God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
No one gives grace better than the person who is deeply persuaded that he needs it himself. Self-righteous people tend to be critical, dismissive, and impatient with others.
>Attached: - Same contents in word format for easy down loading.<SPAN lang=EN-US style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; COLOR:
red; FONT-FAMILY: Ethnocentric; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> <
Sixty seven year old Vijaypat singhanias record breaking balloon ride is a challenge to both young and old.On 26th November this industrialist-aviator climbed to 69,852 ft in hot air balloon, breaking the 17 year record of 64,997 ft by U.K. based Per Lindstrand.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none;
TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Singhanias original plan was to reach 70,000 ft.But due to the failure of certain equipments he had to come down. 56year old Per Lindstrand immediately responded. He congratulated Singhania but pledged to break this record very shortly.
See the adventurous and competitive spirit of these men, that too when they are even advanced in years.
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">True, a Christian need not to be a competitor as far as Christian life and ministry is concerned. Bible says that every believer has been given a specific gift by the sovereign will of God for the service in the body of Christ, thus all of us are unique and we do not compete with one another. We only need to fulfil the specific role the Lord has graciously given us in the body of Christ.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">That doesnt mean that we should avoid any effort to excel and climb to a higher level in our life and service.Sad to note that though we do every thing to get to the top in the secular field we do little to grow in spiritual life. We are not bold enough to take steps of faith to grow. As a result often our life and service remains average or even below that. We have failed to make an impact, failed to inspire, set an example or a challenge for others in relation to spiritual life.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Consider the exhortation of Paul, Never be lacking in zeal, but keep you spiritual fervour serving the Lord. Rom.12:11. We should always desire and labour to go up even breaking records!The Lord hates complacency in a Christians life.To the luke-warm Laodiceans He commands, Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.Rev.3:19
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt:
solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Growth in any area demands change. For change to take place one should dream, desire and courageously take innovative steps by faith. Break the status quo.
Take risks if necessary.True faith life always involves risk.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM:
0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
Trusting in the power of the Spirit of God and understanding the perfect will of God for our life we should strive to achieve, gain more and more. Remember the famous saying of William Carry, Expect Great things from God and Attempt Great things for the Lord.That may be little risky indeed.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> But Let us be achievers, over comers, record-breakers for better Christian life and service. Such a life will be a testimony as well as a challenge to others.
face="Times New Roman">I can do every thing through Him who gives me strength.Phil.4:13
<FONT face="Times New Roman"
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in;
BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">NTK
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt"> ==========================================================
Anecdote: - <SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> Donkey of Miller.
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 6pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">When C.T. Studd went to Africa for missionary work he left his sick wife alone at home. Many began to accuse Studd for that. Studd wrote dont listen to them; we cant satisfy every body we need to obey God more than any thing.
face="Times New Roman">He also reminded her of the donkey of Miller.When Miller went to market with his son, son was walking and Miller was travelling on the donkey. People began to say wicked man, poor child is walking and he is sitting on the donkey.
<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
2"> So he came down and told son to sit on the donkey. Then people began to say What lazy boy, poor father is walking and he is comfortably travelling.
Then both began to travel on the donkey. Then people began to say, poor donkey, these fellows have no mercy for
this animal.
So both came down and began to carry the donkey on their shoulder using a long rod.
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 6pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium
none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">People began to laugh and say two donkeys carrying one donkey.
Then all three began to walk. Again people said, How foolish they are? Though they have a donkey they walk
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Moral:- We cant satisfy all.Our efforts to do so make us to achieve nothing.
style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Important thing is what God wants us to do.
Brief Article: -<SPAN
style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Seven Minutes with God -2
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Now take four minutes to read the Bible.Your greatest need is to hear some word from God.Allow the Word to strike fire in your heart.Meet the Author!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">One of the Gospels is a good place to begin reading. Start with the Book of Mark.Read consecutively verse after verse, chapter after chapter.Don't race, but avoid
stopping to do a Bible study on some word, thought, or theological
problem which presents itself.Read for the pure joy of reading and allowing God to speak -- perhaps
just 20 verses, or maybe a complete chapter.When you have finished Mark, start the Gospel of John.Soon you'll want to go ahead and read the entire New Testament.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT:
medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
After God has spoken through His Book, then speak to Him -- in prayer.You now have two and a half minutes left for fellowship with Him in four areas of prayer that you can remember by the word ACTS.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
A -- ADORATION.This is the purest kind of prayer because it's all for God -- there's nothing in it for you. You don't barge into the presence of royalty.You
with the proper salutation.So worship Him.Tell the Lord that you love Him.Reflect on His greatness, His power, His majesty, and sovereignty!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt:
1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
C -- CONFESSION follows.Having seen Him you now want to be sure every sin is cleansed and forsaken.Confession comes from a root word meaning "to agree together with." Apply this to prayer.It means to agree with God. Something happened yesterday you called a slight exaggeration -- God calls it a lie! You call it strong language -- God calls it swearing.You call it telling the truth about somebody in the church -- God calls it gossip. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me"(Psalm 66:18).
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">T -- THANKSGIVING.Express your gratitude to God. Think of several specific things to thank Him for:your family, your business, your church and ministry
responsibilities -- even thank Him for hardships."In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (I Thessalonians 5:18).
S -- SUPPLICATION.This means to "ask for,
earnestly and humbly."This is the part of your prayer life where you make your petitions known to Him.Ask for others, then for yourself.Why not include other people around the world, such as missionaries, students studying abroad, friends in distant places, and above all the people of many lands who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none;
PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Let's put these seven minutes together:
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1/2Prayer for guidance (Psalm 143:8)
4Reading the Bible (Psalm
<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> Adoration (I Chronicles 29:11)
Confession (I John 1:9)
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:20)
(Matthew 7:7)
This is simply a guide.Very soon you will discover that it is impossible to spend only seven minutes with the Lord.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> An amazing thing happens -- seven minutes become 20, and it's not long before you're spending 30 precious minutes with Him.Do not become devoted to the habit, but to the Saviour.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium
none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Do it not because other men are doing it -- not as a spiritless duty every morning, nor merely as an end in itself, but because God has granted the priceless privilege of fellowship with Himself.Covenant with Him now to guard, nourish, and maintain your morning watch of seven minutes.
The man who has the Bible and the Holy Spirit in his heart, has everything which is absolutely needful to mae him sprirutaly wise He has the well of truth open before him, and what can he want more? Yes, though he be sht up alone in a prison, or cast on a deser island ..if he has but the Bible, he ha got the infalliable guide, and wants no other.(
<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> J.C. Ryle
<FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3> =================================================================
Sermon Out line:-
Psalm 32
The blessing or happiness that transcends all other human joy!
David composed this psalm after Nathan came to him. Psalm 51 was the confession of his great sin and prayer for forgiveness. Ps 32 is the record of the confession made, and the forgiveness obtained, and the blessedness of his position as a sinner restored to Gods favour.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in
0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none">
I. What Made Up This Great Blessing?
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt:
1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. The fact of deliverance from the guilt + punishment of his sin.
a) we must come to terms with the reality + seriousness of our sin! David recognised his sin+ guilt, acknowledged it, + found forgiveness! vv 1-2, 5.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium
none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">b) WHAT IS SIN? SIN is lack of conformity to the moral law of God, either in act, disposition, or state.
-there are sinful acts, there are sinful habits, + a sinful condition (state) of the soul. We have a totally sinful heart, and this is the basis of our sinful habits, + these manifest
themselves in sinful deeds.
SIN includes both guilt and pollution.
c) NOTE : 3 expressions for sin in verse 1.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium
none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. Lifting of a burden Christ bore the burden, Isa.53.6
2. Covering of a stain not hiding them ourselves - but as the
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">blood on the Mercy Seat blotted out Israels sin, Titus 3.5
3. Cancellation of a Debt God no longer reckons sin to their
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">charge or places them to their account, 2 Cor.5.19; Ro. 4.6
2. <SPAN
style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">The joyful consciousness of pardon and reconciliation to God.
v.5 Thou forgavest the .v.11 shout for joy
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none;
PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">3. Gods Guidance v.8, + preservation + deliverance v.7 for the future.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">II HOW WAS THIS BLESSING OBTAINED?
1.He recognised and confessed his guilt v. 2 guile
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">2.He no longer sought to hide it v.3-4
3.Formula for repentance v.5
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. Davids case illustrates the way for all sinners to obtain pardon! v.6a
2. Assurance of eternal preservation from the waters of judgement v.6b
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">3.Delivered from Judgement (6b)
Hidden from wrath(7a)God, his City of Refuge!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none;
PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Preserved from Trouble (7b) victory over all the trials of life
Encircled with Singing (7c)the final deliverance songs in Heaven!
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.8 Promise of Guidance
v.9 Warning
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.10 Statement- No mercy promised the unsaved who are like the
the horse + mule: but sorrow now and hell hereafter!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt:
solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.11 Triumphant Exhortation
<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
6"> Michael Brown
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium
none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Sunday school teacher was dismissing the students for the church service.Reminded them to keep silent.Do you know why should keep silent in the Church? she asked them again.One student replied, Because people are sleeping in the church!<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
size=3>Moral:- True, many sleep in the church---make occasional sound like praise the lord Amen- in between..
All over India it seems opposition to gospel is increasing.
The latest is the brutal attack on Evangelist Shaji Samuel and the believers in Panavel, New Bombay.
Bro. Shaji says, though he has faced opposition and attack earlier too, it was so severe that he can not even imagine that scene now. He became unconscious immediately after they began to beat him but still kept on attacking him for one hour. It was only after they finished with three of them they were dragged to the police station in an auto rickshaw they (attackers) themselves had arranged and charged a case against our brethren.
The police initially were not even willing to send them to the hospital; only after next duty officer took charge, seeing the deteriorating state of the
brethren especially Shaji, police made the arrangement to take them to hospital. It was due to the suggestion of the municipality hospital authorities Shaji was taken to Lok hospital which is run by our brethren.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt
4.0pt">From the C.T scan and x-rays it is found that he has no internal complications other than internal muscular injury.Due to that he has much pain all over the body especially at the left chest side and abdomen. It seems he was very badly beaten and stamped by the unruly angry crowd. He will have to take rest for many days at the same time take exercise to strengthen the injured internal muscles.He takes pain killers every one hour.After fifteen day he will have to come to hospital for further check-up.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
The Lord in a wonderful way intervened. Considering the number of people who attacked, the place and the timing, much more could have happened.Our brethren do not want to give any complaint to the authorities. But request the prayers of the saints, that they may be restored to full health soon and continue in their testimony more effectively for the Lord.
Realizing the deterorating state of our land we need to pray and make use of every opportunity to share the gospel of Christ before it is too late.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">NTK <DIV
class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
>Attached: - Same contents in word format for easy down loading.<SPAN lang=EN-US style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; COLOR:
red; FONT-FAMILY: Ethnocentric; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> <
Sixty seven year old Vijaypat singhanias record breaking balloon ride is a challenge to both young and old.On 26th November this industrialist-aviator climbed to 69,852 ft in hot air balloon, breaking the 17 year record of 64,997 ft by U.K. based Per Lindstrand.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none;
TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Singhanias original plan was to reach 70,000 ft.But due to the failure of certain equipments he had to come down. 56year old Per Lindstrand immediately responded. He congratulated Singhania but pledged to break this record very shortly.
See the adventurous and competitive spirit of these men, that too when they are even advanced in years.
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">True, a Christian need not to be a competitor as far as Christian life and ministry is concerned. Bible says that every believer has been given a specific gift by the sovereign will of God for the service in the body of Christ, thus all of us are unique and we do not compete with one another. We only need to fulfil the specific role the Lord has graciously given us in the body of Christ. <DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">That doesnt mean that we should avoid any effort to excel and climb to a higher level in our life and service.Sad to note that though we do every thing to get to the top in the secular field we do little to grow in spiritual life. We are not bold enough to take steps of faith to grow. As a result often our life and service remains average or even below that. We have failed to make an impact, failed to inspire, set an example or a challenge for others in relation to spiritual life. <DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Consider the exhortation of Paul, Never be lacking in zeal, but keep you spiritual fervour serving the Lord. Rom.12:11. We should always desire and labour to go up even breaking records!The Lord hates complacency in a Christians life.To the luke-warm Laodiceans He commands, Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.Rev.3:19 <DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt:
solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Growth in any area demands change. For change to take place one should dream, desire and courageously take innovative steps by faith. Break the status quo.
Take risks if necessary.True faith life always involves risk.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM:
0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
Trusting in the power of the Spirit of God and understanding the perfect will of God for our life we should strive to achieve, gain more and more. Remember the famous saying of William Carry, Expect Great things from God and Attempt Great things for the Lord.That may be little risky indeed.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> But Let us be achievers, over comers, record-breakers for better Christian life and service. Such a life will be a testimony as well as a challenge to others.
face="Times New Roman">I can do every thing through Him who gives me strength.Phil.4:13
<FONT face="Times New Roman"
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in;
BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">NTK
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt"> ==========================================================
Anecdote: - <SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> Donkey of Miller.
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 6pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">When C.T. Studd went to Africa for missionary work he left his sick wife alone at home. Many began to accuse Studd for that. Studd wrote dont listen to them; we cant satisfy every body we need to obey God more than any thing.
face="Times New Roman">He also reminded her of the donkey of Miller.When Miller went to market with his son, son was walking and Miller was travelling on the donkey. People began to say wicked man, poor child is walking and he is sitting on the donkey.
<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
2"> So he came down and told son to sit on the donkey. Then people began to say What lazy boy, poor father is walking and he is comfortably travelling.
Then both began to travel on the donkey. Then people began to say, poor donkey, these fellows have no mercy for
this animal.
So both came down and began to carry the donkey on their shoulder using a long rod.
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 6pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium
none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">People began to laugh and say two donkeys carrying one donkey.
Then all three began to walk. Again people said, How foolish they are? Though they have a donkey they walk
<DIV class=MsoBodyText3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Moral:- We cant satisfy all.Our efforts to do so make us to achieve nothing.
style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Important thing is what God wants us to do.
Brief Article: -<SPAN
style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Seven Minutes with God -2
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in;
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Now take four minutes to read the Bible.Your greatest need is to hear some word from God.Allow the Word to strike fire in your heart.Meet the Author!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">One of the Gospels is a good place to begin reading. Start with the Book of Mark.Read consecutively verse after verse, chapter after chapter.Don't race, but avoid
stopping to do a Bible study on some word, thought, or theological
problem which presents itself.Read for the pure joy of reading and allowing God to speak -- perhaps
just 20 verses, or maybe a complete chapter.When you have finished Mark, start the Gospel of John.Soon you'll want to go ahead and read the entire New Testament.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT:
medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
After God has spoken through His Book, then speak to Him -- in prayer.You now have two and a half minutes left for fellowship with Him in four areas of prayer that you can remember by the word ACTS.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
A -- ADORATION.This is the purest kind of prayer because it's all for God -- there's nothing in it for you. You don't barge into the presence of royalty.You
with the proper salutation.So worship Him.Tell the Lord that you love Him.Reflect on His greatness, His power, His majesty, and sovereignty!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt:
1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
C -- CONFESSION follows.Having seen Him you now want to be sure every sin is cleansed and forsaken.Confession comes from a root word meaning "to agree together with." Apply this to prayer.It means to agree with God. Something happened yesterday you called a slight exaggeration -- God calls it a lie! You call it strong language -- God calls it swearing.You call it telling the truth about somebody in the church -- God calls it gossip. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me"(Psalm 66:18).
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">T -- THANKSGIVING.Express your gratitude to God. Think of several specific things to thank Him for:your family, your business, your church and ministry
responsibilities -- even thank Him for hardships."In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (I Thessalonians 5:18).
S -- SUPPLICATION.This means to "ask for,
earnestly and humbly."This is the part of your prayer life where you make your petitions known to Him.Ask for others, then for yourself.Why not include other people around the world, such as missionaries, students studying abroad, friends in distant places, and above all the people of many lands who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none;
PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Let's put these seven minutes together:
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1/2Prayer for guidance (Psalm 143:8)
4Reading the Bible (Psalm
<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> Adoration (I Chronicles 29:11)
Confession (I John 1:9)
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:20)
(Matthew 7:7)
This is simply a guide.Very soon you will discover that it is impossible to spend only seven minutes with the Lord.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> An amazing thing happens -- seven minutes become 20, and it's not long before you're spending 30 precious minutes with Him.Do not become devoted to the habit, but to the Saviour.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium
none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Do it not because other men are doing it -- not as a spiritless duty every morning, nor merely as an end in itself, but because God has granted the priceless privilege of fellowship with Himself.Covenant with Him now to guard, nourish, and maintain your morning watch of seven minutes.
The man who has the Bible and the Holy Spirit in his heart, has everything which is absolutely needful to mae him sprirutaly wise He has the well of truth open before him, and what can he want more? Yes, though he be sht up alone in a prison, or cast on a deser island ..if he has but the Bible, he ha got the infalliable guide, and wants no other.(
<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:
yes"> J.C. Ryle
<FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3> =================================================================
Sermon Out line:-
Psalm 32
The blessing or happiness that transcends all other human joy!
David composed this psalm after Nathan came to him. Psalm 51 was the confession of his great sin and prayer for forgiveness. Ps 32 is the record of the confession made, and the forgiveness obtained, and the blessedness of his position as a sinner restored to Gods favour.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in
0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none">
I. What Made Up This Great Blessing?
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt:
1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. The fact of deliverance from the guilt + punishment of his sin.
a) we must come to terms with the reality + seriousness of our sin! David recognised his sin+ guilt, acknowledged it, + found forgiveness! vv 1-2, 5.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium
none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">b) WHAT IS SIN? SIN is lack of conformity to the moral law of God, either in act, disposition, or state.
-there are sinful acts, there are sinful habits, + a sinful condition (state) of the soul. We have a totally sinful heart, and this is the basis of our sinful habits, + these manifest
themselves in sinful deeds.
SIN includes both guilt and pollution.
c) NOTE : 3 expressions for sin in verse 1.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium
none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. Lifting of a burden Christ bore the burden, Isa.53.6
2. Covering of a stain not hiding them ourselves - but as the
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">blood on the Mercy Seat blotted out Israels sin, Titus 3.5
3. Cancellation of a Debt God no longer reckons sin to their
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">charge or places them to their account, 2 Cor.5.19; Ro. 4.6
2. <SPAN
style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">The joyful consciousness of pardon and reconciliation to God.
v.5 Thou forgavest the .v.11 shout for joy
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none;
PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">3. Gods Guidance v.8, + preservation + deliverance v.7 for the future.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP:
medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">II HOW WAS THIS BLESSING OBTAINED?
1.He recognised and confessed his guilt v. 2 guile
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">2.He no longer sought to hide it v.3-4
3.Formula for repentance v.5
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in;
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">1. Davids case illustrates the way for all sinners to obtain pardon! v.6a
2. Assurance of eternal preservation from the waters of judgement v.6b
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">3.Delivered from Judgement (6b)
Hidden from wrath(7a)God, his City of Refuge!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none;
PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Preserved from Trouble (7b) victory over all the trials of life
Encircled with Singing (7c)the final deliverance songs in Heaven!
<DIV class=MsoNormal
style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.8 Promise of Guidance
v.9 Warning
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;
mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.10 Statement- No mercy promised the unsaved who are like the
the horse + mule: but sorrow now and hell hereafter!
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt:
solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">v.11 Triumphant Exhortation
<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
6"> Michael Brown
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium
none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">Sunday school teacher was dismissing the students for the church service.Reminded them to keep silent.Do you know why should keep silent in the Church? she asked them again.One student replied, Because people are sleeping in the church!<SPAN style="mso-tab-count:
size=3>Moral:- True, many sleep in the church---make occasional sound like praise the lord Amen- in between..
All over India it seems opposition to gospel is increasing.
The latest is the brutal attack on Evangelist Shaji Samuel and the believers in Panavel, New Bombay.
Bro. Shaji says, though he has faced opposition and attack earlier too, it was so severe that he can not even imagine that scene now. He became unconscious immediately after they began to beat him but still kept on attacking him for one hour. It was only after they finished with three of them they were dragged to the police station in an auto rickshaw they (attackers) themselves had arranged and charged a case against our brethren.
The police initially were not even willing to send them to the hospital; only after next duty officer took charge, seeing the deteriorating state of the
brethren especially Shaji, police made the arrangement to take them to hospital. It was due to the suggestion of the municipality hospital authorities Shaji was taken to Lok hospital which is run by our brethren.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt
4.0pt">From the C.T scan and x-rays it is found that he has no internal complications other than internal muscular injury.Due to that he has much pain all over the body especially at the left chest side and abdomen. It seems he was very badly beaten and stamped by the unruly angry crowd. He will have to take rest for many days at the same time take exercise to strengthen the injured internal muscles.He takes pain killers every one hour.After fifteen day he will have to come to hospital for further check-up.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;
mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">
The Lord in a wonderful way intervened. Considering the number of people who attacked, the place and the timing, much more could have happened.Our brethren do not want to give any complaint to the authorities. But request the prayers of the saints, that they may be restored to full health soon and continue in their testimony more effectively for the Lord.
Realizing the deterorating state of our land we need to pray and make use of every opportunity to share the gospel of Christ before it is too late.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;
BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">NTK <DIV
class=MsoNormal style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt: 1.0pt 4.0pt 1.0pt 4.0pt">