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Issue No.084 June, 2011 ; Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.084 June, 2011


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In this issue:-


Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding

While writing to the Church at Colosse, Paul tells them about his
prayers for them. One of the prayer points is that they “may be filled
with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding.” Colo 1:9. Paul considers it as one of the most important
needs of God’s people. He makes such prayers for other believers also.
Cf. Eph. 1: 19.

Christians should have the knowledge of God’s will for their lives. In
v. 6 we read that Colossians knew of God’s grace. That’s how they got
saved. But that’s not enough. They should know what God demands from
their life. Here the reference is not to the specific will of God
applicable to each individual in a particular situation, but God’s
general will applicable to every one in any circumstances.

Super Knowledge

The word Paul uses for
knowledge is not the normal word, but ‘epignosis’ that refers to a
‘super knowledge’. Knowing God and His will is true knowledge. It is
this knowledge that leads to our salvation. Cf. John 17:3. But a
salvation experience is not enough; we need to grow in our knowledge of
God and His will. 2Pet 3:18.

God has revealed His will
through the Bible. 2Timothy. 3:16, 17. “All scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be
complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” As God has a well –
designed path for every area of our life, it is very important for us to
know His word thoroughly. Thus we will be sure of God’s will for our
life and activities.

Deep Knowledge

Notice the word, “be
filled” – not just a shallow knowledge. Our knowledge of the scripture
should not be just a vague idea, but a complete and thorough ‘knowledge
of His will’ filling our heart and mind. When the Spirit of God fills
our heart we are controlled by Spirit. Eph 5:18. Similarly when the
knowledge of God’s will is filled in our heart, we shall be controlled
by His will for us. That will be perfect, acceptable and pleasing to
God. Rom 12:2.

There was a time born again Christians were known for their
understanding in the word of God. They were well-versed in the New
Testament doctrine. But alas, today many believes do not even know the
basic doctrine. They do have an experience of personal salvation, but do
not take the effort to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will.
That’s a very dangerous condition.

The word of God very clearly speaks about the consequences of being
ignorant of God’s word. Isaiah says the reason behind Israel’s captivity
was their ignorance. “Therefore my people have gone in to captivity,
because they have no knowledge.” Isaiah 5:13. Hosea goes further; “My
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6. In the book of
Jeremiah we see the Lord repeatedly laments over Judah, ‘My people do
not know’. Jer 5:4; 8:7. In the New Testament we see the Lord saying to
the Sadducees, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of
God.” Matt 22:29 (KJV)

Yes, ignorance of doctrine is not a simple issue. Not only we make
mistake we will lead many others also in to false path and even
destruction. That is exactly what taking place in certain places. Many
who lead them are ignorant of the New Testament teachings. People just
follow them as if everything is right.

Paul’s prayers is valid today, ‘be filled with the knowledge of His
will.”. However even knowledge is not enough. Paul adds two more things.
Wisdom and Understanding. “You may be filled with the knowledge of His
will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” Colo 1:9.

Wisdom & Understanding

Wisdom (‘Sophia’) refers to
the ‘ability to accumulate and organize principles from scripture’ and
regulate conduct accordingly. Understanding (‘sunesis’) is the ‘capacity
to apply this wisdom in every situation which demands a moral decision’.

Merely knowing certain biblical facts is not sufficient. We must able to
rightly divide the word of truth and bring out principles that govern
personal as well as assembly life. Then as the situation arises we must
be able to apply it. No wonder David prayed that God may give Solomon
wisdom and understanding. 1Chro 22:12. Paul also made similar prayer for
Timothy. “May the Lord give you understanding in all things.” 2Timothy

Learning various branches of knowledge may make one an intellectual
giant. But knowledge alone does not make us spiritual or fit for God’s
service. There are even people who studied ‘theology’ for decades yet do
not understand the simple gospel truth that saves a sinner. Likewise,
many theological ‘doctors’ fail to grasp the New Testament church
principles and practices. That’s why Paul prays that believers may have
not only knowledge but also wisdom and spiritual understanding. What
shall we do to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom
and spiritual understanding?

Pray & Meditate

To begin with, we need a
strong desire to know and do God’s will. Then with prayerful attitude we
should meditate upon the word of God on a regular basis. Cf. Jn 7:17;
Pro. 2:3; James 1:5. Eph. 1:17; 2Tim 2:7. It is the work of the Sprit of
God to open our eyes of understanding as we go through His word. Pro.
2:6. As we familiarize with the word of God, our mind becomes a
spiritual mind. The word of God will richly dwell in our heart. This
helps the Sprit of God to lead us in to every truth. Cf. Psa 119: 98,
99, 104.

Let the prayer of Apostle Paul be our concern. Let our heart and mind be
filled with the knowledge of God’s word. Let us ask the Lord to give us
enough wisdom and understanding to grasp the divine truth and live

Out line:-

Five Gatherings

Sorrowful gathering Matt. 26 17 – 25

Hopeful gathering John 20: 19, 20.

Triumphant gathering. Act 2:44

Spiritual gathering. Matt 18:20

Glorious gathering. 1Thess. 2:1; Eph 1:10

Anecdote: -

Not Strangers

A beloved daughter lay dying, but her body and soul recoiled from death.
“Don’t let me die! Hold fast! Oh, I can’t go.” It was said to her.
“Jenny, you have two brothers in the other world, and there are
thousands of tender hearted people over there who will love you and take
care of you.” But again she cried; “Don’t let me go ; they are strangers
over there.”

But even as she was pleading her face turned upward and her eyes were
filled with the Divine recognition. Her eyes grew brighter and brighter
as she gazed. At last said: “Mamma, they are not strangers; I’m not
afraid!” Her form sank, she was gone.

Gospel: -

The Basis of Salvation

How can a holy God save
sinful man? Is it not contradictory to God's justice, holiness, and
immutability? Yes, God can not simply overlook sin. Cf. Hab 1:13 ; Rom
1:18 ; 2:5. (We have seen already that man can not save himself either.
Cf. Is 16:1—7; 47: 11; Psa 14:3; Isa 59:2; Rom 1:18 ; 3:20 , 23. )

God's attributes are
consistent and unified. He can not lay aside one for another. (We are
not so, some changes in our mood and principles possible.). God's
holiness demands that sin must be punished. God's love moves Him to save
sinner. Upholding His holiness and justice, God did demonstrate His love
for guilty sinners. That's the work of salvation accomplished through
the cross of Christ. Cf. Rom 3:24 , 25; Col 1:20 , 21; Gala 3:13 ; 1Cor
1:18 .

Worthy Quotes:-

Wisdom & knowledge

“Wisdom is humble that he
knows no more”

_____________________  William Cowper

“There is no fool so great as the
knowing fool.”

  _________ C. H. Spurgeon  

“Knowledge comes but wisdom

  Alfred, Lord Tennyson



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
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Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.”
 Proverbs 3:1

Grace & Peace