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In Memory of September 11, 2001

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Today is the one year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.  Please take some time today to say a prayer for those lost on that terrible day.  Thank you all and God Bless America.

My Sword The Dove

Never will a day go by
when I will not remember,
that fateful day which changed our lives-
the Eleventh of September.

Never will a moment pass
when my lips won't whisper a prayer,<br wake-
of emptiness and terror.

Never will I take for granted
the precious gift of life,
stripped away one horrific day-
our children, husbands, wives.

Never will I fear those who cast
their evil on our land,
nor will I tremble in their presence-
as my spirit takes a stand.

Never wavering in their midst
I raise my sword of faith-the Dove,
who battles not with weapons-
but with the power of Love.

Never will the moment when
the world cried a storm of tears,
leave my heart, my soul my spirit-
it's forever planted there.

Never will that seed grow into
evil, hate or devastation,
I must water it with Heavenly peace-
for the world and for this nation.

Never will I gaze upon
another sister or brother,
and be blinded to the fact that
we're connected to each other.

Never will acts of hatred
overpower those of Love,
for if they do, I shall not have
my sword, my weapon- the Dove.

May the Sword of the Dove
reach every hand,
spreading its love, faith,
comfort, hope and light to all
who loved, lost and wept.

Ellen M. DuBois 2002

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