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Issue No.090 February, 2012 Divine leading |Home Call:- - Evangelist Babu Thopil

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.090 February,


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In this issue:-


Divine leading: Believer’s Privilege

It is one of the wonderful privileges of a Christian that he is being
led and guided by the Lord. Before we came to Christ, we were wandering
as sheep. We could never have come back to our Master. It pleased the
Lord to search and find us as a Good Shepherd by giving His life. In His
grace He has brought us back to the fold and constantly leading us as a
Great Shepherd. 1Peter 2:25; John 10:10. Heb 13:20.

Even though we know this truth, are we really conscious of this fact and
live accordingly. He is our Lord and the Master who is concerned about
our safety, satisfaction and progress. But do we take it seriously and
abide by His leading and guidance.

Listen what the Lord says to the Israelites, “Thus says the LORD, your
Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches
you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go. Oh that you had
heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river..”
Isaiah 48:17, 18a.

Notice how passionately the Lord God is calling upon the people of
Israel to be submissive to His leading, for that alone can bring joy and
peace to them. Beloved in this uncertain world, as our knowledge and
ability is limited; it is the care and control of our Lord that sustains
us. He knows exactly, the way we ought to take. Our impression and
preference may go wrong. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but
its end is the way of death.” Pro. 16:25. How we ought to yield
ourselves to His leadership. Let us consider few aspects of the divine
leading in our life.

1. He leads us by holding our hands. Psalm 73:24.

The Lord is not far away
from us. We walk together, He holds us at certain times even He upholds
us on His shoulder. Psa. 37:24; Luke 15:5. That’s a wonderful method of
leading us. We don’t need to worry about the steps ahead. Our
responsibility is to hold on to His hands and walk along with Him.

2. He leads us by His counsel. Psalm 73:24.

As we walk with the Lord
holding on to His hands, he gives us valuable lessons. Cf. Mat.11: 29.
He will help us to hear a still small voice from behind. If we are
successful in recognizing the voice of the Lord in every moment of our
life, we shall be saved from many errors and adverse events. Are we
really committed to hear His counsel and keep life accordingly?

3. He leads us by His eye. Psalm 32: 8.

Psalmist again sings of the
way the Lord leads His people. He is watching every movement of a
Christian and carefully observing our path. Isaiah says, “He will lead
His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lamb with His arm, and
carry them in His bosom. And gently lead those who are with young.”
Isaiah 31: 11. See, how cautiously the Lord takes a note of our state.
He leads us fully knowing our state; He will not allow anything that is
beyond our ability. Cf. Due 32:11, 12.

4. He leads us continually. Isaiah 58:11a

With out any stop or
interruption the Lord leads us. If at all we face any failure or feeling
of an absence of divine leading, it’s because of our own failure to
acknowledge and appreciate the sustaining hands of God. Even when we
fail Him, He does not take away His attention towards us. In the most
adverse circumstances of life God’s people have the privilege to
recognize the divine hands that lead them mysteriously. May His name be
     However, are we prepared to
allow the Lord to take leadership on our life continuously? Do we think
that in certain matters of life we do not need the guidance and control
of the Lord?

5. He leads us to satisfaction. Isaiah 58:11

When He leads us there is
no confusion or complication. No need to regret later. He will make
darkness light for us and crooked places straight. Cf. Isaiah 42:16. He
will lead us only to the right path and destination: to peace (Luke
1:79), to refreshment (Psa 23:2), and to right decision (Psa 25:9).

Beloved, there are much more about the various aspects of the wonderful
guidance and leading a Christian is privileged to experience through
Jesus Christ. He leads us by example (Jn. 10:4); He leads us to the end
(Psalm 48:14). But the question is; are we conscious of it and yield to
the Lord continuously? No need of worry or anxiety, just listen to the
voice of the Spirit of God who indwells in us and be obedient to His

not forget, it is through the word of God –Bible -
that God speaks to us today. To be led and guided by the Lord, one
should read and meditate upon His word. Then we shall be in the right
path, fulfilling God’s purposes in our life. The satisfaction and peace
of mind resulting from God’s guidance and leading is indescribable and

Out line:-

Christian and the world

Sent in to the world. Jn 17:18

Preaching to the world. Mark 16:15

3. The light of the world. Phil 2:15

4. The light of the world. Phil 2:15

5. Live godly in the world. Titus 2;12.

6. Not conformed to the world. Rom 12:2

7. Love not the world. 1John 2:16

Passing through the world. 1Peter 2:11

9 No friendship
with the world. James 4:4.

Anecdote: -

A Pretext

A wolf wanted to find a pretext for devouring a lamb drinking from a
river. He accused the lamb of muddying the water so he could not drink.
The lamb replied that he drank only with the tip of his tongue and was
standing lower down the river.

Then the wolf accused the lamb of insulting the wolf’s father the
previous year. The lamb replied he was not even born then. “You are good
at finding answers”, said the wolf, “but I am going to eat you up all
the same.”

Study Note: -

Characteristics of a Good Minister.
1Timothy ch. 4.

K.S. Thomas Mumbai

“If you instruct the
brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus
1Timothy 4:6a.
Introduction: - Apostle Paul
outlines the essential qualities of a good and effective Servant of God.
Though we do find many other useful traits elsewhere in the word of God,
we will see only from this chapter, what Paul; one of the greatest
ministers of Jesus Christ wants to say about a good minister.

1. Nourished in the words of faith. V. 6.

Not only it speaks of the
constant reading and meditation of God’s word –it refers to the
obedience of it. “Words of faith and of the good doctrine you have
carefully followed”. Nourishment comes by obedience. A good minister
would obey the word and then instructs. This verse speaks of a suitable
spiritual diet.
2. Spiritual exercise. V. 7.

Home Call:

Evangelist Babu Thopil, Katni, India.

Evangelist Babu Thopil
(55), Katni, India was called home on Sunday 29th January at 7.30 am at
Katni, MP. He was about to take his jeep to bring believers from faraway
villages for worship service that morning. His sudden death is
attributed to kidney failure. Funeral was held at Katni Christian
Cemetery, on Tuesday 31st Jan in the presence of many believers who came
from different part of India and abroad.
Our dear was a diabetic, he also had a stroke and paralyzed earlier. The
Lord wonderfully .... More.

Worthy Quotes:-


“Man proposes, God disposes.”

_____________________  Proverb

“I am satisfied that when the
Almighty wants me to do or not to do any particular thing, he finds a
way of letting me know it.”

  _________ Abraham Lincoln



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.



Grace & Peace