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Posted by: bsurtees <bsurtees@...>

I have just read this:


"Hello from Renown Hospital. I have to first apologize for not writing an update for two days. Tuesday was spent in airports all day and yesterday was spent touring rehab facilities in Santa Clara, San Fransisco, and Oakland. I am very excited to tell you that Joey is out of a coma. This is not something that occured over night but has been occuring over the last couple of days. This does not mean that Joe is up walking around, carrying on a conversation, or back to the old Joe. This means that he is responding when you tickle his feet, he responds with blinks, but most of all he is responding by shaking his head No or Yes and verbally by saying, "hum hum." This a very exciting step for everyone here at the hospital including the medical staff. When Megan and I saw him for the first time last night I couldn't believe how well he has progressed. I was giving him a hard time last night about the Patriots and he got a smile on his face. I was tickling his feet and he pulled them away and got a smile on his face. Megan told him that she was going to start tickling me if I didn't quit and he got a grin on his face. We spent about 20 minutes with him last night and towards the end he seemed to be getting tired. I asked him if he was getting tired and he said, "hum hum." I asked him if he was ready to go to sleep and he said, "hum hum." He went to bed shortly after. I just came out of his room and he was getting tired and I asked him if he was tired and he shook his head, YES. Last night when Tim saw him, he shed a few tears as Tim is know to do and Joey knew his Dad was sad and started to cry. This morning he told one of the nurses, "don't that hurts." These are all huge steps for Joey. The medical staff here is very excited.

Yesterday we toured three different rehab facilities. One thing about the type of rehab that Joey needs is that there is not any real groundbreaking, latest and greatest techniques. All three of the facilities can fully meet Joey's needs. All three facilities do one hour of PT, OT, and speech therapy a day 6 days a week. A typical stay for someone like Joey would be about 2-3 months. He would then be transferred home and continue on with outpatient therapy. The first place we went to was the Children's Hospital in Oakland. This is the only facility that is strictly devoted to pediatrics. This is probably the most prestigious of the three facilities. They publish the only Journal stricly devoted to pediatric rehab in the US. The editor- in-chief would be Joey's primary physician. They have the capacity to take care of 17 rehab patients and they currently have 7 with traumatic brain injuries. Four of these came in with similar injuries to Joey's. The next place we visited was UC-San Fransisco. This facility is a little newer but does not take care of as many rehab patients as Oakland. They have the capacity to treat about 6 patients. Like Oakland, this facility is very capable of taking care of Joey's needs. Finally, we went to Santa Clara which is the furthest away from Minden. This was also the smallest of the three facilities and currently don't have any rehab patients . Dr. Peters said that all three would be great facilities and that Robbi and Tim need to pick the one that is most convinient for them and the one they are most comfortable with. Santa Clara was quickly ruled out as they don't have any family housing like San Fransisco and Oakland do. A final decision has not been made yet but it looks like it will be Oakland. This is mainly due to their location and their reputation as a leading pediatric rehab center.

After I saw Joey myself, there was no doubt in my mind that he will make a complete recovery. There no doubt will be down times in Joey's journey but for now Megan and I (and I think Tim, Robbi, and the entire medical staff) are riding a high. These times are very exciting and I can't wait to go back into his room and see what he is going to do next. Once a decision is made on which facility Joey will go to, it will take about 48 hours for all the paper work to go through and Joey to be transferred. Great day and lots of excitement around here. I will update the site later this evening.

I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And I thought you wouldn't mind me (Brian that is) adding a prayer I came across along the "I believe" line of meditation.

"A Prayer to Jesus

Jesus, I believe in you,
Jesus, I hope in you,
Jesus, I love you.

I believe in you for those who do not believe.
I hope in you for those who have never hoped
and for those who have lost hope.

Sweet Jesus, I trust in you.
I trust in you for all, with all, in spite of all,
and forever.

Jesus keep me close you
Jesus  keep close to me.










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