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Issue No.070 March, 2010 Agony that we Easily Neglect

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.070 March, 2010

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In this issue:-


An Agony that we Easily Neglect


        The world is remembering the sufferings of Christ again. Many Christians around the world observe this week as ‘passion week’ or ‘holy week’. Some even enact His sufferings by fasting, beating their body, bearing the cross or even by hanging on the cross. On Good Friday, some churches conduct special mourning services. And on Sunday, with the celebration of resurrection the forty days lent period will be over and feasting time begins. Then waiting for another year to remember the sufferings of Christ!

        In spite of such religious ritual, it seems the world as a whole has forgotten the sufferings of Christ. Often we hear people comment on great historical figures who sacrificed their life for certain ideology, but no of them see beyond the recent history. It appears that the world is consciously trying to put Christ out of view.

        We who claim to know the word of God and follow it vigorously should examine, ‘do we actually remember the sufferings of Christ’? Is our remembrance of the Lord’s suffering only confined to a ritualistic celebration?

There are three things we should notice in connection with the sufferings of Christ.

1. Christ wanted His disciples to understand His sufferings clearly.

        That’s why we see the Lord repeatedly spoke about it in advance. “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify. And the third day He will rise again.” Matt. 20: 18, 19 cf. 16:21; 17:22; Mark 10:32.

        The Lord Jesus Christ knew all the details of His suffering. It was not an accident; in fact He came purposely to suffer to as determined in the eternal plan of God. But before He went through those painful hours, He made every effort to make the disciples aware of it.

        We know they failed to comprehend it fully. Not only they became sad on hearing it, Peter even tried to stop Him from going through such agony. Matt. 27:23; 16:22, 23. Even after the death of Christ they did not fully realize the implications of Christ’s suffering. We see the risen Lord rebukes them for their failure in understanding the Old Testament predictions about the sufferings of the Messiah. Luke. 24: 25—27, 44—46.

        Certainly, our ignorance of Christ’s sufferings and our neglecting of it hurt the Lord very much. He wants to reveal the truths involved in all what He went through from Gethsemane to Calvary. Just as He opened the understanding of those who walked on the Emmaus road, may the Lord open our eyes to see what actually happened to the Lord in His agony. (Ref. out line)

2. Christ wanted His disciples to remember His sufferings.

        By instituting the Lord’s Supper He made it sure that the disciples will remember and proclaim his sufferings and death till His second coming. Cf. Luke. 22:19; 1Cori. 11:24—26. The early Church observed it daily in the beginning and later on every Lord’s Day. (Acts 2:46; 20:7; 1 Cori. 16: 2; Rev 1:10)

        Does it mean we should think of Christ’s sufferings on every Sunday only? I believe the person and the work of the Lord should be the meditation of our heart constantly. And the thoughts of His humiliation and exaltation should move us to live for Him.

3. The Lord wanted His disciples to follow the path of suffering. Luke 14:27; John 21:19

        Not only had He suffered in our place to atone for our sins, Peter says, it is an example. We must be willing to suffer as the Lord- unjustly as well as patiently. 1Peter 2:21; 3:18. “Therefore let us go forth to Him, out side the camp, bearing His reproach.” Hebrews 13:13.

        Disciples indeed faithfully fulfilled the Lord’s desire. They understood all that is involved in the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ – of course the Spirit of God revealed it to them. Not only they experienced the benefit of it –forgiveness, access to God etc- they also proclaimed it ignoring all the difficulties. 1 Cor. 11: 26; 15:3; Acts 2:23. And they gladly followed the Lord in the path of sufferings. Acts 5:40, 41; Colo. 1:24; Phil. 3: 10.

        As the world is remembering the agony of Christ, let us examine very closely, how much does it affect our day to day spiritual life? Let us remember the pain that He bore for us, live for Him and proclaim it to the world that deliberately ignores it. . If we don’t do it who else will do? <img src=";

Out line:-

Sufferings of Christ according to Peter. 1 Peter 5:1

  1. He suffered unjustly.            1 Peter 2: 21, 22.
  2. He suffered as planned eternally.           1 Peter 1:11, 12
  3. He suffered in the most humiliating manner.      1Peter 2:23
  4. He suffered in the most painful manner.          1Peter 2:24
  5. He suffered as a substitute of sinful man.   1 Peter 2:21, 24; 3:18
  6. He suffered an efficacious suffering.             1Peter 2:24b; 3:18
  7. He suffered as a triumphant one.         1Peter 3:21b, 22.
  8. He suffered as an example.       1 Peter 2:21; 4:1

Study Note: -

Honourable Conduct in the Society 1Peter 2:13—17

       A believer’s conduct should be excellent everywhere. Follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though the Lord spoke against the sins of the leaders His time, He never tired to overthrow the authorities. Apostles and the early church, even after suffering persecutions from the authority exhorted Christian’s to honour those who rule over them! They never rebelled against any government at the same time preached the gospel of Christ that changed lives to live like light in this dark world. Read More

Anecdote: -

Substitute Soldier

       During the Second World War, one of the prisoners from the Nazi concentration camp in Poland escaped. The enraged commander announced to the 600 prisoners of the camp that if the escaped prisoner was not found, retribution would be on the lives of ten among them,”

       The fugitive was not found. The next day evening, on July 1, 1941, the camp commander Col. Fritsch lined up all the prisoners and began to select ten out of the, calling out ‘You;’ ‘You’ and asking to come forward. One man who was thus selected, cried out, “My wife! My poor children!”

       When he had chosen ten prisoners and they were lined up to be marched off, one of the other prisoners came forward and offered himself to be taken up in the place of the man who cried out. Though astonished the camp commander accepted the offer of Maximillian Kolbe and spared the other man. Kolbe died a martyr.

News & Views:-

'Obsession with Fair Skin'

A report published by Hindustan Times recently exposes the danger behind the so called fairness creams. According to the report in 2002-03 the fairness cream market was worth Rs. 500 crore. In 2008 – 09 it became Rs. 1364 crore and this year they expect Rs. 1500 crore business. The report suggests that the entire fairness cream industry survives as a “superstition”.    More

Matters for prayer:- 1

North India Bible Institute, Alwar India

Bro. T. J. Joseph request the prayers for their graduation service and missionary conference from April 7 to 9, 2010. they expect the former graduates and evangelists from Rajasthan and near by places to participate in this annual programe.
A short term program for Hindi speaking brothers is also will be held from April 12 for two months. For details contact: +91 144 2336 249 Email:-

Matters for prayer:- 2

Sathyam Theological Seminary Kattappana, India

Bro. C. V. Vadavana of Sathyam Ministries, requests the earnest prayers of the saints for the ministry of Sathyam Theological Seminary, located among the timbered foothills of north Kerala. On 16th March 2010 they had their 3rd graduation ceremony when 18 students passed out of the Seminary.
These dedicated and committed students will actively get involved in church planting in different states of India.
For details contact: Phone : +91 868 250369 E-mail:

Worthy Quotes:-

Suffering :-

“The Son of God suffered unto the death, not that men might not suffer, but that their sufferings might be like his.”

_________________________George Macdonald

“Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Bear at peace, then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagining.”

_________________________ Francis de Sales

 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out monthly, aiming the overall spiritual growth of Christian Believers.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


“ Therefore since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind.." 1 Peter 4:1