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Issue No.087 September, 2011 :: Suffering for the Saints

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.087 September,


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In this issue:-


Suffering for the Saints

Christian’s attitude to life is entirely different. Common people and
even immature believers fail to comprehend it. Consider the attitude of
Apostle Paul as he suffers in jail. He writes, “I now rejoice in
sufferings for you.” Colossians 1:24a. Though he is writing from prison
he has no complaint, regret or question. In Philippians the other book
he wrote during the same imprisonment, refers to believer’s joy around
17 times and exhorts the readers to rejoice in the Lord.

was the general approach of the early Christians to rejoice in their
sufferings. When the apostles were beaten and threatened by the Jewish
council, they took it as a privilege. In Philippi, Paul and Silas were
severely beaten with rod and imprisoned. Yet they chose to sing praises
to God. Cf. Act. 5; 16: 23 – 25. Apostle Peter tells us that his readers
too were rejoicing exceedingly even after going through various kinds of
trials. 1Peter 1: 6

This is true Christian
response to difficulties in life. We should not be moved or negatively
influenced by what is happening around us. Adverse circumstances in life
or difficult people we face should not take away our joy and peace of

How is it possible? How can we be happy when everything is against us?
For common people it is difficult. Their joy is based on external
things. When every thing is well, enough wealth, good position,
fulfilled desires etc they are happy. But a Christian’s joy comes from
with in as a result of his union with Christ. His joy is the joy of the
Lord. Cf Phil 3:1; Neh. 8:10; Rom 14:17; Gal 5:19. It is supernatural
and spiritual. That’s why even after going through various painful
events a believer remains undisturbed and peaceful. That means an
unbeliever can not experience it unless he / she is born again.

Enjoying difficulties

Yet, not all true born
again Christians are fully prepared to suffer joyfully as apostle Paul
says in Colossians 1:24. Most of us do prefer some comfort in life. Who
desires difficulties! But Paul is enjoying his troubles. There are many
reasons to be attributed to such an attitude: his trust in the Lord, his
hope in the coming of the Lord and the glory associated with it
including the rewards for his labour etc. But the most important factor
that must challenge us today is his conviction that he suffering is for
the sake of God’s people.

is happy that through his difficulties in life, many more will be saved,
edified and encouraged. To the Corinthian Christians he wrote ‘as the
sufferings of Christ abound in us our comfort also abounds in us, we are
afflicted for your comfort and salvation’. Cf. 2Co 1:5, 6. “So then
death worketh in us, but life in you.” 2Co 4:12. ASV

Such an approach to spiritual life is necessary if one is to be useful
for the Lord and His people. We must find it a joy to suffer for the
sake of the Church – the body of Christ. Be willing to spend our money,
energy, time, prestige, material etc, etc for the sake of the Church –
the people of God.

2Cori 11: 23 onwards Paul gives a list of all the adversity he faced in
his life while serving Christ. Even today, as we serve God and His
people we will have to face similar difficulties. Apart from the
possible aggression from those who oppose the gospel, many sleepless
nights, long journeys, many sacrifices etc. are part of those who serve
Him. Willingness to face it joyfully results in the joy and growth of
God’s people.

a challenge

When we bear all that God
allows in life, it’s a challenge to others, our life becomes an example
and the Lord’s is glorified in our life. He will begin to work in and
through us. Look it at any point of view, it is the joyful suffering
saints that leave a lasting impression in the lives of men and women for
the glory of God.

Out line:-

Paul’s sufferings: - Their
fruit for others.

Eph. 3:13 – Instruction.

2Cori 1: 3—7 – Comfort.

Phil 1:12 – 14: - Courage

Anecdote: -

Thanks for Fleas

Corrie ten Boom says this story of heir Nazi Concentration camp which
was filthy and full of fleas. Her sister Betsie, imprisoned with her
insisted that it is God’s will and thank God for this too. But giving
thanks for a flea infested place seemed unrealistic to Corrie until she
realized why the guards didn’t come in to their barracks to make stop
praying and singing.

Guards wanted to avoid fleas. So prisoner were free to worship and study
the Bible. Fleas too can be an agent of grace. Little trials, petty
annoyances are ways that the Lord teaches us spiritual lessons. When the
trials burden us to murmur –give thanks –even for the fleas. 1 Th.5:18.

Worthy Quote:-


“Every one wants to rejoice with
Jesus; few are willing to bear anything for him.”

_____________________  Thomas A Kepmpis



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights
Edited and posted by NTK for the
Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


bearing about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be
manifested in our body.”  2Co 4:10


Grace & Peace