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In The Beginning....

Posted by: gelpops <gelpops@...>

Look at this message (below).....   It's facinating.  It's from an individual on another list....   but is it intriguing.
by Bodie and Brock Thoene
As we return to our studies and the writing of A.D. CHRONICLES #6, entitled, SIXTH COVENANT, we find ourselves more and more immersed in pondering the meaning of the word ‘Covenant.’

The very concept is powerful! The omnipotent God of the Universe binds Himself to redeem rebellious and ungrateful humans?  This is, all by itself, a cause for wonder and reflection. 

Here’s something the Lord revealed to us recently.
In Genesis 3 we read of pronouncements made by God after the Fall. In Genesis 3:15 God makes his declaration of war to the serpent: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.”

Thus both the need and the provision for a suffering Savior occurred that far back.

But is that the first reference to the  ‘Covenant?’

No!  Remember that the Hebrew scripture, created by the very breath of Almighty God, is comprised of words within words, all of which proclaim God’s love, mercy and plan of salvation for us.  

Everything means something! Layer upon layer, letter upon letter, reveals God’s merciful plan of salvation through His Beloved Son in intricate detail!
The first word in the Bible is the Hebrew word, "rê'shîyth" [rey-sheeth']  meaning:  "the first, in place, time, order or rank (specifically a firstfruit): - beginning, chief (-est), first (-fruits, part, time), principal thing."
The very first word of the Bible is the Hebrew word, ‘BeReSHiYT’… translated “In the Beginning.’  In Hebrew it’s spelled with six letters (reading from right to left)  -  bet-resh-alef-sheen-yod–tav. (Strong’s 7225 -  בראש'ת)
There are some really facinating surprises woven in the six letters which declare… “In the Beginning!”
          1.) The first two Hebrew letters of that word,  bet-resh,   בר  are pronounced BAR.  Bar is the Hebrew word for SON, the HEIR OF THE KING.   Think of it!   All of scripture begins with the word SON!

          2.) Further, by combining the first two letters and the last two letters of the Hebrew word (first last - alpha omega), ‘In the Beginning,’ you find the Hebrew word ‘Covenant!’  Covenant is pronounced ‘BERIYT,’ and it’s spelled "bet-resh-yod-tav." (Strong’s 1285  -  בר'ת)

So the reference to the COVENANT between God and man, thru God’s only Son and heir is there in the very first six letters!   

           IN THE BEGINNING!

Jesus taught his disciples that the ‘Covenant’ provision God made to bless and redeem all creation through His Only Son, existed  “In the beginning!”
How do we know this?  Read the Gospel of John 1:1-4.  “In the Beginning was the Word (God’s SON) and the Word was with God and the Word was God…”

Read these first verses in the Gospel of John.   What connection is there between this passage and the first six letters in Genesis?

There will be much more to explore in the first six wonderful Hebrew letters as we follow the trail of God’s Covenant and the Messiah Code together!
Think! Be amazed!  Give glory to God for His precious Word!  Stay tuned!

Remember: Everything means something; everything means Jesus!  All scripture brims and overflows with The Messiah Code! 

Baruch atem b’Shem Yeshua! 
Brock and Bodie Thoene

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