Quote from Forum Archives on February 7, 2008, 4:19 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Wow - Coach Dave is sure to make some enemies with this one!
Do you agree that there is truth in what he says?COUNTERFEIT SALT
-Coach Dave Daubenmire
(Mar 23, 06 - is framing the way you think?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? That set of beliefs
that you hold, the principles that give direction to your life, who is
sharpening those for you? Who is framing the box in which you
find yourself?Have you ever watched someone lay concrete? The mixture of
sand, concrete, and water cannot become a sidewalk without a
box-like frame constructed to give the ooze a chance to harden.People are like that, too. Without a solid framework around us, the
knowledge that we acquire will ooze in all kinds of different
directions. In order to control the flow, we need a framework, a
box if you will, to give us shape. The more you read, the more you
listen, the more you ponder, the more the concrete of your
foundation begins to harden.But it is not the concrete that shapes the sidewalk. No, it is the frame.
Who is framing the way you think?
I cut my political teeth on Rush Limbaugh. Like most Americans, I
really didnt become interested in politics and politicians until I was
well into my thirties. When Rush burst onto the scene in the late
1980s, America was ripe for a rightward turn, and he became the
purveyor of a new political ideology, modern conservatism. A
product of the hippie generation, and recently born-again, I was
drawn to the new-truth that Rush was espousing. Rush Limbaugh,
more than any other American, has helped to steer the nation
back to sanity.Speaking of sanity, Sean Hannity burst onto the scene a few
years later. A fresh voice with all-American good looks, Sean
began to invade our living rooms nightly on the start-up Fox News
Channel. Full of enthusiasm and chanting the Republican good,
Democrat bad mantra, he began to Hannitize America and
helped us focus our guns at the evil liberals. Conservative good,
liberal bad became the second stanza of the song he sang in
galvanizing Americas rightward drift.Enter the No-spin zone a safe haven for independent thinkers, or
so we were told. Were looking out for you was the tag-line upon
which Bill OReilly hung his hat, and by the millions we tuned in
every night to hear Bill bloviate on the problems of the day.Like a pressure value in a steam engine, these three men took to
the air-waves and provided a venting station where average
Americans let off steam. This triumvirate, as much as anyone else,
gave us President Bush and his new form of government.
Compassionate conservatism became the magic carpet that
carried President Bush into the Whitehouse.Fast forward to 2006. The same Republican cheerleaders,
(OReilly claims to be independent), who greased the skids for
Bushs magic carpet ride, today are the same voices that
pooper-scoop away the debris the Bush presidency has left on the
rug. Rush leads the pack with over 500 radio stations. Hannity is
no slouch with hundreds of stations and a nightly nationally-
broadcast TV show. OReilly is the darling of Fox News Channel,
and for three hours a day sits behind a microphone and broadcasts
his radio show all across America sharing his spin on the news of
the day. These three men dominate the AM airwaves in most
American cities.Invariably, if you are having a conversation around the water-cooler
at work, the names of these three opinionators are sure to come
up as well as a Did you hear what Rush said introduction to an
opinion about to be offered by a talk-radio sycophant prepared to
tell you all that is bad about the Liberals.Here is the problem. Most church-going Christians are more likely
to quote Rush, Hannity, or OReilly, than they are Mathew, Mark,
Luke, or John. As many Christian leaders have gone silent on the
great issues of the day, choosing instead to focus on your best
life now, or a purpose driven life, or the latest Dr. Phil drivel,
slowly but surely The Three Puppeteers, (Rush, Sean, and Bill,)
have become the American-cultural thermostat, explaining to us
who and what is right. Trusting in their gospel of conservativism
we have found that the magic carpet was nothing more than an old
throw-rug.Most pastors and church leaders are Johnny-Come-Latelies to the
idea of Christian involvement in politics. Convinced for years that
the church should stay away from political influence, their recent
engagement with the culture has been steered by veteran
conservatives, and the novice church leaders have been unable to
spot a fraud. Unsure of their role, and uncomfortable in the battle,
they have hired mercenaries to fight the battle for them. These
mercenaries come to the church speaking Christian-ese, and
unknowingly the evangelicals have allowed the salt of
conservativism to frame their principles.You see, conservativism is counterfeit salt. It looks like salt,
sounds like salt, reacts like salt, but it is a phony. Conservativism
is not Christianity. Christianity challenges evil. Conservativism
blends in with evil. Christianity is dogmatic. Conservatism is
pragmatic. Christianity draws a line in the sand. Conservativism
wants to own the sand. Did you ever wonder why some folks call
themselves Christian conservatives?Unfortunately, thanks to The Three Puppeteers, more Christians
are likely to identify themselves as conservatives than Christians.
Why? They get most of their ideas from the Puppeteers.Ive heard Rush slyly associate himself with the name Christian.
Hannity is a Catholic Christian, and the OReillys religious
foundation is also Catholicism. Only God knows the condition of
their soul, but I think it would be safe to say that Bible reading is
not high on the list of priorities of any of the three as they guide
their flocks. They are conservatives who identify with Christianity.
They are not by any stretch of the imagination Bible-believers.
They are spreading a gospel that is void of the Spirit. Yet the
foundational beliefs of millions of Christians are being formed by
the gospel of conservatism from Pastor Bill, Pastor Sean, and
Pastor Rush.How else can you explain the fact that so many Americans think
that President Bush is Christian-in-Chief? In a startling survey of
614 Senior Pastors by George Barna, President Bush was ranked
third when pastors selected those having the most influence on the
church. Thats right, President Bush, according to the survey,
influenced the church more than, Dobson, Maxwell, Robertson,
and Falwell. Pardon me, but shouldnt the church leaders be
influencing President Bush? Dont we have it backwards? Is it any
wonder conservativism is the new religion, and Christianity has
moved to the back of the bus? Conservativism, as preached from
the pulpits of The Three Puppeteers has become the salt of the
church, and President Bush has becomes its pope.I spent five years hosting a talk-show on a large Christian radio
station in Columbus. Pass The Salt was billed as a look at
todays issues from a Christian perspective. From 2000 to 2005, I
spent my energy railing against the un-holy alliance between the
church and the Republican Party. Calling the church to stand for
Truth, to come out of their stained-glass fortresses, to oppose evil,
and to be Gods spokesman, made me scores of enemies. The
final straw came when I began to question the Christian golden-boy,
G.W. Bush. That was almost too much for the church to take.
Pointing out where his walk did not match his talk, and chastising
Christians for blindly toeing the party line, bordered on blasphemy.
He was Gods man, and compassionate conservativism was our
new religion. Why would they want to hear me point out land
mines when they could listen to The Three Puppeteers tell them
everything was all right? Weary of fighting the church of the status
quo I happily moved on to a less republican station.Put on your dreaming cap with me. Imagine Jesus Christ was
president of the United States. What would his presidency look
like? What would his agenda be? I would wager, (oops, not very
Christian) that his first executive actions would involve:-Protection of unborn children and the sanctity of the life of the infirm.
-Preservation of marriage as one man and one woman for life.
-Teaching truth to our children.
-Exposing the true meaning of separation of Church and State,
and returning morality to government.-New budgetary restraints more borrowing and spending.
Where do President Bush and the conservatives stand on these issues?
When South Dakota passed a ban on all abortions President Bush
opposed it because he is pro-life with exceptions. In other words,
he is pro-choice, same as OReilly.When Americans in eleven states passed marriage amendments
defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman, President
Bush said he was for civil unions.When a terrorist in a black robe in Dover, Pennsylvania said that
teaching creationism in public school was unconstitutional,
President Bush talked about appointing judges who were
originalists, whatever that means.Shortly after Judge Roy Moore lost his job over the posting of the
10 Commandments, President Bush appointed Judge Moores
prosecutor, Bill Pryor, to the Federal bench.And, in the name of compassion, the Bush administration has
spent money in a way that would make Michael Jackson quiver.
Instead of tax and spend, it has become borrow and spend.To steal a line from the president, the conservatives are either with
us, or they are against us.Now all of the polls say that the Republicans are in trouble.
Compassionate conservatism turned out to be nothing more than
Democrat lite. No matter how much The Three Puppeteers tell us
everything is great, that the Republicans have a plan, that the
economy is booming, and that we are winning the war, the
counterfeit salt has been exposed for the fraud that it is.But the Republicans do have a plan. As the election draws near
they will once again back their trucks up to the doors of the
church and beg their conservative friends to please help them fill
their trucks with genuine salt. Theyll begin to talk about abortion,
gambling, marriage, and spending and watch the pastors open
the tipples and fight to prevent the evil liberals from gaining
control of the government.The Three Puppeteers will sing the praises of the Republicans
finally finding their message, warn us of the evil Democrats and
their diabolical plans for this nation, and urge us to fall in line and
keep conservatives in power. Appealing to our need to be
important, they will enlist the aid and support of evangelical
leaders, and hold on to the House and the Senate. In the
meantime, unborn babies will continue to die, perversion will
continue to be legalized, and our nation will continue to slowly drift
into the sunset. Conservatives will be in power, and Christians
will be left holding the bag. We will be told, once again, to move to
the back of the carpet, er bus.But all will be fine. Hannity will continue to paraphrase the only
Bible verse he knows let not your heart be troubled, Rush will
announce to us that his talent is on loan from God, and OReilly
will assure us that he is looking out for us. The gospel of
conservatism, spread by The Three Puppeteer-pastors, is rapidly
becoming the foundation upon which the American church is built.A former FBI agent once told me that when they are learning to
spot counterfeit currency they spend most of their time studying
the real money. Once you become familiar with the authentic, it is
easy to spot a fraud.Conservativism is counterfeit Christianity. Why can't Christians
spot a fraud?Whos framing your foundation?
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? --Psalm 11:3.
~SOURCE:© 2006 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Do you agree that there is truth in what he says?
-Coach Dave Daubenmire
(Mar 23, 06 -
Who is framing the way you think?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? That set of beliefs
that you hold, the principles that give direction to your life, who is
sharpening those for you? Who is framing the box in which you
find yourself?
Have you ever watched someone lay concrete? The mixture of
sand, concrete, and water cannot become a sidewalk without a
box-like frame constructed to give the ooze a chance to harden.
People are like that, too. Without a solid framework around us, the
knowledge that we acquire will ooze in all kinds of different
directions. In order to control the flow, we need a framework, a
box if you will, to give us shape. The more you read, the more you
listen, the more you ponder, the more the concrete of your
foundation begins to harden.
But it is not the concrete that shapes the sidewalk. No, it is the frame.
Who is framing the way you think?
I cut my political teeth on Rush Limbaugh. Like most Americans, I
really didnt become interested in politics and politicians until I was
well into my thirties. When Rush burst onto the scene in the late
1980s, America was ripe for a rightward turn, and he became the
purveyor of a new political ideology, modern conservatism. A
product of the hippie generation, and recently born-again, I was
drawn to the new-truth that Rush was espousing. Rush Limbaugh,
more than any other American, has helped to steer the nation
back to sanity.
Speaking of sanity, Sean Hannity burst onto the scene a few
years later. A fresh voice with all-American good looks, Sean
began to invade our living rooms nightly on the start-up Fox News
Channel. Full of enthusiasm and chanting the Republican good,
Democrat bad mantra, he began to Hannitize America and
helped us focus our guns at the evil liberals. Conservative good,
liberal bad became the second stanza of the song he sang in
galvanizing Americas rightward drift.
Enter the No-spin zone a safe haven for independent thinkers, or
so we were told. Were looking out for you was the tag-line upon
which Bill OReilly hung his hat, and by the millions we tuned in
every night to hear Bill bloviate on the problems of the day.
Like a pressure value in a steam engine, these three men took to
the air-waves and provided a venting station where average
Americans let off steam. This triumvirate, as much as anyone else,
gave us President Bush and his new form of government.
Compassionate conservatism became the magic carpet that
carried President Bush into the Whitehouse.
Fast forward to 2006. The same Republican cheerleaders,
(OReilly claims to be independent), who greased the skids for
Bushs magic carpet ride, today are the same voices that
pooper-scoop away the debris the Bush presidency has left on the
rug. Rush leads the pack with over 500 radio stations. Hannity is
no slouch with hundreds of stations and a nightly nationally-
broadcast TV show. OReilly is the darling of Fox News Channel,
and for three hours a day sits behind a microphone and broadcasts
his radio show all across America sharing his spin on the news of
the day. These three men dominate the AM airwaves in most
American cities.
Invariably, if you are having a conversation around the water-cooler
at work, the names of these three opinionators are sure to come
up as well as a Did you hear what Rush said introduction to an
opinion about to be offered by a talk-radio sycophant prepared to
tell you all that is bad about the Liberals.
Here is the problem. Most church-going Christians are more likely
to quote Rush, Hannity, or OReilly, than they are Mathew, Mark,
Luke, or John. As many Christian leaders have gone silent on the
great issues of the day, choosing instead to focus on your best
life now, or a purpose driven life, or the latest Dr. Phil drivel,
slowly but surely The Three Puppeteers, (Rush, Sean, and Bill,)
have become the American-cultural thermostat, explaining to us
who and what is right. Trusting in their gospel of conservativism
we have found that the magic carpet was nothing more than an old
Most pastors and church leaders are Johnny-Come-Latelies to the
idea of Christian involvement in politics. Convinced for years that
the church should stay away from political influence, their recent
engagement with the culture has been steered by veteran
conservatives, and the novice church leaders have been unable to
spot a fraud. Unsure of their role, and uncomfortable in the battle,
they have hired mercenaries to fight the battle for them. These
mercenaries come to the church speaking Christian-ese, and
unknowingly the evangelicals have allowed the salt of
conservativism to frame their principles.
You see, conservativism is counterfeit salt. It looks like salt,
sounds like salt, reacts like salt, but it is a phony. Conservativism
is not Christianity. Christianity challenges evil. Conservativism
blends in with evil. Christianity is dogmatic. Conservatism is
pragmatic. Christianity draws a line in the sand. Conservativism
wants to own the sand. Did you ever wonder why some folks call
themselves Christian conservatives?
Unfortunately, thanks to The Three Puppeteers, more Christians
are likely to identify themselves as conservatives than Christians.
Why? They get most of their ideas from the Puppeteers.
Ive heard Rush slyly associate himself with the name Christian.
Hannity is a Catholic Christian, and the OReillys religious
foundation is also Catholicism. Only God knows the condition of
their soul, but I think it would be safe to say that Bible reading is
not high on the list of priorities of any of the three as they guide
their flocks. They are conservatives who identify with Christianity.
They are not by any stretch of the imagination Bible-believers.
They are spreading a gospel that is void of the Spirit. Yet the
foundational beliefs of millions of Christians are being formed by
the gospel of conservatism from Pastor Bill, Pastor Sean, and
Pastor Rush.
How else can you explain the fact that so many Americans think
that President Bush is Christian-in-Chief? In a startling survey of
614 Senior Pastors by George Barna, President Bush was ranked
third when pastors selected those having the most influence on the
church. Thats right, President Bush, according to the survey,
influenced the church more than, Dobson, Maxwell, Robertson,
and Falwell. Pardon me, but shouldnt the church leaders be
influencing President Bush? Dont we have it backwards? Is it any
wonder conservativism is the new religion, and Christianity has
moved to the back of the bus? Conservativism, as preached from
the pulpits of The Three Puppeteers has become the salt of the
church, and President Bush has becomes its pope.
I spent five years hosting a talk-show on a large Christian radio
station in Columbus. Pass The Salt was billed as a look at
todays issues from a Christian perspective. From 2000 to 2005, I
spent my energy railing against the un-holy alliance between the
church and the Republican Party. Calling the church to stand for
Truth, to come out of their stained-glass fortresses, to oppose evil,
and to be Gods spokesman, made me scores of enemies. The
final straw came when I began to question the Christian golden-boy,
G.W. Bush. That was almost too much for the church to take.
Pointing out where his walk did not match his talk, and chastising
Christians for blindly toeing the party line, bordered on blasphemy.
He was Gods man, and compassionate conservativism was our
new religion. Why would they want to hear me point out land
mines when they could listen to The Three Puppeteers tell them
everything was all right? Weary of fighting the church of the status
quo I happily moved on to a less republican station.
Put on your dreaming cap with me. Imagine Jesus Christ was
president of the United States. What would his presidency look
like? What would his agenda be? I would wager, (oops, not very
Christian) that his first executive actions would involve:
-Protection of unborn children and the sanctity of the life of the infirm.
-Preservation of marriage as one man and one woman for life.
-Teaching truth to our children.
-Exposing the true meaning of separation of Church and State,
and returning morality to government.
-New budgetary restraints more borrowing and spending.
Where do President Bush and the conservatives stand on these issues?
When South Dakota passed a ban on all abortions President Bush
opposed it because he is pro-life with exceptions. In other words,
he is pro-choice, same as OReilly.
When Americans in eleven states passed marriage amendments
defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman, President
Bush said he was for civil unions.
When a terrorist in a black robe in Dover, Pennsylvania said that
teaching creationism in public school was unconstitutional,
President Bush talked about appointing judges who were
originalists, whatever that means.
Shortly after Judge Roy Moore lost his job over the posting of the
10 Commandments, President Bush appointed Judge Moores
prosecutor, Bill Pryor, to the Federal bench.
And, in the name of compassion, the Bush administration has
spent money in a way that would make Michael Jackson quiver.
Instead of tax and spend, it has become borrow and spend.
To steal a line from the president, the conservatives are either with
us, or they are against us.
Now all of the polls say that the Republicans are in trouble.
Compassionate conservatism turned out to be nothing more than
Democrat lite. No matter how much The Three Puppeteers tell us
everything is great, that the Republicans have a plan, that the
economy is booming, and that we are winning the war, the
counterfeit salt has been exposed for the fraud that it is.
But the Republicans do have a plan. As the election draws near
they will once again back their trucks up to the doors of the
church and beg their conservative friends to please help them fill
their trucks with genuine salt. Theyll begin to talk about abortion,
gambling, marriage, and spending and watch the pastors open
the tipples and fight to prevent the evil liberals from gaining
control of the government.
The Three Puppeteers will sing the praises of the Republicans
finally finding their message, warn us of the evil Democrats and
their diabolical plans for this nation, and urge us to fall in line and
keep conservatives in power. Appealing to our need to be
important, they will enlist the aid and support of evangelical
leaders, and hold on to the House and the Senate. In the
meantime, unborn babies will continue to die, perversion will
continue to be legalized, and our nation will continue to slowly drift
into the sunset. Conservatives will be in power, and Christians
will be left holding the bag. We will be told, once again, to move to
the back of the carpet, er bus.
But all will be fine. Hannity will continue to paraphrase the only
Bible verse he knows let not your heart be troubled, Rush will
announce to us that his talent is on loan from God, and OReilly
will assure us that he is looking out for us. The gospel of
conservatism, spread by The Three Puppeteer-pastors, is rapidly
becoming the foundation upon which the American church is built.
A former FBI agent once told me that when they are learning to
spot counterfeit currency they spend most of their time studying
the real money. Once you become familiar with the authentic, it is
easy to spot a fraud.
Conservativism is counterfeit Christianity. Why can't Christians
spot a fraud?
Whos framing your foundation?
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? --Psalm 11:3.
© 2006 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved