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In Silence Rumpled Edges Roll

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2008, J. Randal Matheny

Nobody, but nobody, commented last week's poem. Doesn't
keep me motivated, folks. So here's your chance to
redeem yourselves.

This one comes early this week, in spite of your
dereliction of duty last week. 🙂

by J. Randal Matheny

In silence rumpled edges roll,
The floating mass advances slow;
The far horizon its sliding goal,
Its colored jewels the rising bow.

>From pure and incandescent white,
To blues and angry purple storms,
These curling wisps lift up our sight
To contemplate their changing forms.

Theirs the glory, exalted high,
>From them appear angelic crowds;
God crowned these domes of the vaulted sky,
When Jesus rose amid the clouds.

And theirs a double honor when --
By trumpet's blast our waiting ends --
Amidst the clouds of the world of men,
The Savior for his own descends.

1. Your feedback is important -- strike that
-- essential! Say something at this link,
and read the story behind the poem here:
2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.