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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

Date sent: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 16:09:25 -0500
From: "Millington, Doyle H" <>


Recently, I had a very strange dream, and prayed for interpretation, this is
what I received:

I was in two story house, on the ground floor in an easy chair reading a
newspaper. I heard on the radio that a tornado warning was in effect, and
several tornadoes had been sighted in the area. I thought to myself, "There
are always tornado warnings and sightings in these parts, but I've never
actually seen one myself..." and ignored it.

Suddenly, the wind outside whipped up, and I went to the front porch. The
house was on a great plain, and I could that several miles away an enormous
tornado was devastating the town. There was a small boy about six years old in
the house (odd as I don't have any children) and I shouted to him, "Get in the
basement, NOW! It's the only place that is safe!" Instead, he immediately ran
out in the front yard shouting, "You can't tell me what to do, you can't tell
me what to do, I am going to do what I want!" He ran off, and as I about to
give chase, a tornado came directly into the front yard and the thought came to
me, "If I chase him, we will both die!" Suddenly realizing the child had
disappeared from sight, I ran to the basement.

For a great while the storm lashed the house and several times the noise was so
great I was sure the house would collapse and I would perish. Suddenly, there
was a great calm. When the calm came, I looked out a window, and saw an
automobile high in a tree. There was a man behind the wheel frantically
gesturing, and all I could think was that if the vehicle fell, he'd fall with
it and be seriously injured. As I wondered how I could help him, I realized
that he had no choice but to abandon the car to reach safety.

Suddenly the wind roared again, and the automobile and it's driver were swept
away. To my amazement, the tree the car had been in was completely unharmed;
not a twig broken. All I could think was that the man's refusal to abandon the
car cost him his life.

Again the winds raged, and again I retired to the basement, again worried the
entire house would collapse, and I would perish in the end. Eventually, the
storm was over. Several family members and I spent days cleaning up fallen
branches and debris strewn in the yard. The house's fascia was damaged, but
the house suffered nothing serious.

The police came to investigate the disappearance of the boy, and his body was
discovered in a rain drain. Several days had passed, and the corpse was quite
decomposed, but the police identified the boy by his teeth.

Investigators concluded he suffered a severe blow to the left side of the head,
then ran immediately to the drain, curled into a fetal position, then died.

Lastly, I saw myself before a judge, being investigated for the boy's death. I
began by telling the judge the boy was incorrigible, and utterly refused to
listen. I greatly feared she would prosecute me for not doing more to save the
child, but to my amazement, she just nodded her head and listened. No charges
were filed.

This is the interpretation:

God's judgment is falling upon the land (the church in America in particular.)
The warnings on the radio were the decades of warnings God has sent America
through prophets and Bible teachers. I ignored them thinking there have always
been warnings because it is written, "In the last days many will say, Where is
the sign of Christ's appearing? All things continue the same since our
forefather's day." America has been hearing warnings for so long, we just
don't take them seriously anymore. We yawn and go about our business thinking,
"I've heard this all before, but nothing comes of it..."

The tornadoes represent God's Judgments, they have come to America, and they
will come again (see the part about the sudden stillness, and then the winds
begin to rage a second time...)

The house represented being found in Christ. If the boy had stayed in the
house, he would have been unharmed as the house suffered only superficial
damage. The boy represented the average American Christian (I am persuaded
this dream was for America, and American Christians in particular.) Their
attitude is quite plain, "No one is going to tell us what to do; we shall do as
we please!" Open defiance against an authoritative word is their normal
behavior. I am persuaded the word to "get in the basement" represents prophets
and teachers God has sent into churches, and they've been wholly mocked,
scorned, and ignored. The days are coming that people who ignore the prophets
will suffer great hardships, even losing their lives. God speaks to us to show
us how to avoid disaster, not to lord or dictate over us ruthlessly.

The blow to the left side of the head was significant, it occurred to me that
the Born Again Believer sits on His RIGHT hand, thus the left side of the head
is facing Christ (see Ephesians chapters 1 and 3.) It also occurred to me that
portion of the skull is where the speech centers are, and I was impressed
judgment does indeed fall from God when we won't listen to His Words.

The man in the car represented those that attempt to flee the Wrath to come in
their own strength. I was impressed the car represented religious works,
churches, church organization, and religious institutions. Many people believe
regular church attendance and religious observation will save them. Nothing
can be further from the truth. They believe the church (organized religion)
has the power to save them. Remember, I could only think that the man would
have been saved had he just forsaken the car! But he was determined he would
not! I am impressed organized religion in America is a "sinking ship" and
those that won't abandon ship are going down with her! Depart from her (don't
trust in her to save you, she won't, and can't, even if she wanted to) for only
Christ's Blood shed at Calvary can save! Trust in Him and Him alone.

The final part was a personal message to me. I often fear that I will stand
before Him and be blamed for not doing more to help such persons, but God knows
that NO ONE can help the disobedient and rebellious. Only they can choose to
repent, and that is a matter of free will.