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Issue No.096 September, 2012 | Impressive Spirituality | All India Workers' Conference

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.096 September,


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In this issue:-


Impressive Spirituality

We live in a world where outward show is widely applauded and
appreciated. We love to see something spectacular in all things. What
happens behind the scene is only secondary.

        Consider how media
projects certain products or persons. There are plenty of agencies who
create attractive ads by which any product, person or issue is promoted
and people blindly follow them without considering much about the
reality. They assume that the well known product is the best; famous and
prominent are worthy of honour and the most talked about issue is
        Such a scenario
makes many to think that in every thing there ought to be something
impressive; or else people will not value us.

        The word of God teaches
that similar attitude can creep in our spiritual activities too.
Intentionally or unintentionally we may tend to conduct a particular
service or program, just for the sake of showing off our power, name or
position. In Matthew 6:1 The Lord Jesus Christ warns us against
it.“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in
order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your
Father who is in heaven.”

Saint’s Hypocrisy
Jews of His
time displayed their piety in public for self-glory and promotion. They
gave to poor with much fanfare, made long prayers in the public and made
known their fast with sad appearances. They had no hesitation even to
glorify themselves before God. Luke 18:11, 12. The Lord says
unequivocally, they who do such things are hypocrites. Cf. Matt. 6: 2,
5, 16. It’s only acting; there is no truth behind such activities.

        We see similar indicting
declarations in the Old Testament too. In the book of Isaiah and Amos we
see the Lord telling them that He is tired of bearing their lip service.
He even says that He is not at all delighted in their sacrifices and He
will not listen to their prayers. Cf. Isaiah 1:11, 14; 29:13; Amos 5: 21
– 23. How sad is such a state. Still it is possible if we do not take
care as the Lord warned us in Matthew 6:1.

Divine Displeasure
Do not
forget, our best spiritual service could be a trouble to the Lord! Our
prayer, preaching, giving, fasting etc could be unacceptable and corrupt
before God. He does not merely look to the external extravaganza, but
looking for sincere love and devotion from our innermost being. He is
not at all impressed by our outward show; on the contrary He is so
displeased and pronounces it loudly.

        How seriously we must
take heed of this truth. We may be able to gather public support and
admiration by cleverly conducting a religious activity. But we can not
escape the all-seeing eyes of the Almighty God who hates our
self-promotion and ambition. Not only it’s hypocrisy, it’s a waste of
time and effort in the sight of God. Man may take note and honour us but
there is no reward from God.

Examine ourselves
Of course
we can not judge other’s activities for we do not know the secrets of
man. 1Cori 4:5. Nevertheless, we ought to judge ourselves. 1Cori 11: 31;
2Cori 13:5. Why do we sing, pray, preach, give etc? What is the motive
behind some of our spiritual services? If we have created a façade to
impress man, be ready to pull it down and be true in and out.

        Definitely, the Lord
knows our intentions and one day He will reveal it and even recompense
accordingly. Ecc. 1214; 2Cori 5:10. Let us make sure that whatever we do
today is for God’s glory alone. Refuse to draw any self-gain out of a
spiritual activity. Let us be happy to be unknown to man but known to
God. 2Cori 6:10. Let us patiently wait for His appreciation and reward.
No man can judge our life and performance, so why worried over man’s
        Let the Lord
Jesus Christ alone be pre-eminent in all things that we are engaged in.
May His name alone be glorified and exalted through our life and

Out line:-

Warning Words

Beware of Covetousness – the heart. Luke 12: 15

Beware of Men – the mind. Colossian 2:8; Acts 20:28 – 31.

3. Beware of False Teachers – the path. 2Peter 3: 17.

Anecdote: -

The Worth of a Name

Robert E. Lee of great military fame was approached after the Civil War
by the managers of the infamous Lottery Louisiana. He sat in his old
rocking chair crutches at his side, and listened to their proposition.
He couldn’t believe his ears; he asked them to repeat it, thinking that
he could not have heard them aright.

        They said they wanted no
money from him, all they wanted was the use of his name; and for that
they would make him rich. Lee straightened up in his chair, buttoned his
old grey tunic about him, and thundered, “Gentlemen, I lost my home in
the war. I lost my fortune in the war. I lost everything in the war
except my name. My name is not for sale, and if you fellows don’t get
out of here I’ll break my crutch over your heads.”

Matters for prayer: -

All India Workers’ Conference

Gospel Fellowship Trust of India (GFTI) is organizing a conference for
commended full time servants of God and other assembly leaders in India.
GFTI is a premiere service agency among the Brethren Assemblies in
India, at present serving over 900 full time workers who enjoy current
commendations of their home assemblies from all over India.

        The four day conference
will commence on 16th October 20102 at TWR camp center, ECR, 90 kms away
from Chennai in South India. The speakers include Bro. Paul Young UK,
Bro. William Yuille Canada, Bro. Allan Wilks USA, and Bro. John Kurian
        Apart from about
550 English speaking evangelists, the organizers expect few assembly
elders and leaders from across India and even abroad. This is the 18th
conference GFTI is arranging, the last one held in 1998.

        Kindly uphold this
special get-together of the Lord’s servants. For more details kindly
Koshy Zachariah
) or
Shaji Philip

Matters for prayer: -

Short term Bible School
Maharashtra, India

Maharashtra Evangelical Trust, an assembly based organization has
prayerfully decided to hold a short term Bible school for six months
from 15th September 2012. The programe will be held at Christ
Shishyalaya, Bhuigoaon, Nallassopara West, Thane District.

        Though few brethren have
taken some initiative in the past to conduct such short term classes for
new believers in Maharashtra, this is the first time such a Bible school
is being arranged in a systematic manner. Pray the efforts will bear
fruit and many young men of Maharashtra will be able to learn the word
of God in a systematic manner in their own language. For more details
please contact
(Bro. Amis Lopes)

Worthy Quotes:-


“A bad man is worse when he
pretends to be a saint.”

_____________________  Francis Bacon

“One may smile, and smile, and be
a villain.”

  _________ William Shakespeare


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Christian Believers.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights
Edited and posted by NTK for the
Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


in me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me” Psalm


Grace & Peace