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Issue No.020 June 15, 2006 Fading Faithfulness; THE LINNEN SHEETS

Posted by: ntk561 <ntk561@...>

Grace & Peace
An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement

Issue No.020 June 15, 2006


In this issue:-

                          Perspective:-                          Fading Faithfulness
                          Study Note: -                        THE LINNEN SHEETS
                          Sermon Outline: -                Four Rests

                         Anecdote: -                           Misdirected   
                         A worthy quote: -                  Prayer


Perspective:-                          Fading Faithfulness

Around 3000 years ago David lamented, "Help, Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men." Ps.12:1.  If the moral standard of the general public was such thousands of years ago, how much more degraded and declined the human character now!

It doesn't need an investigation to find out the utter unfaithfulness and dishonesty prevalent in the society, even in the lives of many so – called Christians. No hesitation to speak absolute lie, change promises and to twist words. Many play different roles; showing varied life in the workplace, in the church and at home.

Unfaithfulness to spouse, parents, friends, employers and even the almighty is widespread.  Trustworthy, reliable, honest, truthful people are lacking very badly.  The Lord would have declared, as He did with the Pharisees, "woe unto you….. hypocrites" 

Never forget, more than any thing else, the Lord is looking for sincerity and truth. In spite of our weakness and even failures if only we are honest and true in our response to Him and others He will be pleased in us. Notice that though Moses did fail as a human being, God commented, "My servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house."

As we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, would we be able to hear, "well done, good and faithful servant." Matt.25:23.  Let us be faithful even in the little things of our every day life. Let our 'yes' be 'yes' and 'no' be 'no' and nothing else. Let there be no pretence and show. Live a real, true life in which God as well as man can trust.



Study note:-                               THE LINNEN SHEETS

Linen in the scriptures speaks of righteousness. The Bride the Lambs wife is clothed in "Fine linen, pure and white;" for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints", Rev. 19;9.. The linen fence would be the first thing that one approaching the tabernacle would see; it formed the mass of material to fill the view. This emphasizes the need for practical righteousness and holiness in the life of each believer. Paul said that the Corinthians were their letter written in their hearts, "known and read of all men",2
Cor.3;2-3.Any person who seeks to draw near to God, the first thing that they  see of Him is what they see in the lives of His people, we are God's  love letter to lost men. It is most important then that our lives commend the Gospel to others, that we "adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things", Titus 2; 10. We must let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good (or upright), works and glorify our Father, who is in heaven. Mat. 5; 15. We are to attract men to Christ, the "gate", not turn them away.

The purpose of the fence:

The fence was there, not to keep people out, but to direct them to the gate; even a blind person could find his way to the gate, by following the fence around. This demonstrates the purpose of the believer's testimony, both individually, and as members of the local assembly. We are meant by our clean and upright lives, to attract and to guide people to Christ, who is the "gate", the only way by which any person can come to God.



Sermon outline:-                              Four Rests

                         Rest to the conscience- In Christ.   Matt. 11:28
                         Rest for the heart-Under Christ.   Matt.11:29
                         Rest Amid Service-With Christ.  
                         Rest in Heaven – Like Christ.  Heb.4:9


Anecdote:                                           Misdirected  

The doubleheader train was bucking a heavy snowstorm as its steam engines pulled it west. A woman with a baby wanted to leave the train at one of the little stations along the route. She repeatedly called, "Don't forget me!" to the brakeman responsible to call out the stations they approached. Her husband was to meet her.

The train slowed to a stop, and a fellow traveler said, "Here's your station." She hopped from the train into the storm. The train moved on again. Forty –five minutes later, the brakeman came in. "Where's the woman?"

"She got off at the last stop," the traveler said.

"Then she go off to her death," the brakeman responded. "We stopped only because there was something the matter with the engine."

They called for volunteers to go back and search for the woman and child. When they found her hours later, not far form the track where they stopped, she was covered with ice and snow. The little boy was protected on her breast. She had followed the man's directions, but they were wrong-dead wrong.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only authority. Depend on the one who has experienced death and provided redemption for you the one who will walk through with you thorugh the valley of the shadow of death.


Worhty Quotes:-                       Prayer

"Oh! One hour with God infinitely exceeds all the pleasures and delights of this lower world."
David Brainerd
"Prayer is the prayer slender nerve that moveth the muscles of omniptnece."
Charles Spurgeon



 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out on alternate Thursdays,
aiming the overall spiritual growth of the Christian Believers.
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Edited and produced by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.
