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Issue No.095 July, 2012 | Power of Truthfulness

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.095 July, 2012

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In this issue:-


Power of Truthfulness

Analyzing the weapons of a Christian warrior, Apostle Paul states that
truth is the belt a believer has to wear always. Eph. 6:14. A Roman
soldier used a belt for various purposes, like protecting the lower
parts of his body and using it as a sheath for the sword. But the main
function was to tuck in the loose ends of his garments. Without a belt
the flying garments would hinder his movements and he will not be able
to fight a good warfare, even he may fall in between.

Belt essential
Paul finds
that a belt makes a solder well prepared for a battle, so a Christian
believer also needs such a belt that can protect him from hindrances and
make him ready for a good fight. Christ also referred to the need of a
belt for a Christian: “Let your waist be girded”. Luke 12:35. Peter
writes, “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind...” 1Peter 1:13. Not
only to succeed in our spiritual warfare but also to be ready for
spiritual service and even the imminent rapture, believer needs to wear
a belt. Cf. 2Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 12:1.

        What is that belt a
Christian has to wear? Definitely they did not refer to the normal
girdle, for they speak metaphorically. Paul wants to say it is the truth
that works as a belt. Now, what is this truth? Different ideas emerge.

The Lord Jesus said He
is the truth. John 14:6. Yes, He is the embodiment of all the truth. A
believer who stays close to the Lord and allow Him to control life will
be strong, well-prepared and successful. Cf. Romans 13:14.

The word of God
The word of
God also is the truth. John 17:17. “Your word is truth”. As we hold on
to the word of God and permit that word of truth to hold us too, we
shall be strengthened and equipped to face the assault of the enemy.
This happens as we discover the truth of God’ word personally through
regular meditation and study. That newly discovered truth tightens our
spiritual life and then no one can distract us from His path. Cf. Eph.
4:14, 15.

Both the above
ideas are meaningful and appropriate. But there is one more thought,
which is our truthfulness. No doubt the Lord and His word are holding us
nevertheless our being true to Him and His word, also affect our
spiritual life and service. In fact, with out being true in the
innermost part of our being even the Lord Himself hates our outward
piety. How often the Lord Jesus Christ renounced the hypocrisy of
Pharisees, for their religious activities were just a show. Cf. Matthew
23:25 – 28.
        Through out
the Bible we see how much God values our truthfulness and hates our
deceitfulness. Cf. Gen 3: 9, 10; 4:10; 17:1; Deut. 13:3; Psa. 51:6;
2Chro. 29:17; Isaiah 1:13ff; 59:14, 15; Zech. 8:16etc. God does watch
our heart and intentions and even reveals it before our own eyes. He can
not associate with us or bless us as longs we live in insincerity. At
the same time He will be very pleased in our sincerity and commends it
too. Cf. John 1: 47. “Behold an Israelite, in whom is no deceit.”

        Not only we must be true
to God, we ought to be true to one another in our words and deeds. Cf.
Isaiah 33:15; Psa. 15:2; Eph. 4:25; 1John 3:18; Tit. 2:7. There should
not be any ulterior motive or hidden agenda in our life. Phili. 1:16.

No Wax
One of the matters
Paul prayed for Philippians was that they may be sincere till the day of
Christ. Phil. 1:10. Bible scholars say that the word ‘sincere’ comes
from the Greek words ‘sine cera’ meaning ‘no wax’. The shop keeper who
sells quality furniture would hang such a board to say that it has no
hidden hole or crack that has been filled with a wax. He wants to say,
‘what you see outside is true inside too’. Such should be our life too,
inside and outside the same.

        Remember, sooner or later
others come to know of our reality. If others find us as not trustworthy
and genuine, they lose their trust in us and that will affect our
relationships. On the contrary, a sincere, truthful life gives
credibility to a Christian and that gives him a good standing before God
and man. Even we will feel a kind of boldness and strength other wise we
would never have experienced. 1John 3:21. That means we wear the belt of
truth, we are gripped and guarded by truthfulness that in turn makes us
equipped to face the spiritual warfare.

Example of Paul
Listen to
Paul, “Our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we
conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity.”
2Cori. 1:12. Notice the joy and confidence of Paul, knowing well that he
leads life of truthfulness. Further Paul declares, he never changed his
words or adulterated the word of God. Cf. 2Cori 2:17, 18. He had no
hidden objective in ministry, used no cunning craftiness, no tricks etc.
2Cori 4:2. Such a conviction produced inexplicable strength and
satisfaction to Him. No wonder he compares truthfulness to a belt that
can strengthen just like a soldier who is strong and ready to fight.

By Grace alone
How can we be
honest in such a manner? Can a sinful man boast to be truthful by his
own strength? We can not forget this fact that there is none righteous
and even the born - again child of God can not be pure in his on
strength because of the indwelling sin nature. That’s why Paul adds in
this context, “not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God…” 2Cori
1: 12c. We need the grace - the undeserved favour - and help of the Lord
to lead such a life. That means we have to acknowledge our true state
and yield to Him moment by moment to be empowered by the Lord to lead a
true life.
        Beloved, how
is your belt? Are you girded by truthfulness? Double life, insincerity,
hypocrisy, inconsistency etc make us weak and vulnerable. Our Lord Jesus
Christ is consistent in His words and deeds. 2Cori 1:19. Let us follow
Him. There is power in integrity and good conscience. Let us gird up our
loins with truthfulness and be well-equipped to fight a successful
spiritual warfare.

Out line:-

The False

Devil’s counterfeits of God’s realities

False Christ’s Matt. 22:24; 1John 2:18

False Apostles. Revl 2:2; 2Cori 11:13.

3. False Teachers.2Peter 2:1; 2Timothy 3:8

4. False Brethren. Gal 2:4; 2Cori 11:26.

Anecdote: -

Nothing can be hidden for long

One day a man walking through an old graveyard, noticed the sexton
making an excavation, perhaps digging a new grave on the site of an old
one or removing some remains. The grave-digger had thrown out a skull.
The man noticed an old nail sticking in that skull, dropping his
handkerchief down upon it by way of hiding the mysterious and rusty nail
from the sexton’s eye; he withdrew the nail from the skull.

        He then asked the sexton
whether he knew anything about the person to whose body that skull
belonged. O yes, the sexton was well acquainted with his history. It was
the skull of a man who died in his sleep many years before. Learning
that dead man’s aged widow was still living, he sought an interview with
her. Confronting her with the mysterious nail, he said: “Woman, do you
know that nail?”
        She was
so struck by that unexpected question as if an enquiry from another
world, she confessed that she had murdered her husband in his sleep by
driving that nail into his skull.

Study Note: -

Salvation in various dispensations

Since salvation is based on the work of Christ, what happened to those
who lived prior to Christ? To clear this question we need to consider
God’s plan of salvation in various ages. A dispensation or age is a
period of time in which God dealt with man in a particular manner.
Generally we classify the time from eternity to eternity in to seven
dispensations. More

Worthy Quotes:-


“Be so true to thyself as thou
be not false to others. “

_____________________  Francis Bacon

“Honesty is the first chapter of
the book of wisdom.”

  _________ Thomas Jefferson  

“The shortest and surest way to
live with honour in the world is
to be in reality what we would
appear to be.”



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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
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in me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me” Psalm


Grace & Peace