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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

MODERATOR: Last week there was a lot of discussion in the
wake of my article - "Are We MISSING THE HARVEST?" Quite
a few people pointed out that often we don't see miracles in the
West because of our culture's UNBELIEF. I agree that this has a
profound effect.

I am not talking about the kind of "unbelief" that denies the
existence of God, or anything like that. I am talking about the kind
that comes from being so 'EDUCATED' and living in a 'SCIENTIFIC'
society - full of humanism - that explains away the supernatural
and always sends us to the DOCTOR instead of sending us for
prayer, etc. It is so insidious and subtle - and we hardly realize
how bad it is because we are immersed in this culture every day.
In the Third World, where Revival is happening, they have the exact
opposite mindset. I think this does have a lot to do with our lack
of miracles. Perhaps we all need to rebuke and renounce Unbelief?

However, I do know of small pockets or groups in the USA that
are seeing healings and powerful things regularly on the streets.
One man prays for people in Walmart who look sick, and has
seen a number healed. Another group in the Southern USA has
seen similar things regularly in their street ministry. They give
out prophetic words to unbelievers and command healings in
Jesus' name - preaching the "Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Many wonderful things have happened.

A big part of this is- SIMPLY "GOING". We can make excuses
all day long, but powerful things only happen when people actually
GO OUT. -So find some homeless people. Take them some food,
water, hats and gloves. Ask if they want prayer. It is that easy!
GET OUT THERE! -Make a start. It is not as hard as you think.

Below are a number of insightful comments on this topic, found
on our Forum at- :

'TheHawk' writes:
My step-daughter went on a "missions" trip to Nicaragua last July.
She is your typical teenager with all the hang-ups and so forth that
come with being a teenager. She has always gone to church in the
West her entire life.

When she returned to the States from her trip there was quite a difference.

She had been on previous "missions" trips to different parts of the
United States and she had never experienced anything like she
had on this trip.

On this trip she saw miracles and healings one right after the other
and people came to the Lord in droves. In fact her group prayed
that this gang would get saved and they did!

She has a picture of girl who had crossed eyes from birth and after
they prayed for her her eyes and eyesight were normal.

I asked her why those things happened there and she said they

When people experience, through faith, the reality of Jesus and the
power of the Living God upon themselves and their loved ones they
will want that/HIM more than anything. When all you have is your
belief that Jesus will do what He says He'll do you can expect
great things to happen.

In the West we have everything - or so we think!

As I read this post I too am saddened by this lack of revival in our
lands and yet we continue to debate doctrine and issues that add
little if anything to what God is really doing in the Earth. We have
become too myopic in the West and tend to only see the world
and what God is doing through the lenses of Western eyes.

I believe that is why Jesus told His disciples "Do you not say,
'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold,
I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are
already white for harvest!...."

While we debate the issues others are about doing His work. But
what can we do?

Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful,
but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to
send out laborers into His harvest."

Perhaps our revival is simply waiting for laborers to go forth!
'Hephzibah' writes:
Some people say it's a lack of faith. If we just believe harder, it will
happen. My experience tells me that's not the case. I pray with a
group of people who are filled with faith. When they take mission
trips to other countries, miracles usually happen. When they pray
here, miracles rarely happen. Same people, same faith, same
relationship with Jesus, same prayers -- different results.
Frank writes:
Hephzibah, I agree with all you say except one point....

When people of faith travel out of the country and see miracles but
see none at home, it must be the faith or lack thereof of those
prayed for. How many times did Jesus say "Your faith has made
you well"? Several. We in the Modern Western World tend to not
believe in miracles. We are too critical and doubtful. Therefore, we
see few miracles. In other countries the attitude is (or can be) very
Ian writes:
We work with a church in Vietnam (underground church) that is
growing by the hundreds. Do they tithe? -No. Do they share? -Yes.
Do they pray and minister to each other? -Yes. Why did this
happen? Well, partly because when Communism took over,
Western religion was run out. And they now meet under bridges,
in the jungle, in the sewerage system, anywhere that they cannot
be found. No fancy music systems, no fancy buildings, no college
taught leadership, just everyday people that believe in the Bible
and try to live by it. Gives you something to think about.
'Spearcarrier' writes:
I've heard of churches being formed in Sowetto, South Africa, out
of nothing, in the poorest area, and growth has been phenomenal.
There are places in Africa that cannot contain the people who
gather to worship. I tend to agree with some others who say we
have not missed the final harvest. I can't believe that God has
closed His doors to us and our neighbors and family. I do know
that we in the west have become closed and have turned our hearts
against the things of God.... I'd say we will yet see a miraculous
outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the west, but it will come with a
price, a mighty cleansing fire....
'ThebigR' writes:
Harvesting and revival function on a power/presence orientation that
most western nations and western Christians do not understand
or function well in.

The main reason miracles take place is because people understand
the spirit realm and consider walking in the Spirit as a normal state.
It is only western Christians that function on a rational mindset that
predisposes Christians to struggle with the duality of flesh/spirit
part of their nature. For those of us Christians who understand
God's Word and function well in a presence/power orientation,
harvest, revival, miracles, etc, are considered normal and we see
it take place in the US ....
MODERATOR: Just GO, my friends! -Make a start!

God bless you all.

-Andrew Strom.