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Issue No.089 December, 2011 || Opportunity: seized or skipped? ||

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.089 December,


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In this issue:-


Opportunity: seized or skipped?

Once again we have reached the end of another year. It’s time again to
remember the wonderful works of God in the past to praise Him. Also it
gives us an opportunity to evaluate our life and activities to correct
and commit ourselves before the Lord.

should not forget that the Lord in His grace and mercy has extended our
life. Each day, even every moment is His gift. When we consider the
number of death taking place around us through many ways, yet we
continued to see the end of this year, it’s purely God’s providence and
we should seriously consider the purposes behind it.

Extended time
There are many
such Christians, sincere and serious they are, go through such mental
agony. They only find mistakes and abnormalities in others. This kind of
mind-set is not good for our health both spiritually as well as
physically. Even our friends and the family members will be affected
negatively by such approach to life.

Luke Chapter 13, through the parable of a master who sought to cut down
the fruitless tree, the Lord Jesus Christ poignantly presents the truth
that every extension of life and opportunity is His kindness and with a
definite purpose. He wants us to realize that He expects fruits from us
and continue to give us opportunity and needed resources to be fruitful.
Do not forget, it’s for ‘one more year’!

So, as we have come to the end of another year, take a look at the way
we used the God-given occasions, so that we may be more careful in the
days ahead.

the New Testament we see certain people who missed their chances and
lamented later. At this juncture it would be good to consider their
failures to examine ourselves.

1. Failed to make sure of eternity. Luke 16: 25.

We believe it’s a true story. The rich man who
ended up in Hades laments now. Father Abraham reminds him of the good
things he enjoyed while living on earth and the impossibility of any
help now. He miserably failed to consider the condition of his soul.
Millions today make this mistake, simply going on day after day enjoying
the pleasures of this world.

More than any thing else let it be our priority today, may be even now
to examine the true state of our life our death. Even if we do nothing
else, we ought to make sure that our sins have been forgiven and we
belong to Christ for eternity.

2. Failed to be watchful. Matthew 25:10 – 13.

The parable of the foolish virgins who failed to
be ready while waiting for the bridegroom teaches of the importance of
watchfulness and readiness. Do not just assume that everything is
prepared. The Lord wants us to be ready always to receive Him. We are
not supposed to be entangled in the things of the earth and slumber

3. Failed to use Master’s resources wisely. Matthew
25:26, 27.

The two men who got talents from
the master traded with it and made it double. But one of them simply
kept it. Did not seize the opportunity to do business for his master by
the resources he had entrusted. What was master reply? “You wicked and
lazy servant”!
    •  Consider all the good
things we have enjoyed past one year, how much have we utilized for the
purposes of God. Our time, energy, riches and all that we possess have
been graciously provided to us by God so that we may use those things
for His glory.

Sad, many believers are selfish like the people of the world, thinking
all what is mine is for me and my children alone. During the past one
year, how many hours have we used for the things of God, how much money
we spent for the service of God?

4. Failed to serve the Lord. Matthew 25: 43 --45.

Here we see a group people who will argue at
the time of judgment for their failure to serve the Lord. Their argument
is that they never saw Christ hungry, thirsty or naked. That means they
never found an opportunity to serve Him. The Lord’s response is
noteworthy. “In as much as you did not do it to one of the least of
these, you did not do it Me.”

Now, some one would try to find it in the dispensational point of view
and try to escape from their responsibility! Let us not neglect the
valuable truth implied here. The Lord in glory takes note of our
services for His people. During the last one year what have we done for
the fellow believers who were in need?

5. Failed to pray. Matthew 26: 40. 41.

The apostles failed to make use of the time to
pray. Even after the Lord commanded repeatedly, they simply slept. And
the result is found later, Peter takes the sword which he was not
supposed to do. Matt 26:51. Even earlier also they failed to pray and
became powerless in their service. Cf. Luke 9:28, 32, 40.

It’s a fact, more than anything else we find it difficult to pray! The
reason may be because, our enemy knows the effectiveness of prayer and
hinders us from true, serious prayer life. Oh, can we just blame the
wicked one for our failures and continue our prayerless and powerless

Yes, we do pray, that’s for name sake. Apart from the normal daily
prayers at home or assembly, how much time do we spend at the feet of
Christ, praising Him and pleading for various matters. It’s time to
examine our personal prayer life. Do not forget, in the past one year
God gave us enough opportunity and even special occasions to sit and
pray. Have done that faithfully and satisfactorily?

Passing time
brethren, shall we lot consider these matters and make necessary
corrections before too late. Our time is running fast, and there is no
meaning in regretting later. Now is the God-given occasion to fulfill
our various responsibilities. Skipping or neglecting it will only lead
us to untold difficulties, confusion and even loss in future.

So, while praising God for the New Year in which we are going to enter
very shortly, examine the past sincerely to see if we too have failed in
the above mentioned area and ask the Lord to help us to live a better
life ahead.

not forget, even as we examine ourselves, we may feel that every thing
is right. Cf. Proverbs 16:2, 25; 14:12. Our knowledge is limited. We
need God’s own help to see the real state. So, let us pray with the
“Search me O God and know my heart; Try me and know my
And see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in
the way everlasting.”

Psalm 139: 23, 24.

Related topics: - Time to examine
// A
New Beginning

To all our esteemed readers, well wishers and prayer
partners, we prayerfully and sincerely wish a very happy and
Christ-centred New Year 2012.

Out line:-

Time (2Cori 6:2)

Time for repentance. Act 17:30.

Time for humiliation. James 4:5 – 10

Time for confession. Romans 10:9

Time for asking. Matthew 7:7

Time for receiving. Hebrews 3:7.

Anecdote: -

Lost Rope

the English cost there are men who climb the cliffs for eggs. They are
let down by ropes and fill their baskets as they stand on projecting
ledges. One man as he began to collect happened to let the rope slip,
and there he stood helpless as the rope swung out – a hundred feet from
the top of the cliff, and many more from the angry sea below him.

     Instinctively he knew that he must catch
that rope as it swung back the first time, because it then swung nearer
to him than it would again, and lose it meant starvation and dizziness
and a plunge into the sea below.
watching intently, he calculated its speed where it would swing in and
as it came he jumped for it, and – caught it. If he had not done it then
he would never have done it.

Worthy Quotes:-


“I recommend you to take care of
the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves.

_____________________  Chesterfield.

“Yesterday is a cancelled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only cash you have, so
invest it wisely.”

_____________________  Unknown.

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 'Grace  & Peace' is an
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights
Edited and posted by NTK for the
Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."
 1Corinthians 6:2b ASV

Grace & Peace