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It's Then

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

When earthly ease is stripped away,
And I am cut to the bone,
When I discover my feet of clay,
Or I am left alone;
When friends forsake, and laughter flees,
And worldly passions wane,
When losses buckle me to my knees,
And there's no end to pain --

It's then the tears that cloud my sight
Become the prism of grace,
And eyes once closed to Heaven's light
Can look upon God's face.
When nothing's left, and all is gone,
I find God waiting still;
My night surrenders to his dawn,
My stubborness, to his will.

>From murky depths of mad despair,
I turn to seek, to cry;
I find that he was always there,
Will be there when I die.
He'll carry me through death's chilly gate
To life at Eden's tree;
For heaven I'll neither be early or late
When Jesus comes for me.

We're early this week, for a change, because of
the holiday weekend. I'll be traveling and
speaking at a men's event, and my mind is focused
already on it.

Read background to the poem and a bit of
explanation at this link:


On "Wisdom" (2007 March 28):

I really liked this poem. It was very timely for
me as a bit of Fatherly wisdom as today is my
birthday. A good time to reflect on these truths
and to soak them into my daily life. Thanks!
--Chris, Cleveland, Tenn.

[Happy birthday, Chris! I'm glad we got this
little present in under the wire for your big day.
God bless you with wonderful opportunities for his
service. --Randal]

1. Make it a conversation. Talk back ...

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