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Issue No.083 May, 2011 :: "The Giving Pledge" ::Rajasthan Believers' Conference '11

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.083 May, 2011


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In this issue:-


“The Giving Pledge”

It seems more and more American billionaires are finding it a pleasure
to give rather than accumulating. US investor Warren Buffet along with
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates have initiated a project called ‘The
giving pledge’ to urge the richest people in America to pledge half or
more of their wealth to charity. So far 69 US billionaire families have
taken the pledge and the latest one is Silicon Valley venture capitalist
Vinod Kholsa. Buffet has already pledged 99 % of his assets in Berkshire
Hathaway towards philanthropy. This pledging group include the CNN
founder Ted Turner, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Oracle co-founder
Larry Ellison and Face book founder Mark Zuckerberg.

As these business tycoons are delighted to give and encouraging others
to taste its enjoyment, it would be good to consider Christian giving
according to the word of God.

May be to avoid possible misinterpretation many Bible teachers and
preachers often avoid this topic. The result is many are ignorant of the
scriptural principles of giving. Those who give traditionally keep on
giving and those who have only learned to accumulate keep on
accumulating. However the interesting feature is there are some others
who misuse this ignorance to squeeze money
from the hands of Christians using any method as the worldly fund
raisers do. It’s very important for believers to know the Biblical basics of giving as well as
fund collection.

True ownership

Basically, giving by a
Christian believer is different from the above mentioned billionaires.
The later gives for charity, being concerned towards a need or the
needy. But a Christian gives to God, acknowledging that the Lord is the
legitimate owner of all what he is handling. We are only stewards of
God’s resources. He has graciously allowed us to enjoy these things.
(1Timothy 6: 17, 18)

Listen to what God declares to the people of Israel, “Every beast of
the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills….. The world is
Mine and all its fullness.”
Psalm 50:10—12. “The silver is Mine,
and the gold is Mine.”
Haggai 2:8.

David realized it well for he says, “…All that is in heaven and in
earth is Yours; is the Kingdom….all things come from You and of Your own
we have given you.”
1Chronicles 29:11—14.

When we are fully convinced of the divine rights on all what we possess,
we will be more than willing to give, not just for a need, but knowing
fully that it is our need to give. There are some believers who are
looking for needy people to whom they may give. Or they are waiting for
an appeal from some one who is desperately in need of funds. As long as
they don’t see any body crying for help, they think it’s not necessary
for them to give.

Serious mistake

In the book of Malachi the
Lord rebukes Israel for stealing His portion. “Will a man rob God?
Yet you have robbed me! But you say, ‘in what way have we robbed You?’
In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have
robbed Me. Even this whole nation.”
Malachi 3:8, 9. Deliberately
neglecting to give to God and His purposes is a grave mistake. The Lord
takes it very seriously.

There are some who argue that in the New Testament there is no
instruction to give tithe. Such an argument only proves the lowest
spiritual level of that believer. In fact our attitude to money actually
indicates our spiritual state. (Luke 19:8, 9; Matthew 6:20)

Of course, we are not under the law, but grace. We are not supposed to
give just a tenth portion as the law says, but we ought to give as much
as possible, with all joy. Since we have received so much, we ought to
give much to the Lord. The sad thing, even after receiving plenty in
every facet some do not even consider the aspect of giving.

Secret giving

There are few who are
willing to give, but only to relatives, influential men who come with an
appeal, or to those who will acknowledge them appropriately. What is
Christ’s instruction? “But when you do a charitable deed, do not let
your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
Matthew 6:3.

True giving is not for a name or fame, but giving quietly as directed by
God for we give that which belongs to God. .We must find it as a joy to
give to God and His purposes. Whether giving to a full time servant of
God or to the needs of a local assembly we must consider that we are
giving to God His own money.

Sure reward

The Lord challenges the
Israelites who failed in their giving, “Bring all the tithes into the
storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this.”
Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of
heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room
enough to receive it.”
Malachai 3:10.

        It’s a proven fact
that God is never a debtor to any body. As we present ourselves and all
what we have at God’s disposal, He accepts it as a sweet smelling aroma
and returns the same, may be much more to be used again for God’s glory.
The well known verse on God’s provision in the book of Philippians is a
promise to those who give. “….My God shall supply all your need
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Phil 4:18, 19.

Givers do receive. The joy and satisfaction we get as a result of giving
must be experienced by all. It’s a partnership work with the Lord in
providing for the needs of His people who live by faith. As a result,
not only the needs of the saints are met, God is honoured and glorified
as well. Moreover the givers are also blessed and rewarded.
(2Corinthians 9:12—14, 6, 10; Luke 6:38)

When the secular men enjoy it and advocate for it, how much more we
believers should practice it. May not be just to copy them, but give as
the Lord demands us in His word.

Out line:-


It’s the Lord’s commandment. Exodus 25:2

It’s part of worship. 1Corinthians 16:1—3; Heb 13:15

3. It’s a testimony. Luke 19:8, 9

4. It’s a grace. 2Corinthians 8:1

5. The Lord takes a note of it. Luke 21: 1—4

6. Sure results. Malachi 3:9; Luke 6:38; Acts 5:12

7. An eternal investment. Matthew 6:20; 2Cori. 9:6, 10

Not all giving pleasing to God. Malachi. 1:8, 19; Matt 26:23;

So Give:-
   a. willingly. Exodus 25: 2; 2Corinthians 8:4

cheerfully. 2Corinthians 9:7

liberally. 2Corinthans 8:4; 9:5, 6.

systematically. 1Corinthans 16:2

quietly. Matthew 6:3

Anecdote: -

Raven with a Ring

This is a true story of a German peasant Dobry, who live with his family
near Warsaw. Due to extreme poverty, he was unable to pay the rent and
the landlord threatened to remove them out of their small home. That
evening the family went to the nearby church and worshipped the Lord.

After the service they stayed back and poured out their problems to God.
When they came out of the church, a raven, which the family had tamed
years back flew to them with a ring set with precious stones.

On investigation it was found that the king had lost the ring while he
was passing through Warsaw. Dobry returned it to the King and was
sufficiently rewarded for his honesty. This money sustained them through
their difficulties.

Gospel: -

The Way of Salvation

As man face the
consequences of his sin and living in a perilous state, he has sought
ways to be saved from this hopeless condition. Each religion is the
result of this effort. Even today man do try to escape from the havoc
sin has brought about in his life.

Detergents may remove the
filth of the body, but who can cleanse a guilty conscience? Cosmetics
may improve external beauty, but internal beauty and peaceful heart
comes from God. External inducement like friendship, entertainment, and
sightseeing, traveling, reading and mind stimulating activities may give
a feel-good experience, but just for a brief period. Yet with all such
external stimuli's, man is not permanently happy and peaceful

News: - 1

Royal Weddings – Indian Style

Recent royal wedding in
England may lose its splendour before the modern wedding programs of
certain Indians. According to a report published by the Hindustan Times
(8/5/11), number of Indian business men opts for marriage ceremonies in
a foreign land. More

News: - 2

Faith and Wealth

According to a survey in
America, there are correlations between American’s background, their
education and income. Survey finds Hindus and reformed Jews as more
educated and wealthy… More

Prayer & Praise:

Rajasthan Brethren Assembly
Believers’ Conference ‘11

Brethren in the state of
Rajasthan, India have prayerfully decided to hold a family conference at
Alwar from 6th Oct. to 9th Oct 2011. Brethren Assembly work in Rajasthan
was started fifty years ago in Kota. It was the prayerful effort of five
young graduates from Hindustan Bible Institute Madras, who heard the
call of this desert land and set out to reach there at any cost.

      Ministry in
this barren land was not easy. They had to face much hardship;
especially persecution by the locals was so severe. One of the
evangelists who joined them later was killed mysteriously in Alwar.
Praise God, the Lord’s work continues in Rajasthan.

      Today there
are 33 Brethren Assemblies and 32 full time evangelists serving the Lord
all over Rajasthan. North India Bible Institute, situated at Alwar
Rajasthan is one of the leading Bible training centers in India.

organizers expect around a thousand participants for this four day get
together at Alwar to praise God for His faithfulness in the past 50
years. The invitation goes to all the believers who have been in
Rajasthan with the Assemblies since the beginning of the work; even if
they have left the state to work or settle else where.

commemorate this event the brethren are producing a souvenir. Believers
every where are requested to pray and support this endeavor. For more
details kindly contact Bro. T. J. Joseph at   Phone +91 144 2336249 / +91 9413066102

Worthy Quotes:-


“Only one life, ‘twill soon be
past. Only what’s done for other will last.”

_____________________  Proverb

““Give according to your income,
lest God make your income according to your giving.”

  _________ Author Unknown  

“Do not give, as many rich men
do, like a hen that lays an egg, and then cackles.”

  Henry Ward Beecher.



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
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“It is
more blessed to give than to receive” Acts

Grace & Peace