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Issue No.069 February, 2010 ; Message from a Graveyard!

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.069 February, 2010

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In this issue:-


Message from a Graveyard!


        Brethren in Bombay witnessed a remarkable funeral last week. The large crowd that attended the service quietly but powerfully testified, beyond doubt he lived a true Christian life. Bear in mind, he was not a preacher or a well known personality as such, yet as the dear ones and friends began to recollect the sweet memories of this child of God, it was indeed a challenge to one and all. One brother wondered, ‘what would be the response of my dear ones as I would end up in a coffin one day’!

Be wise

        Brethren, shall we not consider this truth that we have to leave this world sooner or later. When we know death is universal, inevitable and an appointment by God, how can we neglect this vital reality and spend our days carelessly. Remember the prayer of Moses, “So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12.

        It is wisdom to number our days. Each day is God’s gracious gift to prepare for eternity. How strange this is: man is careful to make necessary arrangements with financial institutions to secure the future of his dependents, in case of an accidental death, yet they don’t consider securing the future of their own life after death. Many have tried to comprehend the attitude of man, soon after leaving the graveyard; he just forgets the issue of death till he goes to cemetery again!

At least three things we must consider as we apply the wisdom of Moses.

1. Be saved.

        Make sure that our sins have been forgiven and we are reconciled to God. Merely knowing about Christ or the things of the Bible is not enough. We need a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who took our sins, died, buried and rose again from the dead. Trusting and acknowledging Him as our personal saviour and Lord alone can make us the children of God. Cf. John 1:12, 13; 5:24; Romans 10:9, 10.

2. Be Godly.

        Experience of personal salvation and the assurance that one is a child of God is definitely a big deal. Nevertheless that is not enough as far as our practical life is concerned. We need to lead an ideal godly life. God wants us to be His witnesses by an upright and an unblemished life.

        Remember, though it is not bad to be known for our activities and clever ideas, the most touching and influencing factor is a testimonial life. A pure life commands much power. The fragrance of such life goes beyond time or space even if they are unknown to many during their lifetime.

        How do we influence our family, society and the fellow believers? What do they learn about us as we move with them?

3. Be punctual.

        Appreciate life and complete our duties in time. In view of eternity our earthly life is too short. Never forget that it is the time to prepare for our life after. We should gratefully consider that God in His grace extends our days and gives enough opportunity to know and live for Him.

        In Acts 13: 36 we have a very significant statement about David. “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption.” (ESV) Rick Warren the author of the famous book, ‘The purpose driven life’ says many years ago this verse challenged him so much that totally transformed his life.

        We too should be encouraged to live and fulfill the purposes of God for which He has kept us here and gladly enter in to our rest. What a blessed experience it would be if we can say with Apostle Paul, “The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2Timothy 4:6, 7.


        As often we say, it is not how long we live, but how we live that matters the most. A true Christian never fears death, on the contrary he longs for it. It is the precious moment of home call. They are zealous in the work of God; complete their responsibilities and keeping themselves pure from the evils of this world. Godly believers with full of hope; look forward to the day of seeing their Lord whom they love and to be with Him forever.

Dear reader, when death shall knock at the door one day, what would be your reaction?

Out line:-

The Redeemer’s Return: A Sevenfold Results

  1. Revelation            1Peter 1:13
  2. Resurrection           1 Thess 4:16; 1Cori 15:52
  3. Redemption            Eph 4:30
  4. Refreshing          Acts 3:19
  5. Rapture               1Thess 4:13—18
  6. Reception             John 14:3
  7. Recompense         Reve 22:12

Study Note: -


Thomson B. Thomas, Mumbai

       The purpose of God in setting up leaders in the Church is the good of His people. It is His care for them- not just an opportunity for the leaders to labor and qualify for the rewards. This divine objective can be achieved only if the leader’s relationships with God and family are properly taken care of. (Jn.21.15-17; 1 Tim.3.5).
Our relationship with God is the most important area of our life. The success in all other areas of relationship depends on the quality of this relationship. (Rom.8.35-39).
Hence we will consider three area of relationships where a Christian leader should be careful about. Read More

Anecdote: -

Safe in Christ.

       F.B. Mayer wrote about two Germans who wanted to climb the Matterhom. They hired three guides and began the steep and treacherous assent. They roped themselves to gather in this order: guide, traveler, guide, traveler and guide.

       They had gone only a little way when the last man lost his footing. He was held up by the other four, because each had a toe hold in the niches they had cut in the ice. But the next man slipped and pulled down the two above him. The only one to hold on was the first guide, who had driven a spike deep in to the ice. Because he held on, all the men beneath regained their footing.

       Mayor concluded this story by drawing a spiritual application. He said, “I am like a one of those men who slipped, but thank God, I am bound in a living partnership to Christ. And because he stands I will never perish.”

News & Views:-

Call for a World Government

On January 23, 2010 a prominent News Paper in India carried a full page advertisement, calling upon the government of India to establish a world government for global justice, unity and peace. The advertiser is a renowned educationalist based in UP.      More online

Matters for prayer:-

Mega Convention-First time in the history of Gujarat, INDIA .

Date:   24th to 26th February 2010
Place:   Galkwadi Village Ground-Tapi district(Gujarat)
Speaker:  Bro.Jose Mathews-Mangalore
Gospel Music by:   Bro.Edwin Paul & Team
Expecting Audience:   5000(Five thousand)
For Bible Class:   300
Subject:   salvation & Separation.
We request your prayer & Support.
Regards, Simon Payyanur

Worthy Quotes:-


“Believe me, life lived in earnest does not die; it goes on for ever.”

_________________________Edward Thring

“Lord, Thou knowest better than I know that I am growing older.
Keep me from getting too talkative and thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Teach me that glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken.
Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful, but not bossy;
Thou knowest, Lord, that what I want is a few friends at the end.”

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


“ I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.” Joel 2:25