as a whole. Northwest has

postponed its deadline for halting mail shipments of baby

chickens until September First.

Mary Beth Schubert spokeswoman for Northwest Airlines said

Northwest Airlines is working with the Air Transport

Association to develop an industry-wide agreement with the

U.S. Postal Service for the transportation of live poultry

as U.S. mail.

We are guardedly optimistic that this will result in

guidelines that will be to the benefit of everyone


Now we need to keep pressure on Washington to pass

legislation which will give the U.S. Postal Service the

power to force all contracted mail carriers to carry all of

the mail and not allow them to pick and choose.

We have changed our website e-mail campaign to a U.S. mail

campaign. You can go to our website and print out letters

for your senators and representative, over 600 have done so

in the last few days.

You should all pat yourself on the back for the great work

you have done to this point. The American way is alive and

working for all of us.

We will keep you posted as things develop.

Murray McMurray Hatchery, Inc.

To remove yourself from this mailing list, please see our

unsubscribe page. (Unsubscribe at

or reply to this email with remove as the subject.

--- Roni


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