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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

VISION: "Disarming the Irregulars"
-by Wolfgang Simson (-Nov 2003).


I saw a long line of newly-saved people entering the Kingdom of
God. Everything was new for them, so there were three booths set
up for them to pass through. At the first booth, they would sign up
for God's army and pledge total loyalty to God. From then on, they
were under orders, no longer their own, and were given a uniform
and boots. At the second booth, they were given a sword, and at
the third, a scythe - a harvesting tool. Astonishingly, only around
one in a thousand of the new arrivals even went to the first booth;
almost everyone went to the second stand, and almost everyone
also ignored the third stand. Almost nobody went to all three
stands, as God explicitly intended.


Everyone hurried directly to a huge plain full of people and activity.
Under an enormous dust cloud thrown up by the many feet, small
groups quickly formed and were joined by the new arrivals. These
countless groups made themselves banners, flags and uniforms
decorated with very creative logos and emblems. It was an
incredible colorful confusion of thousands of small militia. In other
words, an irregular army. The chaos was complete; some blew for
attack, others for retreat. Some acted out bizarre rituals, others
sat around the camp fire laughing. Some practiced sword fighting,
others gathered their weapons and spoke of peace. Some of the
groups even attacked each other. It was a scene of hectic activity,
but without any recognizable order. Generals cooked, cooks were
pilots, pilots dug trenches. I was horrified, and saw clearly that this
army would never win any battle. Everyone was terribly busy, but
all the zealous action came to nothing in the long term.


Suddenly someone shouted "The Angels of God are coming!" They
were right: some way off, I could make out a huge number of God's
white warriors; powerful, almost larger-than-life angels. The people
broke out in an ear-shattering shout and cheer, "Hallelujah, the
angels are coming. At last, it's about to begin!" The cheering was
indescribable. But the excitement slowly faded, and the shouts of
'hallelujah' died out. Finally, silence descended. Then I looked at
the angels more carefully. Standing close together, they looked
like a police cordon in front of a crowd of hooligans, with set, sad
faces. Step by step the white phalanx slowly approached the
motley crowd. Consternation spread, and some of the banners
began to retreat. Pale-faced, the people stumbled backwards,
shocked and unable to comprehend what was happening. In their
shock, some even lost their swords and pennants. The mass of
people were driven back into a large valley without exits as the
rows of angels slowly but deliberately advanced. The people were
finally trapped in the valley like sheep. Some began to cry, others
called out to God for mercy, yet others called for help. Most were
simply silent.

At last, a huge angel stepped forward and said in a voice loud
enough to be heard in the farthest corners of the valley, "That is
enough! You have done as you please for long enough. End the
war you declared yourselves. Submit to your God. Lay down the
banners and flags you made yourselves. Take off the uniforms and
boots you were given, as well as the insignia you created. Repent,
because you have been disobedient. Lay everything on the ground
beside you and kneel to ask your Father to forgive you. In His
mercy, he will grant you a fresh start."

The people froze. Astonished disbelief spread through the crowd.
Some started to talk, some even started shouting "Pay no
attention to them! Listen to me!" But some began to understand.
A few sobbed. One or two started to remove their insignia, lay
down their banners and flags, take off their uniform and kneel in
the dust, asking God for forgiveness for their disobedience.
Whenever another person knelt - or even an entire group - an angel
left the phalanx, took what the person had laid down, and carried
it out to the plain, slowly creating a huge mound of banners, flags
and uniforms. The angel then returned to the kneeling person, both
as a sign and a guard, because some of the people who had not
yet understood what was happening were angry, shouting "Traitors!
Deserters!" at those who knelt, ordering them to return to their militia.

The number of stubborn rebels and militia leaders shrank
continuously as more people recognized that they had been
incredibly misguided and laid down their uniforms and weapons.
Finally, after a long time, everyone was kneeling. The angels set
the huge mound of uniforms, banners and flags alight, and everyone
watched transfixed as the once so precious possessions vanished
in the flames. When the fire had burned down, the angel spoke
again in a very gentle voice, saying "Now stand up and follow us.
Let's start over again."


The people stood up, naked, without a uniform, but their shame
covered by the angel at their side who led them back to the point
at which they had entered the Kingdom of God. This time, each
person went slowly and deliberately to the first booth to write their
name in the army register before receiving a new uniform and boots
with no insignia. The angel then took them to the second booth,
where they received a sword, symbolizing the Word of God. They
then went on to the third and final booth, where they were given
harvesting tools and a clearly-defined task and position. The angel
then took them to a clearly defined position on the plain, where he
instructed "his" person to assume his personal position and obey
God's battle orders. The angel then left. With time, an incredibly
powerful army formed. Everyone was in the right place and knew
exactly what his job was. Nobody did what seemed right in their
own eyes, but paid great attention to their own task and function.
I saw joy, but also wild determination, written on the people's faces.
That was the end of the 'film' for me. I had tears in my eyes, and
was both horrified and thankful. At the end of my talk that evening,
I decided to recount my vision just as I have written it here.


Clint Toews is a Canadian prophet and author from Winnipeg. He
stood up at just that moment, explaining that he had planned to
speak at another church in Toronto, but that God had redirected
him, telling him to be where I would speak, and that he had a
prophetic word for the moment. I do not allow just any 'prophet' to
take the microphone, so checked with my friend Dr. Ken Stade,
also from Winnipeg, who led the meeting. He agreed that Clint
should speak.

Clint said that God has a very simple message to us all. It is
written in Joshua 5:13-14. Shortly before conquering Jericho,
Joshua encounters an unknown man armed with a sword. He
approaches the man and asks "Are you for us or for our enemies?"
The man answered "No!". Clint exclaimed "This 'NO!' is God's
answer to our unspoken question about when he will join our
project, our plan, fellowship, church, outreach, even our war. God
will not join our human plans, and particularly not our church. It is
He who builds His church. So, 'No!' But if we repent, confess our
pride, our pitiful denominationalism and favoritism, and kneel down
and remove our shoes because we recognize that Jesus is
standing before us, the Commander of the Lord's army, then he
will again assume the command which we have usurped. If we then
take the place he assigns us and follow His commands, victory will
come quickly; Jericho is a historic example. The honor for God's
victories will then no longer go to some banner, flag, denomination,
missions agency or terrific plan to save the world, but to the Lamb
of God alone, Jesus Christ."

Source: Friday Fax (