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Issue No.116 August, 2014 | The Presence of God: The Place of Enlightenment

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


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"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.116 August, 2014
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In this issue:-


The Presence of God: The Place of Enlightenment

               “It is good for me to draw near to God” Psa 73: 28a
Intellectual knowledge of the presence of God and a personal experience of it are entirely two different things. Often this experimental knowledge of God’s goodness is preceded by intense struggle in a believer’s life. If such difficult phases of life lead us closer to the Lord then we ought to be grateful even for the painful event of life.

The struggle
That’s what we see in Asaph’s life narrated in Psalm 73. He began to look at the wicked instead of God and His people. As the psalmist began to view life through the eyes of a worldly man his spiritual understanding is lost, everything became confusion to him. The result is doubt, stumbling, envy, depression, guilt; ignorance, pain etc. cf. Psa 73: 2, 3, 13, and 16.
        This is what happens when we take our eyes away from the Lord. It is the spiritual perspective that helps us to see everything in a different manner. The moment one loses this spiritual vision we begin to evaluate life in a wrong manner. Even begin to behave like a beast. V. 21
        That’s why the author of Hebrews exhorts the readers focus their eyes on the Lord Jesus. Heb 3:1; 12:2. Heroes of faith had such a telescoping vision. Heb 11: 13, 16. They looked beyond the immediate circumstances even the earthly sojourn of their life. That’s how they kept their faith even in the midst of untold sufferings and lived faithfully till the end. 11: 13a.

The solution
Nevertheless Asaph, with all his perplexity and pain comes to the sanctuary of God. Psa 73: 17. What a wonderful change! There he understood the truth. The one who was about to fall; with full of doubt, jealousy and confusion has been enlightened, strengthened and comforted. Psalmist understood the secret behind the apparent prosperity of the wicked and God’s wonderful care for him. Moreover, he saw his own foolishness. Cf. Psa 73: 21, 22. He did acknowledge his ignorance and brute nature.
        This experience taught Asaph that God is good and it’s good for His people to draw near to Him. Yes, it’s true for us too. In the midst so much disturbances and perplexing thoughts let us draw near to Him. There all our questions will be answered, doubts will be cleared and fears will be taken care of. We will be shown the reality even of ourselves. Not only that, His presence will break us and make us humble too.
        It is then God begins to mould us. God’s way of dealing with His people is always this. Think of any great servant of God they all had similar experiences that finally broken them with the vision of God’s presence and His purity. Cf. Isa 6: 1—8.

The sympathy
In our weaknesses and limitations the throne of grace is our refuge. The Lord Jesus our great High priest is interceding for us sympathetically with out any break. We are called upon to approach there any time for grace and mercy. Heb 4: 14 – 16. The hymn writer says it poignantly, “Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayers”.
        Yes, all our struggles, the hurt and the perplexity reveal our need to stay closer to the Lord. How is it possible today? No other way, except spending time in meditation and study of His word as well as pouring our heart before the Lord in unrestricted prayers.
        There, He will whisper to our hearts, teach us His ways and broaden our vision. We will know how he holds our hands, guides us with His counsel and finally going to take us to glory. What a privilege, what a blessing! Who else do we need? Let us desire Him alone and stay close to Him.
        ”Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee;
        All along my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with Thee.”

Out line:-

Three things about prayer   Act 16: 25

    • In time of prosperity. 1King 8: 22; Act 10:1
    • In time of adversity. James 5:13
    • In time of danger. Luke 22: 42; Matt 14: 28 – 33.
    • In time of dense darkness. Jona 2:1; Luke 23: 42
        • It puts us in to contact with God. Dan 9: 23
        • It acquaints God with what we need. Phil 4: 4 – 7.
        • It makes it possible for God to help us. 1King 18: 36 – 39; Act 4: 31.
        • True prayer is always crowned with success. John 14:13; Act 4: 31
            • It starts God’s machinery. Dan 10: 10 – 21.
            • It makes Satan tremble. Eph 6: 10 – 20; Jam 4: 7
            • It frees man from sin. Luk 22: 40
            • It enables God to move foundations. Matt 17: 19 – 21.

Anecdote: -

Faithless Prayer

        There was a small town which had been ‘dry’ since many years. Once a business man in that city decided to a set up a pub and began the work. A group of Christians who were concerned about the bad effect of this bar in that small city began to conduct special prayers asking God to deal with this issue. As the prayer meetings progressed one day a lightning struck the bar and it was completely burned.
        The owner went to the court against the church saying it was their payers responsible for this destruction. The Church hired a lawyer to argue against this claim and he did it effectively. The judge observed, ‘no matter how this case comes out, one thing is clear, the bar owner believes in prayer and the Christians do not.’

Worthy Quotes:-


“If I should neglect prayer but a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith.”

_____________________  Martin Luther

God can pick sense out of a confused prayer.

  _________ Richard Sibbes  

He who has God and many other things has no more than he who has God alone.

_____________________  C.S. Lewis

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“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13 ESV