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Internet Privacy Screens

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Does anyone on this list use any of the services like McAffies Internet
screen, Internet Nannies, Integrity Online, etc.?

Yesterday I was aghast at some porn stuff that hit my computer. We are
fairly certain how it found us. A friend from church receives her email at
the local library. She called us to help her because she said she is
getting terrible pornography stuff sent to her. She came to our house,
accessed her hotmail account from our computer and we put blocks on all the
addresses from the places that were sending her objectionalbe stuff.
However, unknown to us until now it created cookies on our computer. We
went to the library yesterday and all their systems were shut
down...well...the same folks that emailed us had also hit all the library
computers too and the librarian said she was unable to stop the barage. She
had to call in a specialist to take care of the problem. We've not been hit
again since removing the cookies, however, we want to make sure it dosen't
happen again. Thankfully it was I that had the horrible stuff suddenly come
instead of one of my children.

Hubby and I have been looking at some of the services I mentioned earlier
and since we have no experience with them thought prehaps someone on the
list could give us some pro's and cons. We are very limited in our internet
providers in our area so will have to buy software online or in a