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Issue No.099 || Time to judge self, not others ||

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.099 December, 2012
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Time to judge self, not others

        Once again, we have come to the last days of a year, it is time to look back and evaluate our life and performance to plan for a better New Year. Some how, most people find it difficult to examine themselves as much as they judge others. Even they find it very easy and entertaining to scrutinize the life of others.
        Consider the joy and excitement of watching a match being played. The spectators carefully look at every moment of the players and analyze as they progress in the game. Audience will never think about the mental strain and physical effort of the players. What actually excite the viewers, the success of their favored team or the failure of the other!
        Same thing happens in every day life too. We may enjoy judging others from a distance but what about our own performance. If we were in the same circumstances what would have been our response? In connection with our spiritual life, it’s more relevant and important. By judging all others except ourselves we are actually deceiving ourselves. Being obsessed with finding fault in some one’s lives, we lose the precious opportunity to correct and mend our own ways. Such an attitude does not bring any benefit in our life.
        Of course, there is a healthy aspect of judging others – that must be done by the oversight of a local church, not on the motive of people but in connection with their doctrine and practice. Cf. 1John 4: 1—4; Revelation. 2:2
        The word of God categorically condemns the bad habit of judging the heart of others. Cf. 1Corin 4:5. For example, seeing some one silent and does it’s not talk as usual, how can we judge the intention behind it. Such behavioural differences may occur due to various reasons, and we have no right assume the cause. We can never understand the true state of their heart to pass an accurate judgment.
        This kind of judgmental attitude leads to unwanted criticism and accusation and there by hurting many hearts and breaking off many relationships. Ultimately it will destroy our own life, for we will be stamped as critics or even sadists and many will stay away!
        On the contrary, if we judge ourselves to see the true state of our life and make necessary corrections, we shall progress for better. The word of God exhorts every Christian to examine themselves occasionally. Cf. 1Cori 11:28; 2Cori 13:5; Gala 6:4; Lama 3:40 etc. The end of another year is definitely the best occasion to see where we stand in our spiritual life and service. How did we use our time last year? What contribution we made for the cause of Christ?
        Remember, even to judge ourselves we need the help of the Holy Sprit. 1Cori 2: 14, 15; 4: 4; Job 9:20. God alone knows the exact state of our heart. Cf. Jer. 17:10. So, beloved let us come to the Lord with a sincere and open heart and plead with the palmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me...” Psa 139: 23, 24.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1