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Juicer advice

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I feel like the Lord has lain something on my heart. I think we are
supposed to start juicing. Up until now I've avoided it because we had no
access to organic produce, however, we can now get it through our co-op.
I'm afraid to spend too much money on a juicer and find that we will not
stick with it. I've been able to find used Champions for under a $100 (the
older ones, yellow, green, etc.). I've also seen the Juiceman advertised.
I would appreciate any opinions. Is there a less expensive juicer that does
a good job but dosen't necessarily have the durability of the champion that
prehaps I could find used on ebay just to find out if we will really stick
with it before investing in a Champion? Thanks...Deanna