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In bed sick, physically

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Richard Mansel posted: "Several days in bed from sickness tests anyone's patience. However, our bodies can't be productive when they're broken down. We need fluids, rest and medicine to get better. When we become sick physically we exhibit various symptoms such as pain, discomf"

New post on Forthright Magazine

In bed sick, physically

Several days in bed from sickness tests anyone's patience. However, our bodies can't be productive when they're broken down. We need fluids, rest and medicine to get better.

When we become sick physically we exhibit various symptoms such as pain, discomfort, headache or nausea. Faced with a decision, we decide whether to fight or to ignore the problem. Read more of this post


Richard Mansel | January 26, 2016 at 10:38 am | Tags: health, illness, righteousness, spiritual | Categories: Articles, Living the Faith | URL:

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