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Jude 24-25

Posted by: warrenm <warrenm@...>

 God's Keeping Power

Jude 24-25

Preached 5/29/2002


Fairview Baptist Church


Rev. Warren M. Jones

Jude 24-25

24Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

25To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen KJV


"The conclusion of Jude's short letter is a benediction to believers. It is one of the most well known benedictions by Christians all over the world. It is also a great message on the source of the believer's security. What is the source of the believer's security? Who is it that keeps the believer while he walks upon the earth? It is God—God's keeping power."

  1. The Ability of God. [24]

    1. The ability of God to preserve.

24Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling.

    1. It is God who is able to keep us from falling and not we, ourselves. We don't stand on our own but on Jesus Christ!
    2. God alone has the power to keep us from falling in a world that has so much corruption and false teaching.
    3. For God to keep us, we must draw near to Him and stay in touch with Him. How? By daily bible study and prayer and by walking righteously.
    4. Walk moment by moment in open and unbroken prayer, communion, and fellowship with Him.

Dunamai = to be able. P/P/Ptc./D/M/Sg dunamai [dunamai]

fhulazai = to keep safe, preserved. 2A/A/Inf of fulassw [phulasso]

aptaistous = free from stumbling, free from moral stumbling. Acc/M/pl aptaistos [aptaistos]

    1. The ability of God to present.

"… and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."

    1. God is able to make us blameless when we come face to face with Him.

  1. The word 'blameless' means to be spotless and pure, without any defilement whatsoever. amwmous = blameless, unblemished. Acc/M/Pl amwmos [amomos]
  2. God is able to accept us in Jesus Christ, the spotless Lamb of God.
  3. God will accept us in the righteousness of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. God is able to infuse us with triumphant joy in the glorious day that we meet Him face to face. There will be so much to excite and cause our hearts to joy and rejoice:

Believers will take part in the skekinah glory emanating from God's Son at the Second Coming.

  • The glory of God's presence and of heaven
  • The glory of Christ and of seeing Him face to face
  • The transformation of our bodies into perfection
  • The joy of being reunited with our deceased loved ones
  • The unbelievable exaltation of being made kings and priests to rule and reign.
  • The unbelievable exaltation of being assigned the duty of serving God and Christ forever.

  • Stesai = 2A/A/Inf of istemi
  • katenwpion = In the presence of. Adverb/Preposition
  • doxes = glory G/F/Sg. doxa
  • agalliasei = exaltation, extreme joy. D/F/Sg. agalliasis

  1. The Aim of God.

    1. The aim of God is to save.

  1. The Attributes of God. [25]

25To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen

    1. His Glory. doxes = glory G/F/Sg. doxa. An ascription of praise to God.
    2. His Majesty. Megalosune = greatness, signifies dignity. An ascription of praise to God.
    3. His Authority. Dominion meaning force, strength, might. Signifies perfect power-complete might.
    4. His Power. Unrestricted ability. Both now & for ever.
    5. His Wisdom.

    1. God is the only wise God and He is our Savior.

    1. He is the only living and true God—the only God who could ever plan and create the world and man, the only God who could bring about the salvation of man after man had made such a mess of things.
    2. He is the Savior. He alone has the wisdom and power to save man from this corruptible world of sin and evil, disease and accident, death and judgment.

    1. God alone is the God who dwells in glory and majesty, dominion and power.

He alone is the Supreme Glory and Majesty of the universe.

He alone is the Supreme Dominion and Power of the universe.


God is worthy to be praised.

Therefore, the only thing left to do is to shout the praises of Him who alone can save them:


Resource includes class notes from Clear Creek Baptist Bible College and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible, Volume 12, I, II Peter, I, II, III John and Jude, page 407

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

Ibid., 408

If God brings you to it  -
He will bring you through it.
Preacher Jones