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In This Church, the Priest Isn't the Only One Wearing a Collar

Posted by: root <root@...>

By Beliefnet News Service

Here's something to think about the next time you want to roll over and
go back to sleep on Sunday morning instead of getting up and going to church,
the way you'd planned.

In the small town of Sobrado, Portugal, little Preta gets up every Sunday
without fail and walks to Mass, arriving promptly at 7:30 a.m. The trip is 16
miles, but she never complains. Once there, she takes her coveted seat beside
the altar. The weekly walk would show quite a bit of dedication in anyone,
but Preta isn't just anybody: Preta is a dog.

Preta is a former stray. Although she now has a home, apparently her owner is
just not somebody who likes to go to early Mass, let alone walk 16 miles to
get there. So Preta goes it alone, only occasionally accepting a ride home
from someone she knows.

At Mass, Preta is one of the fellowship, sitting and standing with the other
congregants. She's even doing her bit for the weekly offering, since
increasing numbers of people have come to church each week just to see the
praying pooch.

Now, how far away did you say your church was?

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