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In Harm's Way

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2008, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

In harm's way, but under God's raised hand,
His saints in raging battle fall or stand;
They freely give their sweat and blood and tears,
Refusing to count their work by days or years,
But look to eternity to tally the yield
For which they fight upon the darkened field.
None see, few hear, and fewer seek to know
The mortal blows they bear, the seed they sow.
Outnumbered, oft alone, in shadows, storm,
And wailing winds, their pains and labors warm
Their souls: their open wounds belong to the Lord.
So gladly do they grasp the shield and sword,
With cries of glorious honor, shouts of joy,
With manly courage to face the foe, destroy
His ramparts, pull down his towers, set free
The helpless captive. Body, spirit, soul,
And mind unite, and under God's control,
With faithful brethren standing left and right,
By divine strength and marching in holy light,
They follow Jesus into the fray to fight.

1. I don't have a post up for this poem yet, it's
coming, but in the meantime, check out three
poems posted recently at <>.

2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.