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Just a quick check in!!

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Ok, I know this is a BUSY time of year for most of you. I have tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, blackberries, apple juice, peach juice and who knows what else waiting to be canned.

Just take a quick moment (even if it is a sentence) and let us know that you are alive and well and maybe a bit of what is going on at your house.

My garden did not do to hot this year. I had to buy in some of my things for winter. I am trying to get them all put up before they go bad. I have a lot of tomatoes right now. I am eating them too. I LOVE fresh from the garden tomatoes. Up here, I only get them for a few short months. I am truly enjoying the bounty.

Ok, you lurkers... CHECK IN!!!! 🙂

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!