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June 14th Flag Day in USA Idea Central

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~**~ Flag Day ~**~
The first ever Flag Day (USA) was celebrated in 1877. It's the birthday of the U.S. National Flag... which stands for freedom, unity and liberty. So celebrate the day in all its pride and glory with the people you know and love.
The American national flag has come through an eventful course of changes. The flag which we see these days has been effective since July 4, 1960. This was following the inclusion of Hawaii in the United States of America. However, this flag featuring 50 stars on a canton against the background of 13 stripes - 7 red and 6 white - has been evolved through a long course of time.
Over three quarters of a century ago, a 19 year old, $40 a month school-teacher, stirred by a deep love of the American Flag, held the first Flag Day exercises in a little country schoolhouse located near Fredonia. Bernard J. Cigrand, who later became a professor of dentistry and a college dean, began a lifelong crusade on June 14, 1885, to honor the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777.
Thirty-one years later in 1916, his devotion to the Flag was rewarded when June 14 was declared as National Flag Day by President Woodrow Wilson, who said, 'the Flag has vindicated its right to be honored by all nations of the world and feared by none who do righteousness.  In 1949, long after Dr. Cigrand's death, Congress and the President of the United States proclaimed the Flag would be displayed on all government buildings on June 14 and asked the American people to join in the observance of the Flag's anniversary.
The last class at the school was held in 1916. The building stood empty for many years and the land surrounding the school changed hands many times. In 1947 the National Fraternal Congress crusaded for the restoration of Stony Hill Schoolhouse. Restoration began on the building and by 1952 it began to resemble the school Bernard Cigrand knew in 1885. Now, each year on the Sunday before June 14, a special program and celebration is held at the school with additional activities and a parade held in Waubeka.
~**~ Achieve Your Dreams ~**~
To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's.....
Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.

Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don’t give up and don’t give in.
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Hang on to your dreams.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just do it !
Keep trying, no matter how hard it seems it will get easier.
Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Read study and learn about everything important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own destiny.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualize it.
Want it more than anything.
Xcellerate your efforts.
You are unique of all God’s creations nothing can replace you.
Zero in on your target and go for it !
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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