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Issue No.066 November, 2009 Technology: Help or Hindrance? KEMF conference

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.066 November, 2009

In this issue:-


Technology: Help or Hindrance?


        No one can deny the impact of the technological revolution of our times. We live in an era of rapid growth in every aspect of modern technology. We have achieved so much that our forefather never even dreamt of, particularly in the field of information technology.

        Mobile phones and web technology have phenomenally changed the way man communicates. Virtually everything is possible over the internet. Education, consultation, marketing, marriage alliances, socializing, banking, shopping and whatever you name, everything is done online! According to some statistics more than 25% of the world population using the web for various purposes.

        The trend today is to be on-line always. He can not think of a moment when he is not connected either through a cell phone or a computer. He wants to be updated on everything under heaven.

        What is the outcome? A wired generation! Always plugged in to some electronic gadget, they don’t care anything else.They are in a different world - digital world. Sad, instead of using the technological innovations as a good servant, man allows technology to master over him.

        I am not aware of the condition in other countries, but in India I see an abuse of electronic devices. Many Christians also follow the trend. Even when they attend worship meeting, their attention is on their mobile phone! We can see them rushing out to take a call in the midst of a service. I have seen during some conferences, the participants misusing the wireless internet facility, surfing the net even as they sit before the word of God.

        What is the result? One young man says from experience, ‘after spending 18 hours daily playing online games for a couple of weeks, I was unable to speak, made mistakes while writing, could not look at people while talking’. Yes, unrestricted use of internet and the digital world is playing havoc in the lives of many, especially younger generation.

        Apart from obesity, speech retardation, and other health problems, experts find such people fail in their social skills too. They do not have a better inter-personal relationship. They are only comfortable in socialising before a computer!

        God’s people must be aware of the consequences of such abuse of technology. If the secular world is concerned about the overuse of internet how much more we should be.

        Apostle Paul says it poignantly, “All things are lawful to me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” 1 Corinthians 6:12

        Even as we use the modern technology for good we should never become a slave to such things. We should be clear about our priority. The God-given facilities should not become a hindrance. If our mobile or internet hinders our devotion to the Lord or fellowship with the saints, it’s a big loss. If we can not separate a time away from such appliances, it is addiction. How long shall we stay connected any how? Let us honour God, respect His word, and forget not our priority: God and His purposes.

        Paul adds further, “….those who buy as though they did not posses, and those who use this world as not misusing it. For the form of this world is passing away.” 1 Corinthians 7:30c, 31

        Yes, use but do not abuse. Undue consideration for possessions of life is materialism. Let us not be engrossed in to electronic devices or internet but use with caution and discipline. Make sure our Lord is pleased and His name is glorified in all what we do, even when we are on-line.

Out line:-

The Abundance of God’s Provision to meet all our Need:-

  1. Abundant Mercy for the lost.     1Peter 1:3
  2. Abundant Life for the Dead.      John10:10
  3. Abundant Pardon for the Guilty.     Isaiah 55:7
  4. Abundant Peace for the Troubled.     Psalm 37:11
  5. Abundant Grace for the Needy.     Romans 5:17
  6. Abundant Joy for the Sad.      2 Corinthians 8:2
  7. Abundant Power for the Weak.     Ephesians 3:20

Anecdote: -

Feeding a Viper

       It’s a true story. Thirty seven year old Sunil Rande played with snakes most of his life. . For twelve years he worked as an inspector with the Bombay Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He has rescued around sixteen thousand of snakes during this period.

       On October 25, 2009 he died after being bitten by a Russell’s viper, one of the most poisonous snakes in India. He rescued it earlier and had kept in his house and used to feed the viper twice a day. On Sunday 25th October while feeding the snake, it bit him. Before he could take anti-venom he was collapsed, became unconscious and died after 20 minutes.

Matters for prayer:- 1

KEMF conference Bhopal, India

After ten years, Kerala Evangelistic Missionary Fund, the oldest service agency among the Brethren Assemblies in India, conducted a conference for the evangelists from North India. More than 200 commended full time workers gathered at Bhopal from November 12 –15, 09.

       It was a wonderful time of fellowship for the Lord’s Servants scattered all over North India. Apart from the very useful ministry of the word of God by eminent Bible Teachers, some practical discussions were made. Two things stand out:-

  • Whatever we have already achieved in terms of evangelistic ministry result is encouraging but need to put more effort to evangelize the modern India considering the growing population and other new openings. So prepare the new generation for evangelism in serious manner.
  • Special effort must put to share the gospel of Christ to the elite of the society. Some how we do not give more attention to reach the upper class. Find new techniques, may be distinct from the conventional methods of evangelism.

       Most of the participants took these points seriously. Pray that it may result in a more zealous endeavor in the gospel work in North India.

       This conference showed another truth that the office bearers of KEMF are not just interested in passing on financial gift to the evangelists; they are equally concerned about the ministry going on in various parts of the land. Kindly pray for the ministry of KEMF.

       Get further details from secretary Mr. K. Paul Thomas, Tel. +91 481 2382237 Email:- or

Matters for prayer:- 2

Leadership Seminar Tata Nagar, Jharkhand, India.

Matters for prayer:- 3

Leadership conference Khandala Maharasthra India

Worthy Quotes:-


“Good habits are hard to acquire but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire but hard to live with.”

_________________________Author Unknown
“First we build our habits; then our habits build us.”
__________________Author Unknown
“It is easier to prevent ill habits than to break them.”
_________________Thomas Fuller

 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out monthly, aiming the overall spiritual growth of Christian Believers.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


"For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessityis laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!" 1 Corinthians 9:16