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"JUBILEE" REVIVALS - remarkable

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

"JUBILEE" REVIVALS - A Remarkable Cycle
-Andrew Strom.

["WHAT was 'JUBILEE' in the BIBLE?" - below].

It is very important to realize that in America, the Great
Awakenings that have hit this land have come roughly every
50 YEARS. This is such a strong pattern in the USA that it is
remarkable. Ever since the 1740's, God has been sending a
massive "JUBILEE REVIVAL" here every fifty years. The last
two were the 'Azusa' Revival of 100 years ago and the great
Healing Revival of 50 years ago.

We are now entering the Jubilee "window" again - at this very
moment in America. That is why there is such an urgency right
now. This window cannot be allowed to pass. It is God's Jubilee
for the nation, going back 250 years - and the line must not be
broken. We are in a truly critical hour. Below is some info on
'Jubilees' that was posted on the " "
forum recently.
"What was JUBILEE in the BIBLE?"
-posted by 'Solo'.

The concept of the Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins
and universal pardon. In the Biblical book of Leviticus, a Jubilee
year is mentioned to occur every fifty years, in which slaves and
prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies
of God would be particularly manifest.

The Hebrew word translated jubilee is yovel, whose original
meaning is "ram" or "ram's horn" and commemorates the shofar
blown to announce the beginning of the Jubilee year. Yovel
became associated with the Latin term, "jubilum" (from jubilaire -
to rejoice, to exalt) and so entered our Bible as jubilee. On all
other years, the shofar is blown on the 1st of the Hebrew month
of Tishri, Rosh HaShana - New Year's Day. But for the Jubilee year,
the shofar was blown on the 10th of Tishri, which is Yom Kippur -
The Day of Atonement (Lev. 25:9). We will see how significant this
is, as we read on.

And what did the sounding of the shofar proclaim in this special
year? The principal message of the Jubilee year is freedom and
release, "proclaiming liberty throughout the land" (Lev. 25:10).

Josephus, a Jewish historian of the first century, stated that
"Jubilee means freedom." The Hebrew word for liberty is deror
which comes from a root word which means "to live" - not just
exist, but to live a full and fulfilled life. To proclaim this "throughout
the land" is only possible by canceling oppression and restoring
the freedom and heritage of the people.

The three main purposes of the Jubilee year were: 1) the return of
the land to its original owners, 2) rest for the land, and, 3) the
freeing of all Hebrew slaves to return to their families and the family
property. It was a time set aside by God when justice would be
restored. Those that had been depressed into poverty for any
reason were commanded to return home to their family and
repossess their inheritance. It was thus a year of new beginnings,
an economic recovery for everyone in the land. Jubilee was a time
in which God would set right what had gone wrong throughout the
previous years.

There was also a spiritual significance to the Jubilee cancellation
of debt and freeing of slaves at the sounding of the trumpet on the
Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement was the one day in the
year when the High Priest entered the "Holy of Holies" to make
the sacrificial atonement for the sins of the people. During the
Year of Jubilee, those who had lost their physical liberty or
property were to have them restored on the same day that God
forgave the spiritual debts of His people and restored them to
fellowship with Himself. In the year of Jubilee, the sounding of the
shofar must have been like sweet music in the ears of the hearers.
What rejoicing must have taken place. At that moment when the
high priest was making atonement and the shofar was sounded,
every bondservant was set free. Every person who had lost
property regained it. Families were reunited. Homes were restored.
Yes, it was a time of liberty, freedom and deliverance - a
celebration of celebrations!

"The Land Is Mine"

On every 50 year Jubilee, all property (except in walled cities) was
returned to its original owners. The Land of Israel belongs to the
Lord, and the Jubilee year was a reminder to everyone that He
owned it. In Leviticus 25:23, God says, "The land must not be sold
permanently, because the land is Mine and you are but aliens and
My tenants." God did not want anyone to amass a vast portion of
land and think they were the masters of God's land. The law also
adjusted the distribution of wealth in the various classes of the
community, helping to equalize society as much as possible. The
rich and the powerful in society tend to exploit the poor and the
weak. So, the Year of Jubilee allowed the land allocated to each
family to return to that family, no matter what their misfortune
during the years prior to the Jubilee.

Even the land rested under God's comprehensive justice system.
During the year of Jubilee and on every seventh year, the land was
not to be sown or reaped. God provided abundantly the year before
these fallow years to supply His people through the rest period.

If the Jubilee provisions concerning land were respected, it was
impossible to sell a piece of land permanently. The selling of land
was not God's ideal. However, sometimes it was necessary. Since
God expected that it would be returned in the Jubilee year, its
price was to be calculated fairly for all concerned (Lev. 25:14-17).
The valuation was based on the number of years since the last
Jubilee year, and the number of harvests until the next Jubilee.
What one was really selling was not the land, but the value of the
number of crops until the next Jubilee. Thus, it was really a limited
lease on the land paid in full, in advance. This way, when the land
reverted to its original owner, it was a truly just deal for all parties.

"The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to
preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to
release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
Yeshua then said, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

During Yeshua's ministry, He demonstrated the messianic
attributes promised in this passage, which are the same
characteristics of the Year of Jubilee, and more. He came to
"preach good news (the Gospel) to the poor - proclaim freedom for
the prisoners - release to the oppressed (those who are
downtrodden, bruised, crushed and broken down by calamity) - and
the year of the Lord's favor."

Yeshua understood this passage as referring to Himself, and He
joined together the two concepts of the coming of Messiah and
Jubilee. By proclaiming "the year of the Lord's favor," Yeshua was
proclaiming the Jubilee - that is, the year which most pleases
God because it is the year of release for all people....