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Issue No.067 December, 2009 Time to Examine Ourselves ; Effort to save Earth

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.067 December, 2009

In this issue:-


Time to Examine Ourselves


        Praise the Lord! Once again we have come to the end of another year. It is time to recall, repent and renew our commitment to the Lord. Certainly, constant introspection may not be a healthy habit- just like driving a vehicle while focussing always on the rear view. Yet, an occasional review of our life is helpful. We can assess our life and think about ways to go forward more efficiently.

        In fact any moment can be a time of retrospection. Similarly, any time can be an occasion for a new beginning. A year end is definitely the best opportunity to look back and consider the days gone by.

        In the Old Testament God often called upon the people of Israel to look back. Isaiah 51:1 It was to:-

  1. Remember the way God dealt with them. Due. 8: 2ff; 9:7, 8.
  2. Be grateful to the Lord. Psa. 103:8
  3. Be humble. Due. 8:16, 17
  4. Be confident. Isa. 51:1,2.

        Today also a sincere review of our past will lead us to the above mentioned experiences. We ought to recall the faithfulness of God and be thankful, humble and confident for the days ahead. Nevertheless I would like to consider another important reason to look back our past days. That is to examine our life. A thorough check-up of our past year’s performance is essential.

        In connection with the Lord’s supper apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “But let a man examine himself..” 1 Cori. 11:28a. Often we read this verse during the Holy Communion and leave there. However this self-examination is not just confined to Lord’s Supper. A Christian should constantly examine himself and see where his life stands in the light of God’s word.

        But alas, we are only interested to examine others! We conveniently forget our own faults. To such ones the Lord says, “Hypocrite! First remove the speck from your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck form your brother’s eye.” Matt.7:5. It is not our business to judge the motive and intentions of others. The Lord will reveal it in His own time. 1 Cor. 4:5.

        Obviously, a local assembly should examine the professing believers / apostles etc and take necessary steps. Revelation 2:2; 1John 4:1 Even this corrective measures in a local church can be effective only after the leadership have a practice of examining and correcting their own life first. Matt. 7:5

What are the areas we should look into?

  1. Our heart. 1 Cori. 11:28 – Is our heart clean, in good terms with the Lord to appreciate Him and worship Him? What is our attitude to divine things?
  2. Our faith. 2 Cori. 13:5. “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves…” How is our faith? Is it great, little or even lacking? How much do we depend upon the Lord?
  3. Our work. Gala. 6:4 “But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing..” How is our activity? Is it in accordance with the scriptures? Is it acceptable to the Lord?
  4. Our ways. Lama. 3:40 “Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord.” This has to do with our life style. How is our general life, the fashion, the style? Is it pleasing to God?

Paul says if we don’t check and yet consider that every thing is alright, when the truth is something else, we deceive ourselves. Galatians 6:3. Actually it is not just deception, it is foolishness. We are deliberately rejecting the opportunity to examine our life and amend abnormalities. We just pass our time with out any contemplation for God’s plan or standard.

        Notice what Job says, “Though I were righteous, my own mouth would condemn me: though I were blames, it would prove perverse.” Job 9:20. Job knows that his own evaluation and judgment has limitations. He is aware that it is God who searches the hearts and the innermost part of our being. Jer. 17:10. The Lord knows exactly what we are. Then it is only wise to go to Him and allow Him to flash His light upon us and make us to see our real state. Jam.1:22—24.

        That’s exactly what the Psalmist did, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me...” Psa 139: 23, 24. Shall we also seek the Lord’s help and examine our entire life and alter our ways before too late. And then surrender afresh to God’s own hands for a better, blessed New Year.


Out line:-

“To Call to Remembrance”

  1. How excellent is Thy Name.      Psalm 8:1
  2. How great is Thy Goodness.      Psalm 31:19
  3. How precious is Thy Loving kindness?      Psalm 36:7
  4. How dear are Thy Tabernacles?      Psalm 84:1
  5. How sweet are Thy Words?      Psalm 119:103
  6. How precious are Thy Thoughts?      Psalm 139:17

Brief Article: -


       One of the divine attributes that very often encourages me is the FAITHFULNESS OF GOD. In the midst of various up’s and down’s in life this reality revives my heart and challenges to keep going. God is faithful in His words and actions. He never fails us, nor makes a mistake. His plan is perfect and He will fulfill it, even if we fail to fully comprehend it in the beginning. It is His faithfulness that sustains us.
Let us consider few things about the faithfulness of God and see how it applies in our life.
I. The uniqueness of God’s Faithfulness

Anecdote: -

Black Tuesday

       On October 7, 1969 the Montreal, Canada police force went on strike. Because of what resulted, the day has been called Black Tuesday.

       A burglar and a policeman were slain. Forty-nine persons were wounded or injured in rioting. Nine bank holdups were committed, almost a tenth of the total number of holdups the previous year. There were 17 robberies at gunpoint.

       Usually disciplined, peaceful citizens joined the riffraff and went wild, smashing some 1000 plate glass windows in a stretch of 21 business blocks in the heart of the city, hauling away stereo units, radios, TVs and wearing apparel. While looters stripped windows of valuable merchandise, professional burglars entered stores by doors and made off with truckloads of goods. A smartly dressed man scampered down a street with a fur coat over each arm with no police around, anarchy took over.

News & Views:- 1

Effort to save Earth

Thousands of delegates from more than 192 countries, deliberated over the core issue, 'how to save the planet earth', for 12 days. What was the result? Most participants returned from Copenhagen with out any satisfaction.

       What went wrong? Commentators are still analyzing the reasons. One reporter in India wrote, “It seems apparent something disturbing has started” (Samar Halarnkar HT 27/12/09). He was referring to the evident effect of global warming in India.

       But for a Bible believing Christian, even this failed UN summit is not a surprise. He knows well; however man try, The Creator has already planned His purposes for His creation. Any effort with out acknowledging the Divine designer is not a wise step!

More from web Global Meet to Save the Earth

News & Views:- 2

Liquor sale on Christmas Eve

According to a news report, Rupees 28 crore (About 6.3 Million US Dollar) worth alcoholic drinks were sold on the Christmas Eve in Kerala in South India. This is only about the liquor sold through a government agency. If we calculate the amount of liquor sold through other shops and bars, it would come to much more. Even President Prathibha Patil expressed her concern over the growing alcoholism among the people of Kerala.

       Bear in mind, who are these consumers? Most of them, definitely Christians, celebrating Christmas! A festival in Christ’s name to indulge in their cravings doesn’t give any glory to God, but a dishonour to His great name.

No wonder the rate of suicide and family break-up also is growing in this tiny state.

Matters for prayer:-

DISHA 2010

An Innovative Multimedia Show 06 – 10 JAN 2010 at International stadium, Kaloor, Kochi, Kerala, INDIA, to communicate the Gospel of Christ. The aim is to present the gospel to the present generation who are possessed with materialism and other modern ideologies. This exhibition will present the gospel of Christ with the support of apologetics, Science, Reason, Archeological and Historical evidences.

       There will be a series of audio-visual screenings, posters, thematic sculptures, brain storming sessions etc under a single roof set at International Stadium, Kaloor, Kochi. This evangelistic venture is conceptualized and organized by a team of born again believers from likeminded Christian denominations. The brethren expect about 25,000 people to visit this show every day.

       For more information on DISHA 2010 mail at or visit

Worthy Quote:-


“People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”

_________________________Samuel Johnson

 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out monthly, aiming the overall spiritual growth of Christian Believers.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


"Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.." Psalm 103:1, 2