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Issue No.081 March, 2011; Unexpected World Events; Funeral - Charles E. Wigg

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.081 March, 2011


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In this issue:-


Unexpected World Events

Recent incidents in different parts of the world once again bring before
us this question, ‘what is going to happen to this world’? Consider the
devastating earth quake and the Tsunami in Japan. The Japanese
government is still fighting to contain the radiation from the nuclear
reactors from the affected area. One commentator said, ‘It proves the
superiority of the nature’. Another expert added, ‘we never imagined a
natural calamity of such magnitude, it happens once in thousand years’.

Remember, earth quake is not new to Japan; they are well prepared for
it. Even from school they learn how to face such disaster, yet the
latest was so destructive and beyond their expectation.

What does it teach us? We can not simply hope to be safe and secured
even with all our preparedness and technology aided precautions.

The Revolt     

Consider, what is taking
place in the Arab world. Who did expect such revolt in these countries?
Dictators who ruled with an iron fist for decades had to flee for
safety. The others are worried. Citizens rise against their own
government and the government shoots them back mercilessly. Folks of the
same race fight against each other. The so-called super power bombards a
sovereign nation and escalates the tension. Even the allies are not able
to agree for the right action.

The out come of these events are far reaching. The destruction of life
and property, displaced people, escalating cost of living and the
uncertainty over various spheres of life are just some.

Man may attribute it as unexpected or as nature’s fury, but for a
Christian these are not. For His Lord has already spoken of it. Matthew
24: 6—8.

The Response     

to such future catastrophic events the Lord Jesus Christ reminded His
       a. “See that you
are not troubled.” V. 6.

       b. “Know that it is near”.
V. 33
       c. “Watch therefore”
v. 42.
That is exactly what we need to do now. We ought to know the
times and realize that this world can not continue the way it is going.

How can we ignore the evil that is growing in this world? Sex is
commercialised every where. Moral values have no place in this
materialistic world. There is absolutely no fear of God the creator, no
regard for his co-being but glory in their shameful activities.

Even the so-called saints are competing to show their wealth and enjoy
their life. There is too much pride, too much luxury. The only aim man
seems to have is to enjoy life in it’s full – eat, drink and make merry.

Isaiah writes it poignantly, “The foundations of the earth are
shaken. The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the
earth is shaken exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a
drunkard. And shall totter like a hut; its transgression shall be
heavy upon it,
and it will fall, and not rise again.”
24:18c – 20.

Reach out

this from the word of God we ought to be ready for the coming of our
Lord as promised. We don’t need to be troubled, for our God has
well-designed the future purposes and nothing happens against His
permission. Our foremost responsibility today is to communicate this
Biblical truth to all around us, so that they too will be ready.

As the people of this world are worried and confused about the
unforeseen world events let us make known the truth of the word of God
which man seldom pay attention. Apostle John exhorts, “The world is
passing away
and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God
abides forever.”1John 2:17.

William Macdonald has put it interestingly, “When a bank is braking
smart people do not deposit in it; when the foundation is tottering
intelligent builders do not proceed. Concentrating on this world is like
re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. So, wise people do not live
for a world that is passing away.”

Our safety depends on our God. He is able to protect us from all the
dangers and even through it. His promise is, “Fear not I have
redeemed you…..When you pass through the waters I will be with you, and
through the rivers they shall not overflow you, when you walk through
the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.”

Isaiah 43:1b – 3. Let us trust in Him, testify Him and tarry for Him.

Out line:-


Better Testament. Hebrews 7:22

Better Sacrifice Hebrews 9:23

3. Better Promises. Hebrews 8:6

4. Better Hope. Hebrews 7:19

5. Better Possession Hebrews 10:34

5. Better Country Hebrews 11:16

5. Better Resurrection Hebrews 11:35

Anecdote: -

A family Confession

One Sunday morning in a
Communion Service a father with a tender conscience felt convicted
because he had broken a strict family rule by taking some peanut brittle
when no one was looking.

This may not seem serious to us, but is happened during the depression
when thing like candy were greatly prized. Furthermore this particular
family had a solemn agreement that no one, not even the parents, would
help themselves to a treat without the knowledge of others.

Returning home still filled with guilt, the father stumbled through a
confession as he admitted to his wife and children what he had done. The
incident did not stop there however, for he heard little daughter Ruth
crying after she had gone to bed. When he asked her what was wrong,
blurted out that she, not the neighbour boy whom everyone blamed, was
the real culprit who had stolen the chocolate cake form the kitchen a
few days earlier. She said her conscience had made her miserable, and
then added, “Daddy, when you told us about peanut brittle, I knew I had
to tell about the cake!”

The next morning at breakfast Ruth acknowledged her wrong, and this
brought about confessions from her brothers. One had been corners on
piano practice; another had lied about his home work. With everything in
the open the family felt drawn together in a new and wonderful way.

Prayer & Praise:- Home Call

Charles E. Wigg, Tasmania, Australia

Well-known itinerant missionary Charles E. Wigg, went to be
with the Lord on last Friday March 25, 2011 in Burnie, Tasmania. He had
been residing in a Nursing home for quite some time.

For the last one year his health was deteriorating. His memory as well
as eye sight was getting weaker. On 17the September 2010, sitting on a
wheel chair he celebrated his 80th birth day in the nursing home when
his immediate family and few friends around him.

Two months ago his conditions became more serious. Last Friday (March
25) most of his children, grandchildren and dear ones visited him, that
evening as his eldest son was reading from 2 Corinthians 4 & 5, dear
servant of God was promoted to glory to be with Christ whom he served
zealously for the last many years.

Many around world will miss dear uncle. He used to visit India often and
take series Bible studies across the country. He was very particular
about teaching the New Testament Church principles which many
conveniently neglect these days.

He also found time to write his studies. When this writer began to send
this e-periodical, he joyfully contributed his studies on Tabernacle and
it was a blessing to many. A good number of his articles are uploaded at

His simplicity, godly life and sincere love have influenced many.
Without any hesitation he adjusted to any situation. Truly, numerous
believers and servants of God will cherish the memory of this great man
of God.

Let us remember the family members in our prayers especially his wife
Bev Wigg who is in the same Nursing home, and the children and their
families. (John & Jaya; Ian & Marj)

Funeral service is scheduled to be held on FRIDAY 1st April at 11am, in
‘Vincent Funeral Chapel’ in Burnie, Tasmania, Australia .

Let me close with a quote from dear uncle. In an article entitled, "Will
we see our loved ones again?", he concludes, “We feel the parting, and
the years since our loved ones left us seem to drag, but they feel no
parting. For them there is no time to drag. But all is eternal joy. Even
so, Come Lord Jesus!”

Study: -


The Bible reveals the basic
need of man and the kind of salvation he is in need of. His need is not
just salvation from enemy or disease. His need is spiritual salvation
and internal change. That’s what Christ offers through His work of
salvation. What is the need for such a salvation? -- HE IS IN DANGER.

The Bible very clearly says that man is in a dangerous condition. He may
not be aware of it. Even he / she may not feel much about this perilous
state. Notice that often a patient is not aware of some of the serious
sicknesses he is having in his body. Experts may notice it from certain
symptoms. A thorough investigation alone will reveal the true state of
his health.

Similarly we may feel good in the normal sense but close examination
will show certain symptoms. Bible not only refers to the symptoms of
man’s dangerous spiritual state but it reveals his true estate as
well.... More

Worthy Quotes:-


“Terrible days are coming, the
awful days of The Great Tribulation; dreadful though they are what we
are witnessing is but the beginning of sorrows. Truly it is time for us
to lift up our heads, because the day of our redemption draws nigh.”

_____________________  Charles E. Wigg

“Tomorrow has two handles: the
handle of fear and the handle of faith. You can take hold of it by
either handle.”

  _________ Author Unknown



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory
of God & the Joy of the saints.


and earth shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Mathew


Grace & Peace