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Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,


"Their father Jacob said to them, 'You have deprived me
of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no
more, and now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is
against me!'" (Genesis 42:36, NIV).

Jacob had lost his dearest wife, Rachel, when she was
giving birth to her second son, Benjamin (see Genesis
35:16-19; 48:7). The other half-brothers of her first
son, Joseph, who had been very dear to Jacob, sold
Joseph into slavery and deceived their father that a
wild animal killed him (i.e. Joseph). They even came
with a convincing evidence of bloodstained cloth of
Joseph (see Genesis 37:31-35). Undoubtedly, Jacob was
still mourning the demise of his dear son when another
tragedy struck - Simeon was imprisoned in Egypt for no
reason. To compound his distress, the other sons wanted
to take Benjamin, the only source of joy for Jacob, as
they were about to go back to Egypt, otherwise, they
all would die of hunger because of famine. Jacob voiced
out in agony: Everything is against me!

Indeed, one would agree with Jacob that everything was
against him. However, was everything really against
him? Absolutely no! God was working behind the scene to
make everything works for him. Joseph confirmed this
when his brothers came to beg him for the evil they had
done him. Hear him: "You intended to harm me, but God
intended it for good to accomplish what is now being
done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:20, NIV).
As a matter of fact, Jacob realized later on the
working of God in all these events. He alluded to this
in his discussion with Joseph (see Genesis 48).

What as happened to you before, and what is happening
to you presently that make it seems as if everything is
against you? Have you allowed those events to weigh you
down? Have you lost all hope because of all these
events? Paul has this to say: "And we know that in all
things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans
8:28, NIV).

God is at work in everything that happens to you.
Everything is indeed working for you!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

I give glory, honor and adoration to the Almighty God
that this email ministry tagged "Spiritual Digest" was
exactly two years old last Friday February 18, 2005! I
ask for your prayer support and words of encouragement
as I continue the ministry. I solicit for your sincere
EVALUATION of the ministry - the strength, the
weakness, the good, the bad, and even the worst of the
ministry. This will help me to improve the ministry.

Let me make it known to you that I need one urgent
assistance in this ministry - having a personal website
exclusively for the ministry. I am now looking unto God
for any of you that He will use to help me in this
regard. Write me directly at
<> or
<>. God bless you!

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