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Issue No.039 April 16, 2007 Easter Implications, 'god' in a Bombay court!

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>





An e-periodical for
spiritual enlightenment,
edification and



Issue No.039 April 16,




Subscription details in the



In this issue

  • Perspective:  Easter

  • Study

  • Outline:  The Resurrection of

  • Anecdote: Prayer for the

  • Worth

  • News &
    'god' appeared in a Mumbai

  • Matters For
    prayer & Praise






Once again the world celebrated the
death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Born again Christian believers
do not observe these traditional festivals, for they know that these are
christened pagan celebrations. Nevertheless many find it a fitting opportunity
to tell the world about the implications of the death and resurrection of Jesus
The Lord has clearly commanded His people to remember His death till
He returns by participating from the Lord's Supper. Luk.22:19, 20. The disciples
observed this commandment by gathering daily initially and then every first day
of the week. Act.2:46; 20:7.  Though this feast of remembrance—the Lord's
supper – is kept once in a week, individually a Christian should always remember
the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because it was His death
that obtained our salvation and we are sustained by His life. Jn.14:19;


Christ tells us emphatically that the
spiritual health and strength of a believer lies with the measure of his
meditation and thoughts on the Lord. Jn. 6:53—58. We need to feed on the Lord
Jesus Christ continuously. Thoughts of Him: His perfections, sufferings and the
present work are all food for our spiritual nourishment! Psa. 63:5, 6; Heb.12:2,
3. Such meditations on Christ will strengthen and encourage a Christian so much.
No wonder the writer exhorts the weary and wavering Hebrew Christians to fix
their eyes on Christ. Heb.3:1; 12:1, 2.  Paul even prayed that the
spiritual eyes of the Ephesian believers may be opened to see the greatness of
the power of God that is available for them, such that worked in the
resurrection of Christ. Eph.1: 18—20.


Paul testifies that it was because of the
knowledge of the person Jesus Christ that he forsook the earthly privileges as
rubbish and ran fast forward in Christian life. Still his desire is to know more
of Christ and the power of His resurrection. Phil.3: 7—12. Yes, once the
reflections of Christ, the knowledge of His person grip us, it is there we are
thoroughly transformed and motivated to go on in Christian life. Not just a
ritualistic remembrance but meaningfully with all our heart, ponder on the life
& glories of Christ and stay closer to Him for a healthy and joyful
Christian life.



ALTAR (contd)

Charles E.


The priests were also to burn incense there,
and are warned not to ever offer strange incense. The composition of the incense
that was acceptable to God is given to us in chapter thirty, 34:38, and each
ingredient speaks of some different aspect of the glory of Christ.
We live
in a day when both strange incense and strange fire are very common, when what
is pleasing to God, as set out for us in His word is ignored, and what is
popular in the world, and pleasing and entertaining to men is substituted for
biblical worship.


 People are often moved by powers or
spirits, other than the Holy Spirit, who alone can prompt and move the redeemed
heart of man in true worship.


The golden altar stood
in the Holy place so is not a reference to the prayers or worship that we offer
to God in our homes. It is important to notice this, because from the very
beginning of the Church's testimony, it was the practice of the believers to
gather together for collective prayer. It is sad, today, the assembly prayer
meeting has been almost completely neglected, and because of this there is a
great lack of power, and blessing. It has been proved that where believers are
so concerned to experience the power and blessing of God, that they are willing
to gather together in the Lord's name, to beseech the throne of God, that God
does honour the promises of His word. However incense does not only represent
prayer, but especially adoration and worship.

 are told in verse 2, (Ex..27,) that
there were four horns, one on each of the corners of the altar, these were
places where the guilty could come and plead for mercy, as we see in 1 Kings,
1;50, and 2;28. The blood of the sacrifices was placed on those horns, and all
represents our coming to Christ and His cross, when convicted of our sin, to
plead for mercy, but mercy based on the righteous sacrifice of our Substitute.
"Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling".




Resurrection of Christ



1.  Proof of His deity.
2. Seal of a finished work. Act.13:29,
3. Sign of a glorious triumph. Heb.2:14;
4. Reassures our faith. 1Cor.15:14,
5. Confirms our salvation.
6. Confirms the present work of Christ.
7. Confirms the second coming of Christ.
8. Pledge of Coming Resurrection. 1
9. Certainty of a future judgment.
10. Prompts us to live and die for Him. 1Cor. 15:30—32, 50—58.



Prayer for the


It is a true story happened in New Orleans
in 1960. The federal judge ruled that the city schools must be integrated. 
A 6-year old girl, Ruby Bridges, was the only black child to attend the William
T. Frantz School.
 Every day for weeks as she entered and left the
building, a mob would be standing outside to scream at her and threaten her.
They shook their fists, shouted obscenities, and threatened to kill her.
day her teacher saw her lips moving sash se walked through the crowd, flanked by
burly federal marshals. When the teacher told Ruby if she was talking to the
people, she replied, "I wasn't talking to them, I was just saying a prayer for
them". When she was asked why did you do that?", Her reply was " because they
need praying for". (Read  Matt.5:44)




Worth Quote:- 



                            "Affliction is the best bit of furniture in my
   ---C.H. Spurgeon


                              "Afflictions are but the shadow of God's
                             "Adversity makes a man wise, not
  --John Ray



News & Views

'god' appeared
in The  Bombay High court.


Thirty year old Dharmendra Mishra claims
that he is god-lord Vishnu's incarnation and his wife is goddess lakshmi. He
asserts that his father is the god of gods, lord Shiva!  But when the
public was not willing to accept it, this call centre employee sought the help
of the Bombay high court. He told that he is the god of all religions-Ram,
Buddha and even Christ.
 His prayer is that court should counsel the
president and prime minister of India to recognize him as god and make a
declaration. Also he wants that the control of the government and even the UN
may be given to him for better governance. He also claimed to prove his deity by
swallowing cyanide tablets for he will not die as he is god!
The court
dismissed the 'divine' petition saying that such a case fall does not fall under
the jurisdiction of the judiciary. 

We have heard many such claims but it is
the first time seeing a 'god' approaching court for recognition.  We can
expect much more in the later days.



For Prayer & Praise:-




1. Ivan Arthur Desai. Mumbai
Ivan Arthur Desai Aged 71, fondly called 'Ivan uncle' was promoted to glory on
April 3 in Mumbai. He was one of the elders of the Christian Brethren Assembly
at Borivli. He had a successful knee cap operation on both of his legs and was
getting ready to leave the hospital, but then the Lord chose to take him home.


He loved the Lord's people so much that he
tried to attend any special gatherings of the saints in Mumbai and suburbs. Even
he used to visit the workers conferences to meet the Lord's servants.


With his humble and sincere dealings he
could capture the heart of many believers in this city and elsewhere. His love
for the Lord and His word was an example and an encouragement. A spiritual
ministry in His presence was a special joy.  His sudden departure is not
only a loss for his assembly, even for the whole city.


Bro. Philip Ambrose has put it well, "He was
repairing his legs to walk the streets of earth for some more time, but God was
preparing his legs to walk the golden streets forever".


Remember the bereaved ones in prayers.

For more details visit the assembly web site:  www.

2. P.I. Abraham, Rajapalayam. Lord's Servant,
P.I.Abraham Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu went to be with the Lord on April 14. He was
72.  He was one of the senior most full time servants of God in this south
Indian state. Fifty years ago he came to this city for Lord's work commended by
a local assembly in Punalur, Kerala.
He was one of the editors of the
evangelistic Malayalam monthly called, 'suvisheshakan'. His editorials were
timely, biblical and thought provoking. His writings could maintain the standard
that the founder editor, M.E. Cherian set for that magazine.
Pray for the
family members and the other bereaved ones.


Summer Bible Studies: -

Number of special bible classes is being conducted all over India during the
summer  vacation. Few are mentioned here for praise and
1. ABC for Teens: - A two week study of basic doctrine and
other relevant topics for teens was conducted by the Christian Brethren Assembly
Borivli. 25 young brothers and sisters regularly attended the classes. It was
conducted in the meeting room of the Fort assembly. Number of brethren from
Mumbai helped in the teaching.
2. Beracha Bible School.
Andrapradesh. One week special bible studies were conducted at the Beracha
compound, at Nidadavol form April 2—7.
The brethren there conduct this
course every two months for the last more that 25 years. It is a time for the
believers, elders and evangelists of this Godavari area to sit under the
ministry of the word of God in systematic manner.


In the latest session, classes were taken by
Bro. Sabu Cherian Cochi and Nelson Thomas Mumbai.  Around 75 believers
attended in this residential program
More details of this ministry can had
from: - Bro.B.G.Stevenson, Berachah, Canal Road, Nidadavole. 534 301
Andrapradesh. Phone.08813—221386(off)


3. Bible studies for Maharashtrian
. Marathi speaking brethren are conducting a week long summer Bible
studies for their youth. Basic doctrines and relevant topics will be taught by a
number of brethren from Mumbai. The
     Classes will
begin on April 22 and conclude by 18 at Virar, Near Mumbai.
4. Hindi
Bible School in Bhopal,
M.P. the Bhopal Assembly is conducting a short term
Bible school in their hall in association with NIBI Alwar.




Andamans: - Evangelist M.K. Sunny seeks the
prayers of the Lord's people for the people of Andamans as they are facing
severe climatical irregularities and consequent difficulties like deceases and
drought. Prayers are also sought for sr.Rani Siva Kumar and her children Varsha
and Nisha who are seriously ill. For details call  


To ponder over



 "For consider Him who endured such
hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in
your minds."


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Edited and posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the Glory
of God & the Joy of the saints.