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Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


We are very fortunate here in MN to have excellent soil. I haven't met a
person that can't grow something in MN. Our soil was awful in TN and we had
to add tons of stuff to it, bring in sand, bring in topsoil, etc.

If you would like a load of that nice brown stuff from the barn to put on
your garden plot. You are welcome to bring shovels and get a truck
load...we can always use help mucking the barns.

I've known many old time gardeners that begin a new plot by putting a layer
of manure down, then dump their grass clippings and produce refuse right on this all summer. Then when September comes cover the garden area
with straw. The whole thing will freeze solid here but when it thaws in the
spring you will find you have a lovely bed to plant in. Try checking out
the "Lasagna Gardening" from the library. If they don't have it, let me
know and I'll send it via your friend that attends my church and you can
borrow mine for awhile....Deanna