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Issue no. 048 February 29 08 Supreme Priorities

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



In this issue

  • Perspective:  Supreme Priorities
  • Study Note:  Oil for the lamp
  • Outline:  One thing's
  • Anecdote:  Pompous Numskull
  • News & Views : Priest died to rise again on the third day!
  • Young Minds:- The Lord is the same yesterday today and for ever.
  • Worth Quote:  Failure

Supreme Priorities
There were two questions that Saul of Tarsus asked while he met Christ on the way to Damascus. 1. “Who are You, Lord?” 2. “Lord, what do You want me to do?”  Act.9:5, 6
As we follow the life of Saul, who became Paul later, we can notice that through out his life he kept on asking these two questions.
Around twenty-five years after his conversion Paul says ‘I may know Him and the power of His resurrection…” Phil.3:8
To the Ephesian elders he spoke of his another priority, “None of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”  Act.20:24. When he was warned about the possible dangers ahead Paul declares boldly, “I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. Act.21:12   Even from the dungeon of Roman jail, bound in chains, he affirmed, “ According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but in all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.” Phil.1:20
You see the commitment of Paul for Christ and His word. His entire life was consecrated to know Christ and make Him known. He was not just satisfied in having a basic acquaintance with Christ and His word. Paul strived to know Christ more intimately and fulfil His purposes through His life.
Such should be the longing of every born again Christian: to know the Lord Jesus more and know His will to obey more.  To Romans Paul wrote, “You may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Rom.12:2b
Yes God has a definite plan for our life and that alone is good for us, because that is perfect and flawless. That alone is acceptable to God and His people. Paul realized it and never thought of deviating from God’s way. Even while preaching the gospel he stopped it in response to God’s command! Act.16: 6—10.

Are we committed to these two experiences in our life? How much do we know Christ and His word? Are we living in God’s will? Is God pleased in our day to day life? Let this be our priority: know God and obey Him. For that is good, acceptable and perfect.

Study Note
The Golden Lamp stand (Contd..)
Charles E. Wigg
Oil for the lamp

Even when the lamp was formed, and put in its place, crowning the branch or stem, still it was incapable of giving any light; it had first to be filled with oil. This oil we are told in Ex. 27;20, was only to be Pure...Beaten...Olive ...Oil, reminding us at once of the Holy Spirit, without whose indwelling and power, the believer is unable to, shine, to witness, to give light.
First it was Pure, we should ever bear in mind that the Holy Spirit who has indwelt us from the moment of our conversion, if the Holy Spirit, not just a Spirit, or the Spirit, but the Holy Spirit, He is holy, and demands, and by His patience and power, produces holiness in the lives of those within whom He dwells.
Secondly it was beaten, a reference to the suffering that the blessed Holy Spirit passes through within us as He seeks to confirm us to the image of Christ. If Paul compared his sufferings and agony of soul for the Galatians to the agony of child-birth, then how much more does the Holy Spirit suffer as He seeks to reach God's end in us. That is why we are told to "Grieve not the Holy Spirit", and to "Quench not the Spirit". That is why we are told that He makes intercession for us, "With groaning that cannot be uttered", Rom. 8; 26
Thirdly it is Olive Oil that is it is obtained from a living source. It is interesting to note that He is called the "Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus", in Romans 8;2, So many verses in the Bible speak of Him as the giver and sustainer of life, the One who quickens us, see the following verses in Romans chapter 8, from the verse already quoted. We have seen in the case of Aaron's rod of almond, which it spoke of Christ in resurrection, remember that it was by the Holy Spirit that Christ was quickened and raised. It is His power alone, which enables the believer to give light, to bear witness.

One Thing’s
1. One thing lacking.  Mark.10:21
2. One thing to know. John.9:25
3. One thing needful. Luke.10:42
4. One thing to do. Phil.3:13
5. One thing to desire. Psalm.27:4
6. One thing to find. Joshua.23:14. 

Pompous Numskull
There’s a story about a proud young man who came to Socrates asking for knowledge. He walked up to the muscular philosopher and said, “O great Socrates, I come to you for knowledge.”

Socrates recognized a pompous numbskull when he saw one. He led the young man through the streets, to the sea, and chest deep into water.
 Then he asked, “What do you want?” “Knowledge, O wise Socrates,” said the young man with a smile. Socrates put his strong hands on the man’s shoulders and pushed him under. Thirty seconds passed, thirty – five, forty. Socrates let him up. The man was gasping, “What do you want, young man?” Between heavy, heaving breaths the fellow wheezed, “Knowledge O wise and wonderful…”

 Socrates jammed him under again Forty second passed, fifty. “What do you want?” “Air” he screeched. “I need air!” “When you want knowledge as you have just wanted air, then you will have knowledge.”

Young minds

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. - Hebrews 13:8

Stephenson Isaac Kota, India

If He is the same today as yesterday, then my soul, do not set your affections upon these changing things, but set your heart upon Him.  My
heart, do not build your house upon the sandy pillars of a world that soon must pass away, but build your hopes upon this rock, which, when the rain
descends, and floods shall come, shall stand immovably secure.
My soul, I charge you, lay up your treasure in this secure storehouse.  My heart, I bid you now to put your treasure where you can never lose it.  Put
it in Christ; put all your affections in His person, all your hope in His glory, all your trust in His efficacious blood, all your joy in His presence, and then you will have put yourself and put your all where you can  never lose anything, because it is secure.
Remember, my heart, that the time is coming when all things must fade, and when you must part with all.  Death's gloomy night must soon put out your
sunshine; the dark flood must soon roll between you and all that you have. Then put your heart with Him who will never leave you; trust yourself with
Him who will go with you through the black and surging current of death's stream and who will walk with you up the steep hills of heaven and make you
sit together with Him in heavenly places forever.
Go, tell your secrets to that friend that sticks closer than a brother.  My heart, I charge you, trust all your concerns with Him Who can never be taken
from you, Who will never leave you, and Who will never let you leave Him, even "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever."

News & Views
Priest kills himself to rise again on the third day!
We have heard about people expecting their loved ones to come back to life after their death. But here is a Hindu priest consumed poison to die and rise again on the third day!  Manoj Baghel of Raipur, India promised that he would return to life after three days.  The relatives and followers did not allow the district administration to conduct a post –mortem, hoping that we he rise to life. They kept the body in a locked room inside the temple and continued with rituals and prayers. But on the third day he was cremated as he failed come back to life!
It seems Manoj Baghel heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection from the dead. Yes the Lord Jesus Christ was God Himself and His claims were true. He said, “…I lay down my life that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down and I have power to take it again.” John.10:17, 18. He did come back to life as He was the source of life. Christ alone could rise from the death and Him alone we have life eternal.


Worthy Quote
 “Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan; no one wants to claim it”
                                                                                                                   --------------John F.Kennedy
“A fall is not a signal to lie wallowing, but to rise.”
                                                                        ------------- Christina Rossetti
“Keep a long memory for His mercies and a short one for your failures.”
                                                                                                      ----------Warren Wieersbe