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Just heard from David

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Just heard from hubby again and the situation is not as serious as it
originally appeared. Apparently several of the terrorists connected with
the hijackers are believed to be in Germany. That's why there are so many
soldiers and police armed to the hilt. It's also the reason they are not
allowing any flights in or out today. However, there is a possibility they
may allow flight to leave Germany soon. They are attempting to get them out
of the country as soon as they can. Sharon you are right in your comment
regarding the NATO nations. Dave read to me a statement that was on his
news station as we were on the phone. It basically said that an act of war
on any NATO member nation is considered an act of war on ALL member nations.
It is up to each member nation to determine their own countries' response.
I think we have alot of people, nations, etc....that are attempting to cope
with this terrible act. No one really knows where this thing is going
except God himself.

Thank you for all your encouraging words. I find myself holding my breath
at different times today. I think I need to go take an herb to calm down my